Hey everyone ! I've been playing mapleroyals since well... a long long time (late 2013 !). I had several lvl 120+ character but I recently finish to HP wash with my own hand my NL I am happy to have reached a 11k hp at lvl 135 and now I look forward to boss ! -Yayyy- I have general good gear (well, I think it's a good "start bossing" gear), Zhelm - 14/29/13/17 Shiny Nose - +5 all Blue mystique top : +9 dex / +21 luk Blue mystiaue pants : 18 dex Pgc : +8 atk, 0 slot (scrolled on my own) Stormcaster gloves : +13 atk Facestrompers : +8 atk / 2 slots (also scrolled on my own ^^", still in progress tho ) Single earring : +11 luk Silver Deputy Star : +5 all White belt (Ewwww.. need to work on that) : +1 all RC : +9 luk / 71 atk Overall my range is at 1921 - 3347 (lvl 136 now). I mean, I hit hard on Zak / Krex with SE (around 25 - 31k with apples) but here is the HUGE problem. No one wants me in their runs. I smega like, 20 times per days.. always the same answer : "we want highter lvl member", "too low lvl sorry" Also, people ignore you when you say "lvl 136 NL".. It gets pretty ennoying and for a player like me, who's been playing for this long.. I never had this kind of struggle before. To be honest I kind of feel alone here and start to really think about quitting because I can't do anything then sell leech all day (I've been doing this too much).. but I want to boss with my new character, what is wrong with me honestly ? This is just my overall feedback from the past weeks.. of trying to just do BOSS RUNS.. Do I really ask for too much here ? (been sarcastic here) Please share your experience ! Help me to understand what is going on with this community.. This is not what I expected after all my hard work. Peace all !
Recruit your runs. When I started out I just recruited my zaks and krex. People ask for a lot sometimes. I usually used to just smega recruit and BL the people I liked.
Join a Guild, make some close friends, and try recruiting yourself instead of joining. This way, you’ll be suprised to see lots of players such as yourself looking for runs. Once u find a nice buddy, recruiting in pairs makes things soo much easier!
Thx you both for your fast suggestions I will try this, hopefully people will answer my calls. I will update this as soon as I have created a bit more boss run parties. Peace !
If that's the case, don't look for a slot. Instead, host it. I'll be damned if there's not a single player that's almost in the same shoe as you. Run together. Yes, it'll take slightly longer (maybe 40 mins instead of the usual 15-20 mins), but this game isn't about who can kill what the fastest (well... let's not go competitive, it's just a game). Play at your own pace. . Especially since you're a BM, I'm pretty sure people need SE desperately. Some even cancel their runs because they can't find an SE.
Let me be exaggerated. Imagine all the bosses don't have an actual level, can you join as an attacker at any level? Yes, you can, as long as you don't hit "MISS". Now face to reality. Zakum is level 140, can you join at any level? Yes, you can, as long as you don't care about EXP and don't hit "MISS". I'm level 200, if I wanted to find someone to duo Zakum with, I wouldn't find a level 135~ (or close to that level) because I want to split Gen20 with someone that contributes decent damage, otherwise I rather to solo. Your level does actually reach the requirement of joining Zakum, but it's another topic if your damage meets the party's expectation. After all, you can always recruit your own squad so you don't get rejection from others.
I just feel like now, everything is about "who got the biggest" type of problem. (Btw @Kai I am a Night Lord not a BM ^^"). The situation back in 2015 - 2016 was not as terrible as now. Everyone expect too much now I think. This should not be about dmg or lvl but more about having fun by maybe helping someone weaker. I did leech people for free because they were new and because it makes me feel like I help the community. But having to struggle to boss just because you "didn't reach the standard" is for me, completly stupid. As I said, it is my own opinion and I know alot of people are going to be against this state of mind. For me Maple should be about sharing, playing for fun and helping people. Right now it is more like you should be lvl 175+ to be able to be accepted in bossing group (I over exagerate but that's what I felt when people ignored me or gave me excuses). I try to recruit yesterday for 2 zak runs, my smega was : "R > Zak EXP run - need everything lvl 135 - 145" I was OVERLOADED with whispers from too many people (around 30+ not even joking).. I felt bad because I couldn't even reply to everyone and I felt the trouble from some of them because they all famed me and say thanks... but why ? I think it is, maybe?, time to reconsider bossing in general.. it should be friendly not as cold as it is right now. Some of my party member even told me what I sadly already knew, too many of their guildies quit because they couldn't go further in the game because no one accepted them to boss. Maybe, just maybe (my opinion again), put a restriction lvl like, whenever you want to boss, you have to have a player between lvl 135 - 145 (let's start with that) that is ACTIVILY attaking the boss to be able to enter it (talking about zak right now) and finish it (too simple if you have this person in your group to enter but kick him as soon as you are in, no no). I don't know, this would solve alot of player frustration and actually help the community to be more friendly toward new player. Not everyone can affort to have goldy gear at lvl 135 right away. Anyway ! Peace guys !
Man thanks alot you helped me. Im still thinking to quit just now, cause theres no 1 need me seems im nw 136 nl too. I am gona reqruit a team just like what you do. Thanks alot
I think it's clear people have different objectives when it comes to bossing, whether they prioritise efficiency or inclusivity - and none of which are wrong. The best way to address this would just be more clarity in recruiting smegas - if you're going to say no to someone because they're low level, state the minimum level you're looking for. If you want everyone to have decent range, state the minimum range you're looking for. If you don't care for this, say "all levels welcome!" - and of course, stick to whatever requirement you've mentioned in your smega.
My best advice is join a guild/fill your buddy list with like minded people and recruit your own runs. Pubs can be rough, I routinely don't get replies when trying to join HT as a 183 Buccaneer with over 8k range. It be like that sometimes. There are elitists, and there are also just higher level people that want more splits/EXP and running with a fresh bosser won't be worth splitting with.
1 years ago alot ppl mega looking 6k above range nl for bosses, u are very lucky, becuz of that i only start bossing after 15x ,that time they increase the requierment to 7k above... thats y im 200,i choose them now not they choose me xD For Public they wan high requirement + apple , so beter go bossing wif buddy or guildmate that u can trust.
Lv135 ~ 150 is a pain to join any boss runs especially like zakum because your core skills/eq are not optimised yet. It is very normal that people "ignore" you because everyone wants a fast run and share split with contributing members. We all been through the time, it's nightmare, but don't be discouraged! Instead, you can host your own runs, people normally won't run away. You can join popular guilds, make new friends or find someone similar like you to make a fixed party. You can also skip zakum now and do Krex if possible, because Krex is giving the most optimal exp for your level. Also, creating mules such as SE/BS/Crash mules will help you alot in finding party.
Maybe I'm speaking from ignorance because I have never played an NL, but if the problem they have is your level (never said your range was too weak), why not just grind and level up to be a higher level. I'm surprised to hear that people have quit the game solely due to being unaccepted into boss runs. I know a lot of people probably don't enjoy grinding and some classes (like NL) aren't built for grinding, but wouldn't that just be a necessary chore to do in order to be boss-acceptable? (necessary chore such as going through the pains to hp wash in the first place)
Hey I have grinded on NL from level 1 to 125, trust me it's extremely tedious. Your only mobbing skill comes at level 70 but only really usable at level 85 (max shadow partner first is still priority). Even then its pretty weak compared to L7 or TT, not discounting the fact that it has lesser range. High spawn maps cause you to punch half the times and the recent patch to nerf NL means npc'ing eqs no longer give you profit after accounting for stars and potions + summoning rock. You MUST have another source of income.
My gear is weaker and 10 levels lower and I cant imagine hitting that hard on bosses in 10 levels. That's some good information as to what equips I should aim for to achieve that damage. Currently hitting about 6.5k per line x 6 on normal monsters (with lower defence than bosses ofc). Think my bossing damage could be around 5k. I'm excited to hit as hard as you can in the future, but am disappointed about your predicament. I too would like to be included in boss runs at 135 as the grind from 1-135 is real. Edit: I have reached 135 and started requesting to join for boss runs. About 50% will not reply after you state your level and job, the 50% that replies have found someone else (even though you replied to their first smega, and they smega'd again). 50% of those that haven't found are looking for "strong attackers". Even then 50% who are looking for "weak attackers" only need 1 run because someone DCed previously or something. I guess that is fine, statistically, we just need to ask 20 people to get a run ~
I'm finding someone who can run zak together, because im nw 137lvl NL only. I've met the same problem with you too which is too low lvl and almost everyone dont want me. Ign: perfectcome
Hello this was quite awhile back. Unfortunately, I don't really play much anymore. I ended up not bossing and grinding while waiting for the recruitment smegas. You could try chief memory guardian which drops helm int 60%. You'll slowly level up and might be able to join some boss runs.