Yes, thread still VALID in 2023 192 TMA Elemental Wand 6 SB: 2b AW: 2.3b 40 TMA Amethyst Earrings SB: 3b AW: 3.2b Accepting: (as 400m) Spoiler: 2021 Sale History apart from the cape downgrades 13/81 RC sold to prettyG in-game for 5b 19 atk bwg sold to yogib2r for 18 atk scg + 2.5b topup 18 atk scg sold to @Sherman Li for 8b 110 wa clean stonetooth sword (ST) - SOLD for 450m at shop. 7 INT clean Red Emerald Earrings - SOLD for 300m at shop. 125 wa Nisrock - SOLD for ws + 300m in-game. Spoiler: 22 atk BFC sale journey 22 atk BFC (self-made at 8:27 PM 23/12/2020 Sydney time) sold to @perkele for 21 atk bfc + 22b 21 atk bfc sold to @afyjkil1901 for 20 atk pgc + 19 atk bwg + 5b 20 atk pgc sold to SevenGates in-game for 19 atk bfc + 12b 19 atk bfc sold to @sharonxd for 18 atk bfc + 7.5b + 1 apple 18 atk bfc sold to @Joe6337 for 17 atk pgc + 7b 17 atk pgc sold to @revaxy for 16 atk bfc + 3.5b Spoiler: Written when the cape was 19/1 Bought 10att 4slots bfc from @onekeystory for 4.5b 10/4 --> fail (+ws) --> +5 !! (+ws) --> +0 (+ws) --> +4 !! (+ws) 19/1 as of now (22/12/2020 12 : 31 am Sydney time) why it gotta be grey, tho *Not selling or trading the cape as of yet, because I haven't decided whether to scroll it further or stop. Since this was going to be my last gambling item before quitting (RIP about 8 x 4/5 bfcs that became rubbish), I need some time to think! This section will be updated as soon as any change is made to the cape (as it has been till now). It will either be sold upon completion or traded for 20att cape if I choose not to finish it myself. feel free to leave offers if interested! I will keep the offers in mind Spoiler: pre-quitting gambling session prep Shinsoo chair sold for 1.2b in-game 127att ST sold to ign: Kimin in-game 11/3 fs + 2cs + 2ws traded for 14att fs with ign: 10PM 14fs traded for 15b coins and 500m with ign: Vibrio 15att scg sold for 1b in-game 8att bfc sold for 1b in-game 5/101 concerto sold for 1.1b to ign: AnnBonny 15att bfc traded for 14att bfc + 3b coins to ign: Camilla (forum name mentioned in one of the posts under this thread) 9/4 scg DESTROYED it myself 14/66 5 slots RC DESTROYED it myself 14att bfc sold for 7.5b to ign: Ickheart Winner's podium effect 2b sold in-game 9att bfc sold for 1.3b to ign: hakkaKuan 1 set of balanced fury sold for 650m in-game 6 sets of cilbis sold in-game 18 INT Bathrobe (Male) sold for 150m in-game 12 INT Yellow Adventurer Cape sold for 40m in-game 9 INT Raccoon Mask sold for 800m in-game 20 Str 24 Dex White Pioneer sold for 1b coin to @JustAlan 280m from @midwinter + an item megaphone (literally ALL he had, so big thanks to that, my friend. Don't tell me you wish I get a positive outcome from this cape, cause that would mean I CAN'T quit this game yet hope to follow your path soon) Finally finished downgrading 22 atk cape to 16 atk cape. Thank you all the buyers and royals community for tolerating my countless smegas <3 Spoiler: Special thanks to these legends who made 22 att cape making possible @onekeystory for selling me the lucky cape @JustAlan for buying my pioneer, so I can buy 1 set of cs+ws @Yousabish for lending me 3 sets of cs+ws for the last slot @Michie for lending me 1 set of cs+ws for the last slot @KCL for lending me 1 set of cs+ws for the last slot @midwinter for coming online 2 separate times just to see it fail, but miss to witness the last cs+ws set, which worked. I did not want to call someone who's quit, for the third time just to watch it fail. AND thanks for giving me the inspiration to walk on this path @chuckfan581 for lending yousabish 100m, so he can lend me another set of cs+ws @Zenpang for providing the magical Christmas tree, which served as a perfect scrolling spot @Tofuuu for being the coolest mommy <3 our daddy so cold-hearted sometimes Took 6 sets of cs+ws in total, to pass the last slot LMAO. Thank god it went positive. It would've been very hard for me to keep my promise of paying you guys back 150% of what you lent me. I guess my time to graduate from playing this game is not here yet
I’m sorry, I messed up. I thought my cape on my NL was a 12 but it’s actually 14. My apologies, I try not to retract my bids I place but, goofball mistake as I’m inactive. It’s a steal price somebody should grab it! sorry again man
Thanks for the offer, but as I haven't decided yet whether to finish it myself or stop, I will just take your offer into consideration and let you know if I end up selling or trading it as it is now