From the terms and conditions - Objectionable Behavior (Harassment) - The act of engaging in any sort of rude, harassing, vulgar, obscene, hateful, threatening or abusive discourse with another player, or alternatively in a setting in which unintended audiences may be present such as all publically transmitted chat or serverwide messages. This includes persistent badgering, flaming, mass defamation or disruption of another player. Punishment: First offense - 3 day ban, Second offense, 7 day ban, Third offense - Permanent ban. Defaming someone 10 times or more results in a ban. However, it's unclear if defaming someone a certain number of times such as 50 holds the same punishment as 10 defames. Taken to the extreme, would defaming someone 400 times in one instance result in the same ban as defaming someone 10 times? Also, what is the time allowed between defames? For example, would it be allowed to defame someone 9 times and then wait 1 or 2 days before defaming them 9 times?
I’d be really impressed if someone would defame another 400 times. That effort would be impressive LOL On the other hand, I would also like to know the answer to the above question
wtf is wrong with this community if things like this are of serious concern? wasn't this server only allowed for age of 13 ++ ??
Imagine... You have a character that wears equips that require fame. You afk for a few hours in the fm or lounge and then you come back to find that you can't wear your equips. You check your stats and find that your fame has dropped by roughly 400.... That would be quite upsetting. People might pay protection money to prevent that from happening, or pay someone to inflict that horror on someone they dislike. A lot of money could be made from this scheme. A lot. @Johnny
omg I thought the exact same thing when I read this thread. It's like the n drama all over again. Instead of just being a decent person, and ignoring shitty behaviour from others, we've all gotta know exactly how far the limits can be pushed.
Unpopular opinion: Remove fame requirement from all gear and subsequently remove dumb fame rule. If we're allowed to mass fame people we should be allowed to mass defame people too. Mass defame was a thing back on gMS. Makes for one less report + ban appeal to deal with every so often too. edit: Personally I say leave the fame requirement but I know y'all are fairies and would flip shit over that concept
Someone really got 400 defames or is this just an example? But i think with that mass defame like 400 as you said, that person should get more punishment, like we have different punishment for minor vote abuse and major vote abuse?
The game has aged 20 years but it seems the community is at a perpetual maturity level that never changes.
Imo anyone who defames more than say 5-10 times should be hit with a 30 day ban and anymore should be instantly permabanned. I cannot be bothered to deal with that sort of small brained mentality. Not worth being part of the community here
Why dont we have function to turn off fame/defame? I play other servers and they got that function and i believe it can help prevent drama/upset LOL, you won't need to deal with mass defame reports, less works.
No, they have a command which can turn the fame/defame on/off . When you buy fame, of course you will turn it on, that function can help prevent defame randomly which cause people to be upset or create some dramas.
If you turn it on, people can fame/defame you If you turn it off, people cant do it. If you don't want to get fame/defame random, you can just turn it off, if you buy fame, you can turn it on so sellers can fame you. It's like the command to turn on/off smega. Edit: answer your question, yes.