Selling NX item below at 4M/1k NX IGN Ewin Please leave your IGN or BL me Price in mil: 1 - Hat of Death - 10.8 2 - Green Camping Hat - 8.4 3 - Blue Diamond - 14.8 4 - Red Frill Pajama Hat - 12 5 - White Beanie - 16.4 6 - Blue Kitty Beanie - 14.8 7 - Angel Halo - 18 8 - Casual Cowboy Hat - 14.8 9 - Bald Wing - 13.6 10 - Superstar Cap - 12.4 11 - White Basic Cap - 13.2 12 - Brown Felt Hat - 11.6 13 - Tengu Mask - 12.4 14 - Iron Mace Uniform Hat - 11.6 15 - Blue Polka Dot Sunglasses - 12 16 - Jailbird Cap - 18 17 - Bruise - 10.8 18 - War Paint - 10.8 19 - Blush - 9.6 20 - Purple Rage - 8.8 21 - Purple Rage - 8.8 22 - Allergic Reaction - 8 23 - Doggy Mouth - 8.4 24 - Ice Cold Red - 9.6 25 - Super Sucker - 8 26 - Blue Shades - 14.8 27 - Brown Aviator Shades - 16 28 - Black Aviator Shades - 16 29 - Lead Monocle - 14 30 - Flat Mini Glasses - 16 31 - Silver Earring - 13.2 32 - Orange Baseball Jacket - 10.8 33 - Hawaiian Shirt (Male) - 8.4 34 - Ragged Top - 7.2 35 - Ragged Top - 7.2 36 - Red Casual Suit - 18.8 37 - Palm Tree Tanktop - 14 38 - Red Polka-Dot Pajama Top - 14 39 - Stitched Leather Jacket - 15.6 40 - Bowtie Jacket - 10.8 41 - Preppy Knit Vest - 12 42 - Horoscope Overall (Male) - 15.2 43 - Beau Tuxedo - 16.4 44 - Red Full Coat - 15.6 45 - Red Amorian Apron - 16.4 46 - Dark Blue Kimono - 19.2 47 - Zhu Ba Jie Overall - 15.2 48 - One Summer Night - 12.8 49 - Ill Orchid Gown - 10.8 50 - Crystal Cat Outfit (F) - 16.4 51 - Akarin's Flowery Dress - 12 52 - Iron Mace Uniform Outfit (M) - 18 53 - Red Striped Swimsuit - 12.8 54 - Blue Striped Swimsuit - 12.8 55 - Jailbird Uniform - 19.2 56 - Black Suit Pants - 8.4 57 - Red Wild Pants - 9.6 58 - Torn-Up Jeans - 7.2 59 - Torn-Up Jeans - 7.2 60 - Red Polka-Dot Pajama Pants - 9.6 61 - Black Starrium - 10 62 - Summer Capris - 9.2 63 - Jewel Chain Jeans - 10 64 - Blue Gomushin (Male) - 7.2 65 - Black Leather Boots - 10.8 66 - Green Ting Slipper - 4.8 67 - Kitty Slipper - 4.8 68 - Ragged Korean Rubber Shoes - 7.2 69 - Ragged Korean Rubber Shoes - 7.2 70 - Devil Wings - 15.6 71 - Tiger Tail - 14 72 - Harpie Cape - 16.4 73 - Summer Kite - 11.6 74 - Veamoth Wings - 60 75 - Lost Kitty - 14 76 - Aerial Wave Cape - 14 77 - Maple MSX Guitar - 14.4 78 - Maple MSX Guitar - 14.4 79 - N/A 80 - Puppy Love Samurai Tail - 11.6 81 - Beach Label Ring - 16 82 - White Cloud Label Ring - 16 83 - Starry Spotlight Ring - 12.4 84 - Heroes Black Mage Chat Ring - 15.2 85 - Heroes Transcendence Stone Label Ring - 14.4 86 - My Buddy Max - 19.6 87 - Skull Staff - 19.6 88 - Burning Marshmellow - 18 89 - White & Yellow Seraphim - 20 90 - Camelia Tea Time - 18 97 - Little Devil - 14 98 - Baby Angel - 14 99 - Siren - 11.2 100 - Skeleton of Horror - 14 101 - Mr. Popular - 13.2 102 - Energy Ball - 18