Once again I have been banned for my language. Everyone in the server where cracking racist jokes with smegs and I asked "where are the TemuTemuTemuTemuTemuTemu jokes?" and got banned. Ive already been banned once so I don't know if maple fables is going to let me back on their server. Trust me I didn't really mean it, just trying to make a joke.
I wasn't the one that banned you, but if you said TemuTemuTemuTemuTemuTemu in a supermegaphone... after a few people had already been temp banned for making racist jokes... I think that is a bit silly and your own fault :S
I only said it once .. Look Im really sorry. I just got off a 3 day ban. Its not going to happen again. please unban me. I didnt really think those people got banned untill I got banned with them. I didnt even spam racist jokes with smegas I said it once! and it wasnt even a joke! I just asked a question!
No, you should have thought about that before you did what you did... I'm sorry you are going to miss the wonderful 2x events. Also you should just be glad about the duration of your ban... Keep begging and I might extend it!
here is your 2x event I was referring to And come on dude can it just be a one day ban instead of another three day. I got the point. im not even going to use another supermegaphone
Sorry yeah i'm tired ya know, didn't even know it was friday today. And no, what is the point of bans and rules if I am gonna unban people. This appeal section is mainly for wrongly banned hackers.
I dont know why I keep posting guess I just like talking to you matt. but on another note ive been banned from this server longer than ive played on it imma tell you a story thursday the 18th at 8:00pm i was un-banned for cussing you out get home from english night class at 9:00 play for 1 day get banned again for three more days for saying one word one word = one day ban not three come on!? think about that please