Staff team changes

Discussion in 'Closed' started by Josh, Dec 11, 2020.

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  1. Evan

    Evan Donator

    May 29, 2015
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    I make no illusion im not the least-GMy of the GMs.

    But that doesnt mean im deadweight in staff. Theres more to it than banning hackers, you know that. You also know how much is reliant on Admins to get anything done and how much waiting is done.

    I may not contribute the same as some of the others, but after working 12 hours most days a week I come home and answer PMs and discord messages for a couple hours while decompressing. I do what I can. There is no reason we can't bring in more staff to help with the workload. And theres no reason we should be kicking staff that are otherwise active but arent hitting arbritraty metrics (I deal with that shit every day, its a terrible system).

    Ive been on Staff for over 3 years. Ive seen good staff come and go. Ive seen shitty staff come and go. I joined to help players and I do that. I have no regrets and I see no reason to stop doing that because some staff did some shitty stuff and some ex staff are upset with how some stuff is done. Theres still some good in here- even if its hard to see.
    TBK, Alstero, Jamberry and 5 others like this.
  2. Matt

    Matt Administrator

    May 8, 2013
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    As this thread is mainly referencing me and the running of the server, I of course feel the need to respond. I will preface this by stating that a lot of the issues mentioned have already been discussed in length a couple of months ago, prior to Josh's departure, and since then we have been working to improve on some of the suggestions mentioned. I will give my comments on, and question some of the points brought forward.

    I would like to think I have a decent understanding of what goes on in the game, although I admit there is room for improvement as I do not have experience with certain end game content such as Auf Haven. However, I have been actively playing the game in recent times, and a lot more than in previous years. I would still class myself as a casual player of course, but it may come as a surprise to some to know that I have a level ~160 NL who has experience with Wulin Yaoseng, Vergamot, Zakum, CWKPQ, as well as all the other PQ's, collecting monster cards, etc. And I also have a DrK whom I've obtained quest specialist on. But no; I don't sell quad ulu leech, I don't use mules everywhere I go, I don't have experience with end game content and gear, and I don't know the market inside and out. I have a general understanding of those things, but still always try to take a neutral stance and try to keep an open mind when gameplay discussions arise relating to topics that I do not have experience with. When it comes to implementing gameplay changes, my main objective is to appease the demands for change from both our dedicated end-game players, as well as the casual players, without creating further divide between the two groups.

    I can understand that there have been some controversial changes in the past, such as the FM button removal, NLC potion and throwing star price changes, Ulu spawn / droprate changes, and some class buffs and nerfs. But these changes are not done 'just because'... they all have legitimate reasoning behind them, and it's usually to try and aid the balance of the game. The issue of stagnant discussions leading to no proper outcome is a valid concern, but I feel this is moreso due to discussions being put to the side or fogotten about, combined well as a lack of persistence from those pushing for the change. We are trying to improve the structure of how suggestions and ideas are discussed internally so that they don't get forgotten about and so that a proper decision is made followed by action to implement the change or not. And for more the more drastic changes, we want to improve on gaining community feedback before making decisions and implementing them.

    We are actually in the process of restructuring how workloads are handled by staff members, trying to find ways to delegate more tasks to others so that certain people have less on their plate to deal with, as well as implementing further functionality for GM's to better handle more issues which they otherwise couldn't before. Of course this is something that should have been done a long time ago, but it's only in recent months that it has become truly apparent to be an issue that needed dealing with. As for staff doing nothing, shooting their mouths off and trying to claim credit for others' work... I have no idea what this is in reference to. Although if there are certain staff not doing much then that is of course an issue, however right now the majority of staff are active. This may not be entirely visible by just looking at a particular staff member's forum or post history, as they likely have been doing things in a private subforum, dealing with issues in game, or helping within the staff discord.

    I am curious to know where and how it has been made apparent that I do such a thing, you mention this has carried over to the forum but bring up a post which was directed at me and dealt by me. I admit that I made a mistake in the way I dealt with the post, and that I should have let another staff member sort it out and issue whatever warning was required. But I don't see how this is 'jumping to my girlfriend's rescue', I saw a post that seemed to break the thread rules and I attempted to deal with it.

    Regarding internal discussions though, I have asked again and again for examples of this to be given, but they are never provided. The only issue that I know of was already discussed at length and where I explained that I would have done the same regardless of whoever it was. Claims of favouritism and biasedness all seem to be unsubstantiated and based on misunderstandings and rumours. The relationship is being weaponised because of these falsehoods, used and spread within the game creating unnecessary drama, when in actual fact we keep our relationship and feelings separate to game related duties.

    I agree entirely with points one and four at least, and both of those have been worked on. Your opinion seems to differ as you've called out Muff as being a deadweight staff member, but he's been working extremely hard recently, and he's already explained his reasoning for being less active earlier in the year. It is my opinion that we currently do not have much deadweight going on within staff. Your second point I obviously disagree with. Third point I can't imagine being a good idea, and explaining why certain people were hired over others sounds like a sure-fire way to create drama.

    This is just not true, there are many staff members I trust, and have had trust in, you were also one of them. Becca does not have access to stuff any other staff member does not, again this is just another rumour that I felt was dealt with months ago.

    I think you should enlighten me with what you think Becca has access to, since you seem to be the one spearheading these rumours.

    Another rumour simply based off the fact we were playing the game and looking for the mob for a few days during the Halloween event. This was actually discussed and debunked within staff chat after June accused us of cheating publicly within an alliance chat. I believe the following screenshots speak for the themselves. No Staff member should be blatantly accusing their fellow members based on assumptions out in the open.

    The log file existed for logging purposes so that we could ensure that the spawns worked properly, and that the mobs never spawned on invalid maps. Some people mentioned having a file audit for this issue, and of course in hindsight that could have helped, however I didn't really expect to be accused of cheating in my own game. There will either be an audit log added for the file, or the log file removed entirely for the next time the random spawn event is used since we now know there seems to be no issues with the spawning.

    It is clear that inconsistency is a major issue right now, I think a lot of this comes down to the T&C having been needing a major overhaul for a while. The T&C currently doesn't seem in tune with what the players actually want, besides the obvious things like hacking and RWT. If the T&C exists to create a nice atmosphere for our community, then it should reflect the community's perception of what a nice atmosphere is. We also want to look into the issue regarding staff discretion and remove as much as that as possible, because even if we use discretion to attempt to be more lenient, all this does is result in inconsistency. The rules need to be clearer so they can be followed easier by both the players and staff. Sorting this out is currently one of our top priorities.

    We know that the community desperately wants a fully-fledged autoban system implemented, however Karven is the only developer we have with the knowledge to work on it. So that's his main priority and has been for the past while, a lot of good progress has been made already with some parts of the system already implemented and taking effect. The fact that new events, content, and balance changes are still being produced is because they don't require any of Karven's time, and can be implemented by other staff members.


    There are always going to be problems that come along with having a high-maintenance server with staff volunteers, however we will strive to improve where we can.

    On top of the things already mentioned are being worked on, I would like to personally ensure the terms and conditions are rewritten soon, advocating for legislation that prevents inconsistencies at any cost, and will aim to have this done by the next GM Blog.
    onekeystory, atlas4, Marry and 16 others like this.
  3. Tentomon

    Tentomon Donator

    Feb 8, 2014
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    Is there any reason they couldn't train you for the job? What about Shane? Both of you seem very professional, smart, and trustworthy. Or do neither of you have time for it?

    Sen is another person who, while new to staff, has been a member of this community for a long time, and behaves very professionally. Has trying to convince him to take on more been considered?

    With this community, you'll never know what to expect, lol
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2020
  4. sparky95

    sparky95 Donator

    Sep 21, 2016
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    My guess is that they are more casual players with light involvement in the actual gameplay. They are wonderful people and staff members but if I was to make a serious RWT report that requires a complicated investigation with log checks, I don't think they are the right people to handle such tasks.
    Dasha, Gert and Tentomon like this.
  5. Tentomon

    Tentomon Donator

    Feb 8, 2014
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    This is true for sure. Experience with the economy, etc, is a must for investigating RWT. Tim is fantastic for that job.

    But what about harassment disputes? Why is Tim needed for those? Why not put another staff member as "head of harassment" and keep Tim out of it? A "casual" player with lighter involvement in the gameplay and community would be ideal for that role, as they are just less likely to have conflicts of interest like Tim does (and by the sounds of it, he's sick of dealing with that crap anyway?)
    Hamburg likes this.
  6. Kai

    Kai Donator

    Sep 11, 2015
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    Let me address these points first. Will address the rest once I'm home.

    Actually I'm glad you admitted that you trusted us. But I hope it will be put into action down the road whenever you guys continue with the process of restructuring Staff. Staff needs more access to logs to help out with investigations that involve logs. This will definitely lessen Tim's plate by alot. And this is something I've been asking for for a very long time. Not sure if you recall. Even Muff is actively pushing for it.

    It is not a rumor. I asked you once in Staff what Becca had access to and you actually told us she had access to privileged info, I believe it is donation details. Whether or not she had access to more stuff such as chat log is beyond our knowledge, only you know best.
    ^-^, ginwolf, Chris4Real and 2 others like this.
  7. Josh

    Josh Donator

    May 3, 2016
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    don't have to get all salty, i'm just calling it as it is. again, working 12 hours a day etc. always comes up with you guys. i have a full-time job and work 10-12 hours a day too, but i've never used it as an excuse to go missing for extended periods of time or not do what needs to be done. yes, maybe you're helping players in various other means, and that's great. you don't have to be a GM to do that though

    Evan and Shane both lack the game experience to be an Admin. Shane is also the person in the screenshots i shared in one of my earlier posts. that incident occurred on the day just before the new interns joined us. if anything, it felt like he was merely doing it for show. he was never consistently active at all during my 9 months in Staff, and i doubt he has been since i left too

    my personal suggestion would be not to take everything that you see on forums as it is. ban appeals are quite literally the easiest thing to do as a Staff member, besides the more complicated rwt ones
    ^-^, Alstero, Henray17 and 9 others like this.
  8. Noobie

    Noobie Well-Known Member

    Jul 12, 2020
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    I never see a criminal admit what he did, of course he is the owner of the server and he can say anything, but who knows ~f6
  9. Joez

    Joez Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2018
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    Off topic but is this not information harvesting if it’s true? :confused:
  10. sparky95

    sparky95 Donator

    Sep 21, 2016
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    For sure, I think Sen would fit well if he's assigned to handle harassment cases or reports regarding disputes among players. Assinged staff might wanna take turns since it'll entail a lot of stress ^_^'. Tim already has too much work on his shoulders. This guild-war drama shouldn't have been handled by Tim in the first place. He could have helped with the final decision as an admin but it could have been handled by a different staff member. I can't really blame Tim for his involvement since both parties, not just his friend Raony, reached out to him via dm and Tim was sandwiched between the two parties in this chaotic drama. Maybe that's a change they can consider?
    Levi0sa, TBK, Dasha and 4 others like this.
  11. Kai

    Kai Donator

    Sep 11, 2015
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    I just wanna state for the record that I believe Matt can technically do whatever he wants. It's his server after all. But if he wants to lead a team, then he must ensure fairness across the board. It doesn't matter if the data he gave Becca access to wasn't sensitive data, that's not the point. The point is if it were any other staff, he wouldn't have given the access anyway.

    Part of the reason why Staff burnt out is due to the lack of access to tools necessary for them to do their job to their highest capacity. And that decision of giving access has to be made by Matt.
    ginwolf and Noobie like this.
  12. Josh

    Josh Donator

    May 3, 2016
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    because when the junior Staff members cannot resolve the issue on their own, inevitably it goes to Tim. but as John already mentioned in his post here

    somehow the less important or gamebreaking things like harassment bans, forum trolls etc. also make their way to the Admins. this could be attributed to a few reasons, namely the inability of GMs and junior Staff to make decisions on their own, the lack of tools and access, wrong areas of focus and many more
    ^-^, Joez and Kai like this.
  13. Kai

    Kai Donator

    Sep 11, 2015
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    Eh I'm not quite sure. Matt just told us that the info wasn't as sensitive as we thought it would be. Just sufficient enough to help him with giving out forum Donator status.

    But like I said in my previous post, the whole point revolves around favourism and biasness, and lack of access to these crucial part of the system for us to do our job properly.
    Chris4Real and Joez like this.
  14. Evan

    Evan Donator

    May 29, 2015
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    Speaking for myself- I'm not one for the job.

    But I also tend to be the outlier in discussion, and am currently on the opposing end against some staff for some of the shit that's happened recently, and at ends with others for that isn't really public but has been a pretty substantial discussion in staff recently. Quite simply I don't see Matt or Tim offering their support in that regard.

    Could I do it and not abuse the hell out of it? Sure- I haven't had any issues with any of my privileges over the last year (more than can be said for others).

    But, the FDA just announced that they are approving the Pfizer covid-19 shot, and we are getting sub 70 degree freezers/supplies shortly. Once we get stock, which will be soon (could be tomorrow, my state is supposed to be one of the first states) I will be immunizing and most pharmacies will be doing more covid shots than they are filling actual scripts. To be frank, I have more important things coming up than patrolling the game- even though that's not really what admins do anyways.

    I am a casual player, but it's way more than simply looking at logs. Of course I have very little experience with this as I don't have access to said logs so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. There's also more to the game than RWT. Just like there's more to playing the game than bossing- which I no longer do (and haven't done much of at all on Royals). I had my moments on GMS, I was in a top guild and we had slots on the zak schedules, and we horntailed regularly and I was one of the first players in Broa to have a 185 att xbow etc etc yadda yadda. I may not know Royals markets like Tim, and I may not min-max here like some other players but that doesn't mean I don't know what I'm talking about in discussions.

    You're right- I don't have to be a GM- however (and I honestly don't know if you quit before this), there have been recent changes, and if I stayed a forum mod I would have actually lost access to things I had access to all along. Me becoming a GM allows me to maintain the level of access I have had. God forbid after 3 years I move up a little. I address the game experience part above.

    I mean- if we're calling it like as it is- I see a bitter former staff who instead of holding his ground and trying to make things better, left to complain to the masses like some others have done. I appreciate what you did while you were in staff, but if you ever had an issue with me, you should have said something- even though I never had any issues with you.
    Soren, Dasha, Gert and 4 others like this.
  15. Tentomon

    Tentomon Donator

    Feb 8, 2014
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    Then perhaps they need to be trained/ empowered to make these decisions? And not criticized if they make a different decision (within reason) than the admin would have? Its not like the admins necessarily make better decisions either (as we have seen).
  16. Noobie

    Noobie Well-Known Member

    Jul 12, 2020
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    @Matt you have such a long post here, what do you think about the admin who abusing his power to bully a female player over sexual harassment?
    Should people continue donate to your server and get treated the same way as her?
  17. Josh

    Josh Donator

    May 3, 2016
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    and now i see a current Staff member trying to make himself out to be more useful to the server than he really actually is

    we both know the real reason why i left, which is something you recognised as a problem as well. i did hold my ground for the first couple of incidents (or more), but it seems like you've conveniently left that out too

    i don't have an issue with you personally, but i don't think it's inaccurate of me to say that there are many more people who are capable of contributing on a larger scale and more meaningfully than some of you who still remain on the Staff team. yet the group of you somehow continue to insist you're doing a great job. self-delusion, perhaps?
    ^-^, Doo, bom3 and 5 others like this.
  18. Sen

    Sen Donator

    Jul 14, 2016
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    Okay y'all full disclosure I know absolute jackshit about this game and I could not think of a single worse person on Staff to do what Tim currently does lmfao

    That said, to bring it back to the original discussion by Josh I wanted to add a couple of thoughts:

    1. The way that our server's Staff is currently structured makes it simply impossible for any GM to gain the necessary "training" to eventually step up to an Admin position. I'm only a soft veteran so I don't know the process in which Staff members such as Tim and Yan obtained their titles as Admins, but I highly doubt that whatever such process was, it exists now. Unfortunately this is a bit of a moot point because like Josh and probably many others, I don't view any current member of Staff as having the sufficient experience nor qualities required to take on Tim's mantle anywhere remotely in the near future.

    2. Staff priorities need complete reorganization. There is essentially zero established procedure for the various duties that require our attention, and the current system is essentially a giant hodgepodge of "do what you can when you can." As one might expect, this becomes extremely messy. For example, sometimes it feels like my entire existence as a Forum Moderator is pointless because GMs with greater access to the forums than I do will randomly take it upon themselves to deal with forum reports and other issues that Dave and I carefully maintain on a knife's edge--and then I'll have to do PR cleanup when people (rightfully) bitch about the inconsistency of our rule enforcement. Fortunately, reorganization of our priorities is actually something that is actively in the works and I'll be advocating for additional changes in this aspect moving forward. So I'm personally excited to see what comes of it..

    3. Staff as a whole are terrible about accepting and internalizing criticism, and it leads to these endless cycles such as the past few days in which the fury of the community finally boils over. You can see it when Admins flatly (and explicitly) refuse to engage in community feedback--and when finally pushed to do so are constantly on the defensive. I'm sure many of you have seen this in action by other individual members of Staff as well. And since we're in the business of airing out internal staff dialogue now apparently... (I did y'all the favor of not calling out the individuals who actually said some of these words)​

    Egoiste, Faithless, TBK and 24 others like this.
  19. Noobie

    Noobie Well-Known Member

    Jul 12, 2020
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    I believe if some GMs have access to your necessary tools, you guys can do good or even better than what Tim do.
    You guys quit GMs but still gain respect from many players, not like someone try to hold that position but all they get from the community is the disgusting thoughts.
  20. Matt

    Matt Administrator

    May 8, 2013
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    You are either misremembering, or getting confused with something else.
    - Becca literally does not have any special privileges, and has exactly the same access all other GM's have.
    - I wouldn't have said that because it's not true.
    - I've also tried searching through the discord logs with a slew of different keywords and can't find anything of the sort.

    Becca has never assisted with giving donor status. However, having some staff be able to help in that regard is something we are actually currently looking into as part of our reworking of staff duties, and functionality improvement for GM's. We are looking to implement a 'Donated = yes/no' row for GM's when searching up a character name, thus allowing them to give donor status on the forum. This would help to allow me to focus more on other important tasks. This also does not reveal any sensitive information at all.
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