Just like last time we had a server migration, I'd like to hear your feedback. Please post here with your feedback and/or issues in regards to the new host and server. Have there been any server disconnection issues? Has there been any noticeable change in lag? Any website issues? etc... Thanks. Edit: For anyone experiencing lag, we need traceroute logs of your connection to the server during the time of lag. Please follow the instructions below for us to help us fix the problem by sending your feedback to our host. Simply leave the MTR software running in the background for a while and then stop and then paste the results here. It does both pings traceroutes at the same time. Windows Download: http://winmtr.net/download-winmtr/ Instructions: Install and open the program, then type royals.ms into the host textbox and press start. Stop whenever you feel it has gained some results which include latency issues then copy and post the results here. Mac Download: https://support.eapps.com/index.php?/Knowledgebase/Article/View/442/28/mtr-for-mac-os-x Instructions: Open 'Terminal' and type 'mtr royals.ms'. Whenever you feel it has gained some results which include latency issues, copy and post the results here.
I believe the website has the old format? There is the ip register button as well as missing the unstuck character option.
True. The new host is, at least while I was online, close to lagless and I didn't d/c while being AFK for several hours, which was close to impossible just a week ago with the old host. I like this one better so far.
Uh.... Well, the game don't lag anymore but btw sometimes I get disconection and sometimes I can't even enter in the website idk why
We just happened to have a random dropout of connectivity temporarily. I submitted a ticket with our host the minute I was informed and 2 minutes later, things were back to normal and the host was already responding. Here is what they told me: Could have been someone trying to launch a DDOS attack and getting blocked, we're not sure since it came back up so quickly. We will, however, continue to look into providing even more stability as we finish our transition to our new server/host. It seems overall this has been a positive change for all and we are glad players are experiencing less lag and disconnects
Well the forums are having a database error but I have no idea if that's got something to do with the host.
Open cmd.exe and type ping mapleroyals. Looking into this problem at the moment. Becoming harder to fix that we first thought.
My ping is 21ms but I never checked it before today so I can't compare. I'm not sure if this is a server issue or not but figured I'd mention it anyway. I disconnect usually if I teleport to Henesys which didn't happen before (although I have always disconnected from going into Grendel's house) but I have only played for 1 week so maybe that was a common for others before the new host.
The Henesys dc bug has been around ever since I joined (so around 4 months maybe? probably since the very beginning). It's random for me though, the same with the 1st Job Advancement Instructor maps. Doesn't always happen. I can't really compare to the last weeks of the old host cuz I just didn't do anything besides chill in FM. Barely no training at all. But I do get usual lag spikes every now and then, it was worse the first day, but I do live in Europe so...
I heard there was a small amount of lag earlier on. However I wasn't able to figure out what the problem was since it fixed itself before I got to it. If anyone is ever experiencing lag spikes, and want to help, please open cmd.exe and do the following: 1) Type 'tracert royals.ms' and press enter. 2) Wait for the process to complete. 3) Right click and choose 'mark'. 4) Highlight everything and press enter. 5) Paste the information here. The traceroute information gives us a detailed run down of the latency to each point in the network. This allows us and our host to figure out which network is having problems so we can investigate it and fix the problem.
I have had a significant improvement in lag and total random dces. I'm up near Chicago. Not sure how to really quantify my improvement, ha. It's more stable. Ping went down by about 50. Nonetheless, I think the switch has been great!