If you are not considering about buffs, then nightlord is pretty brainless with its high avoid. Hero may need to use armor crash sometimes.
Beginner hp wash to 30k and only press down regular attack. No need for MP pots so you save money that way
NL you need to remember to cast shadow claw. I'd say paladin or hero is most brainless bossing class.
Depends on which boss u meant. If its krex, all job are one key story, if its HT, even a hero or pally need to handle seduce.
So how would you rate it? I think Hero and pally are the easiest of all, 1key and boring Also bm extremely boring in my opinion but hey that's just me
im confused are you guyz not changing elements, using hammer, crashing, deciding whether u acb or blast. I hope yall not walking around blasting stuff with no elements on cuz that would make it pretty boring
That takes seconds O_O I would rate hero on being the most boring and easiest to play. then pala > bm > bucc > mm > nl > DrK > Shad > Corsair
Hero, hands down. No party skills/buffs, no HP concerns, limited movement, no individual skills which require attentiveness or reactions (DrK/Shad would be examples of the polar opposite).
Hero is pretty braindead, the only dps optimization one can do is rebuild combo during weapon cancel and position correctly to hit multiple parts of bosses.
Do you own a high level character in every class you listed? Otherwise people should probably take whatever you say with a grain of salt because it’s hard to tell if you really understand the intricacies of each class
You're right. But it's my opinion based on what I think is fun and easier to play from what I've read and seen, ain't worth much obviously. I'm all for class diversity. I mean, should we wait for someone who owns high level characters from every single class to share his point of view?
It’s just weird to talk down on other classes when you’ve never played them. It’s even weirder to talk down on other classes when you don’t fully comprehend how they’re meant to be played. If you ask me, switching elements for each body part, crashing, and hammering off cd would seem at least as interactive as holding down the assassinate bstep combo and pressing smoke screen every ten minutes
You forgot about haste and most importantly, assaulter, which is not easy to use. So just cuz u like it, I'm not entitled to find pala boring? I don't need to play the character that much to know it doesn't fit my playstyle. You claim I need to be high level to have an opinion, yet you just did the same when you typed about Shad. Didn't you? A question was made and I gave my opinion. I feel like paladin ain't hard to play, and it's easier than Shadower. you think it's the other way around? Good. Maybe I'm wrong, Lol. but that's just my point of view, and you just have to respect it because this feels like a debate. You're just mad cuz I feel pala is easier to play than some other classes
Hands down, NL's. Don't @me, You can thank all the NL's falling asleep in my HT runs and surviving to tell the tale.
I’ve never played paladin aside from crash mule lol. My only main is a lv200 shadower, and I think shadower is a pretty fun class - I was just making a point, but maybe you still don’t understand what I’m trying to convey