got a few qns cos im broke rn 1) do ppl prefer trio duku>solo mage duku? 2) does high lvl matter as much as compared to solo mage? 3) usually just 1 person 3 client or do ppl do like 1 person 1 mage x3 or 1 person 2 mage + 1 person 1 mage? 4) adding on 3), recommended to do it solo or with other ppl? 5) which spot gives the most exp for the mage? 6) does 3hit/2hit/1hit affect the exp gain a lot? 7) whats the current leech rates? $_$ 8) out of my mages which wld be optimum ? i hv a 189 IL tat can 1 hit, 200 bish which prolly is 2 hit, 144 FP, 132 FP both i dont know if they 3hit/2hit thanks
I have looked into duku just for 1 night of self leeching. 1. I guess trio. Haven't seen any solo mage duku seller's smega. Trio also seems far easier. 3. 1 person 3 clients. 4. Solo cuz why split when the effort is less than TC leech, assuming u ignore the drops. 5. Left or right slygie platform. 6. 3 hit might be too slow. My 2hit IL/fp's ult,mg,ult setup is timed just right for the next wave to spawn. 7. 80m per slot. 8.both ur fp should be easily 2hit. Maybe fp/fp/BSP?
i think the mage at the top isn't as important. It's in charge of killing the highest platform (1 platform), compared to the side mages (slygie platform). I would put the weakest there. I tried using corsair's airstrike and its pretty okay too (exp for sair + less pots!?), though its probably slightly less exp
There is a seller who uses all 130 mages (2x FP and 1x bishop). The bishop is 3 hit and stands at the top middle platform. 3 hit is ok only on the bishop, but you'll need to focus on casting HS near the end of the duration to minimize exp loss. In addition (and I don't want to sound like I'm gate keeping here), but if your mages are too high level, the buyers don't get nearly as much exp. I would never buy trio duku from a level 200 bishop for 80m/h. It is much better to buy skele at that point. I personally don't recommend having magic guard in your skill macro. You actually lose a lot of exp/hr doing this because you lose a wave when you need to reposition your side mages. I recommend just casting your ult 2x and manually recasting magic guard every 5 minutes.
o ya 1 more qn is it like normal leech where its 1/2 buyer? i rmb reading somewhere there wld be like 3 buyer or some shit
Could you provide us with some numbers as of how much slower it is? Sounds pretty interesting to make an attacker/leeching hybrid & reminds me of bishop+dualblade at skele back then
2-mage duku actually yields the best exp (one 1hit mage who telecasts between top platform and either left or right) and the other 2hit mage using a ulti-ulti macro. Though tc = more work so... x) both your low level FPs should comfortably 2hit, as should your bishop. as for how many leechers - however many you like (as is the case for every other leeching map so it’s really a case of successful advertising that trio leech duku became a thing)
This thread has impeccable timing as I have also been looking into trio Duku! I currently have; 166 F/P (1 hit) 134 BS (3 hit) I guess I'm wondering what my most efficient route to selling worthwhile trio Duku leech would be? I was thinking park BS up top to clear top platform/HS buyers and TC between the Slygie platforms on the F/P? Or would it be recommended to make another 2 hit AM?