15 min bigfoot solo (with SE/stoppers)... not bad~ First time in a while! http://grabilla.com/04c0f-4dc19cb7-0398-4050-8a8f-87fab1a81212.png
not much luck with finding blue-named Christmas weapons, but this is consolation enough @IslandSlut you may crop this picture accordingly for my secondary pic in your Islander ranking thread, thank you ^^
Hahah do you honestly think a Level 140 NL can solo ht, even if i wasn't pure int? (Can you imagine the Wyverns?!) Anyway as it turns out i can't even deal 1 damage, misses all the way. Speaking of Wyverns, shortly after that 2nd SS the entire map was filled with wyverns and i felt more useless than ever Sila and Bruuh witnessed the flood of wyverns hahah Spoiler: And here's what you don't know Too bad you're a guildmate and that purple icon has blended in with the mini-map making it hard to see hahah! Your chat though! -exposed-