Hey everyone, I'm not too sure how possible this is, or if it could even be included within the new source, but how about implementing Duey? For those of you that don't know who/what this is, it's a mailing system to send items and/or mesos to players. Here's a video of how it works: This could be extremely helpful for sending splits to friends who play in a different timezone, or sending gear to a friend who would need it for whatever reason. Even transferring items to another account if you can't dual client, without the hassle of finding a trustworthy companion to do it for you. I'm sure there are more uses! Let's bring back Duey!
This system had a shitton of exploits (duping) and other bugs. I do not wanna put links here but everyone here knows how to Google. Even as sweet as the system sounds (and it is without exploits) I do not wanna take risks on these kind of things when it is not necessary
Thanks for bumping. As there hasn't been a huge amount of demand for this feature, it hasn't been prioritised to be implemented. If this is something that is indeed a wanted feature by the community then please make your voice heard in this thread.
I would like to see duey and would definitely use it a lot for paying splits or even just surprising friends with gifts
This would be fantastic for paying splits and transferring item/meso between players of different timezones. Excellent idea.
Hated it in GMS. Whenever I remembered to check it, I'd discover items that had expired as I hadn't claimed them soon enough.
We should remove the expiry feature in Royals then. Also, I'd love to get a feature where I receive notification from Maple Admin or Duey itself whenever I login that I have pending packages
Added poll for easier gauge of the support for the Duey Delivery Edit: please do continue to discuss about the pro(s) and con(s) of the Duey Delivery
Yes, please implement Duey! But there are a few things I think should be considered. 1. Safeguards to prevent items from disappearing/duping (such as logs and automatic audits to check for discrepancies). Will it be safe to use Duey immediately before a server check or is there risk of items duplicating (in Duey + inventory) or disappearing (gone from both)? 2. Persistent notifications when a package is waiting for you (I think this is already a feature and you get a notification every time you CC/change map/etc) 3. No expiration date. Expiring packages will only lead to upset/sour feelings. No one should come back from a break and see their items/mesos gone because someone sent it while they were away. Since the package entry will likely remain in the logs forever, I see no need for it to expire.
There is absolutely a huge demand for Duey and it would be so helpful for splits as mentioned by other players above. Bring him back!