Firstly, I would like to thank the Staff & Developers for all their efforts on this server - your work is truly remarkable. I am sure the team is aware of the client crash issues some players have been experiencing during horntail runs. In my particular case, it often occurs after legs + tail are dead. If the wings are up, and players are attacking heads it causes the client to crash straight to my desktop screen. I have attempted multiple possible fixes including but not limited to (1) replacing my sound.wz file with this one (thank you Matt), (2) GFXing at pre-heads and main body (3) muting in-game music under systems option (4) redownloading and re-installing the full game. Sadly, I have not had any success mitigating this issue. Many of my horntail buddies are also experiencing a similar issue. I am sure one can imagine how frustrating it is to spend time recruiting and utilizing attack potions (i.e. apples/gelt/PE) and then have the client crash (missing out on potential EXP/splits). I did some research on the forums and it appears that this has been an on-going issue for some players since April 2020. This post is not meant to rant/complain by any means however if anyone is able to provide some closure on this topic it would be greatly appreciated. I have attached screenshots of my current computer specifications. I would be greatly thankful for any advice that can be offered. Thank you in advance for your time.
Unfortunately for you, the only option is to use VMware. I’ve been crashing in ht since 2018 and sadly staff have not came up with a reliable solution to it. My PC specs are very similar to yours, therefore I think the best solution is to just download VMware and HT using it.