Hey guys! I'm openning new Shad and I want to wash it. I need your help to set my HP Goal. I want to be able to do all the bosses with no fear ( A lesson that Ive learned when my 8k hp NL died at Pianus... ) I have a great int gear which gonna give me like 100int from lvl 30 and like 120int from lvl 50. Also What should be my int base? 50? 100 ? 150? What is the hp shadower lvl 145 gonna have with no wash? Thanks alot <3
https://royals.ms/forum/threads/night-lord-shadower-hp-washing-above-20k-hp.146816/ https://royals.ms/forum/threads/in-depth-shadower-guide.8122/
Hey there, Thx for replay. Actually I've noticed those threads, but I don't know what should be my HP goal... For sure 20k is too much. Should I set as goal- 8k? 10k? 12k? 14k?
sharing my goal here. I aimed to reach 12k HP on my shad only so I could tank a hit from HT Head B on meso guard. In general, 12k HP is enough to tank a lot of key bosses WITHOUT meso guard on. Shad is cool like that because you can change your effective HP with 1 button. Point being, no one could fault you if you decide to do less or more than that