Character Name: ROUE / 52Hz Last thing you did: Online trade my mesos+cape+shoe for a gun with a seller,then re-open my shop and afk. Why do you think you got banned?: I don't know. Ban message when attempting to log in: This is an ID that has been deleted or blocked from connection. What GM banned you (optional):No idea. Since i bought a new gun then i get banned. Bought at 20200920 14:00-14:05(UTC+8) . I just sold my +3 4slot perfect gun(16-17b) few weeks ago, then earn some mesos and gave my all att gear trade for this. And i have played long time royals...but i dont use forums..recently i want buy gun then open a acc.. Is this reason????
how can you afford 21k hp corsair with 14 atk glove and 123 atk revolver with no other accounts starting in feb?
Hello.Tim I washed my sair by adding about 500 int, and added all fresh ap into mp.In order to afford leech ,I had a lot of help from friends ( friends I met in other servers, who recommended me to this server). As for the gun I bought a clean 88 wa, and self scrolled it to +3, before selling it for 16b, can attach screenshots if you want, before trading 21b with my cape and shoes for the 123 gun. I also had a lot of help of friends with many mules to carry me in bosses i.e cwk and ht, and used my nx to gacha etc.
Hello. Q:Some ppl ask me :"Sairs cost the most to mp/hp wash and with 500 int + 21k hp goal, it must have costed over 1600 ap resets. " A:Beacuse i arrive 13x long time ago.I don’t remember very accurate numbers.But i dont think it needs 1600apr.beacuse sair 1ap = 20hp .. I remember it is only need about 1k2 or more a bit apr.. And i not real is 209xx..and i used some mon/ hp gear/Hp quest too.. But my friends only helped me wash mostly*(300-400) int from which i added to base. I do not remember it is 400 ~ 500...about this int total i added..I think they help me 6-8B only(maybe a bit more..but i have return long time ago).. I will provide ss and ign in pm to Tim. And then i wash my hp slowly when i am playing during long time online all day.. Q:Who leech me? A:mostly is 3 friends leech me when low lv..And some friends carry me went boss ,when i arrive 13x+ I will provide ign in pm.. Q:what gear you trade for 123 gun.. A:it is only a 3dex105wa gun + 8wa fs +12wa bfc..+ mesos..I think it is a nob gear as my lv Now i only own a 1wa fs and 4wa bfc .. Q:Why you dont make a forums acc when you make game char? A:Beacuse my friends dont tell me i must make a acc on forums... I am real nob royals player when i come here. And i dont real need a forums acc...beacuse i prefer go check old-guide maplestory on google .I only use forums 3 or 4 times beacuse i want sell a 108wa gun and 58wa dps ,that i asked my friends helped me post on "selling". I opened this acc for buying gun ..Then i got banned.. Please check my pm...Ty all ppl who trying help me..
how did you earn the roughly 50B that you need for that revolver and those AP resets besides partially scrolling a gun
Hello,Tim. Thank you for your patience and reply. Since my game start from lv1 to lv200,it is a long long time journey.To be honest,i can not remember everything and record everything what i gained and lost.But i will try my best to recall them .(P.S. Forgive my poor english please.) First of all ,thank you for your calculations which my income is roughly 50B.At my part,honestly I can't remember mesos which i made in total.But i will try my best to list it,with “startup”mesos from my friends(i have explained in pm before),I earned much of my assets from merching ,boss-runs,scrolling and gacha.For brevity I will ignore those trash drop from mobs which still a good mesos. A.Scrolling My favorite part in royals is scrolling and I did scroll a lot, which also yields a lot of mesos. Just like what you said,i made a partial perfect gun and sold it 16b ,which i have sent you ss in pm few days ago. Generally speaking ,i prefer making gun and str overall when i am boring and keep some idle mesos because it cost me less than other gears.(30% Gun scroll is 3.5-5m each) At the meantime, i do not like to cs gear since i am not that rich,but i did 2-3 gears recently.And i posted and sold it on forum —— And other gun and gears i made and sold on forum.As i said,I asked my friends to help me post my transaction 3~4 times on the forum before having my own forum account.But trade by myself at the end for sure. 106gun post by my friend @superZE (Superze helped me contact buyer who stand right side) 108gun and other gears post by my friends @kiyoju .Gun sold to @Alank At this thread,dps i got from gacha,i will talk about gacha later at gacha part. 105gun ,i made few 99-105 gun,one of them i trade for my 123gun.Others all sold at my shop. Honestly i made lots gun and sold,mostly sold at shop. Because it does not need over max mesos,good for selling at shop.But i do not keep recording them usually by ss,unfortunately.And i like to make pirate str overall too,Just put 10% first pass then all 60/70%,if over 30stats.It is not a bad deal because bucc rich.Sometime i will buy lots 10% int earring scroll(price must less than 1.5m each)and go henys for pass first 1slot then sell it 16~22m,i did it few times,usually earn 20-30% than cost. Basically scrolling thing is not a bad deal for me and make me earn some mesos,maybe call “bourgeoisie”,compare to other people buy 20~30B worth single nx gear.
B.Merchant First of all, i have played long time maplestory in other server and i know how to buy and resell after i have familiar with the price in mapleroyals.And i am a good businessman in real life too,sorry for my conceited.But some buddy and guildmate like to ask me price check ,such as @speechless. At this part,i usually buy in low price and sell in higher price to earn mesos.I prefer buy cheap gear and expensive etc thing instead of apples or normal scroll.Sometime i will buy cheap cs and ws too,if real low price. Such as i bought 12 cs using 6b(20200913 16:00-16: 30 utc+8), but soon I can sell them for 570m each. Solely from this transaction, I earned around nearly 1B. And also this Buy 12dex earring at 300m and resell Apple i usually buy in cheap and use by myself ,because i go boss very frequently.Also, if you put 0att fs on your hired merchant for 20-30m, there is still someone buying it. I usually bought these from other hired merchant for several million, but sell them for 20-30m. And i like to walk for shop spot(i won't cover anyone spot),if get a good one,i will try sell it(100~300m).I remember some people joke me "fm1 king",maybe by @superfranky. Here is what it looks like in my shop usually.And you can know where i prefer gacha now.Let talk about it later.
C.Daily boss run As a corsair,i sure go big-boss daily.At the meantime, some friends helped me when i am low lv for bossing,which i have explained in pm and this thread before.I have provide main friends ign who boss with me ,and who helped me in pm. So let talk about my daily boss plan and usually i am lucky at mostly boss ,recently a few bad luck days at ht. (1)Selling scarga serve.good mesos (90m+130m each run)and good for corsair when get a good melee friends like @justfriends @Takikun @MaiAh and etc .We usually duo or trio,good split from "buyer bank" and sometime will drop se20 and phenix30, i still keep one in my bag which need sell and split to @buccmarks20.Usually it is easy for us to find a buyer at 6~9pm utc+8. (2)Duo or trio zak,i usually go to do it when i am 16x-18x with friends ,usually with @superZE @justfriends @kiyoju.Two apples and few stoppers good enough to finish it.It drop gen20,cs,zerk20,tt20 and buyer split.But i do not go zak often since gen20 price drop. (3)Cwk.Mostly time i go with @justfriends and our guildmate like @pheeew @kyoju ,beacuse they have full mules .I only go for bonus when i am high lv,and the low lv cwk i have explained in pm before. (4)Pap: I went there for 5k nx when I was bored. Sometimes I also sold the cracks of time. (5)Ht:I went ht since i am 157 or 158 that what i explain in pm.good exp,good split to me and buyer split.Since our lv higher a bit ,we go as quad usually because @Justfriends has 2 cr mules .Our fixed team usually include @justfriends @pheeeew @semu @milkcrush @bulan.Mostly is leader @justfriends sell and split. Ht can make a good mesos ,i think i am rich by going ht 2 times a day. (6)Neo Tokyo boss, usually it is dunas v1 v2 ,nameless and my favorite boss Auf. Usually we will duo or trio these bosses by using mules sign and enter without mules.Our fixed team usually include @Takikun @Jvlsjuliet and me.Especially in auf, we run and learnt lots,now we can duo without any mules in 90mins by 3 apples and few stoppers.Neo Tokyo is a real big wealth,get some element piece earring from v1 and auf,sold at good price ,split to duo or trio.When we duo or trio auf,we earned a lot from this, because it usually gives lots of 30% scrolls, 60% ring scrolls, auf 10% and 10-15k nx to everyone each run (if trio,JVlsjuliet usually choose hat , nx for me and taki).I earn lots mesos from auf,even my lv200 is in auf too.
D.Gacha As I explained above, I earned lots of nx from regular boss-runs (especially auf 10-15k usually per day)and everyday voting , so I can gachaed a lot. As I tested, pirate and Ellinia is the best and sleepywood is the 3rd choice. A set of gachapon tickets (35) may yield 1-2 totems, 30% kuncle/str overall at Natulis. Or 1 lupin and few 30% wand or overall int scrolls at Ellinia. At the kerning city,i only get a good dps 58att and few pink cape.Not a good choice. Finally i listed mostly what i recall doing in order to make mesos. I don’t think it is unrealistic for few months to earn .Maybe I lost some points in translation . I like mapleroyals and like to play it,i spent 5-8hrs online everyday if i can.I have lots time to figure it out how to earn mesos and play it good.I understand that it is normal for you to have such doubts. Indeed, few people have the same online time and energy as me. At the very last, I have to thank you for your time and patience. I’m keenly looking forward to your reply and sincerely hope that I can be unbanned soon. Have a nice day!
Auf boss run and some split list (after finish aud shot at map) At the sametime,i still keeping 11+ 10%auf and lots 60% auf scroll in my bag which can prove auf run.