Forgive me if this has already been discussed. I believe Windraiders in Lower Ascent in crimsonwood need some love to make them competitive for training. I think that this would also give a needed good training map instead of Ghost Ship 2 (At least for 65-80). Also bridging the gap between Ghost ship and Wolf Spiders for most classes. They do not have overpowered drops or even exp for how tough they are. And qualities of the map such as how other monsters are already mixed on the sides, and how large the map is, would provide a fun, challenging, yet rewarding grinding area. In other words I propose a MODEST spawn increase to the Lower Ascent map in order to accomplish the aforementioned things. Tell me what you guys think. Edit: I tested the Map for spawn and noticed the max Windraider spawn is 15-18 monsters. Adding the exact amount more I would leave up to the developers, if they decide to cater to this idea.
Yes, yes, yes. I tried training here, but the spawn rate seemed really low. It would be an awesome place to train, and every time I went there, it was empty.
Yea if the spawn was at least increased to GMS-like spawn it would create another good training spot. It would benefit the community through more usable content.
I used to train at Windraiders long ago with my sniper back on GMS, and it was definitely fun and rewarding to train there. This idea should definitely be considered. One of the problems I did find with Maple is that there were always that one map to train at, but all of the other maps were useless and only served as walking space. Making some new, unique and exciting training spots would only improve the quality of the game.
Overall int 60% will also be much cheaper due to stormbreakers dropping it. Therefore Wind Raiders will help the HP washing economy, and the people who cry about GS2 maps being taken.
As I was testing the Windraiders on Lower Ascent, I noticed that they do not drop their badges (Their ETC. drop). An idea with these badges and the other monsters who have badges in crimsonwood, would be to create a new exchange quest for the area. Maybe trade in 100 badges for some kind of reward? Well its just a thought.
I think the exchange quest that was in GMS should be fixed. That would encourage more people to train at wind raiders, etc
Shouldn't this be considered a bug, since this server is supposed to mask GMS v.62 ? Yes I used to train there too on GMS. it was great like 12-20 wr per level at times.
Yea, I know now that the spawn has been worked on once already, but its still not even what GMS was in terms of effectiveness. I REALLY hope that the spawn will get bumped up just a bit more.
I'm really up for this idea, I think that buffing some maps that weren't so strong in gMS would be interesting, and encourage various training spots. I really wish Ludi/Aqua could be buffed (somehow) aswell, because no one seems to train there, and it's great!
My thoughts exactly, I just don't want it to be the same-old spot level after level. I would train at places like these if they actually had incentive to be trained at.