I'm posting for a Chinese player (not for myself), because his English is not very good and he don't have a Forum account registered yet. IGN: WilliamLP Last thing you did: He just logged off after playing. Why do you think you got banned?: Another player (IGN: Xxman) complained about the lagg he to WilliamLP, then WilliamLP shared the VPN he has been using for playing Rolays. Then later on, Xxman did some kind of hacking and got banned. When WilliamLP tried to log on Royals, the system told him that he's banned. Ban message when attempting to log in: Your account has been permanently banned for serious violation of the rules. Therefore you will be unable to use this account. Detail: Autoban Xxman: High damage 1803 on Blue Snail. What GM banned you (optional): He didn't know. Other information: IP: [119. 81. 145. 42]
He can no longer use the VPN he is using as that one has been banned. Once he connects to MapleRoyals on a different VPN, please provide us with the IP address and we can lift his ban.
His local IP is: [], Beijing I wonder if he can use another VPN with different IP to play in the future once his account gets recovered. Thank you so much.
Is there a reason he is using a VPN in the first place? Because we are not willing to unban people who play on VPNs and get accounts banned. This is an exception being made.
Because he was super laggy playing with his own IP, and his internet speed is 20M. Using VPN has solved that problem. He has really enjoyed playing Royals and hasn't done anything wrong. He got punished from trying to help another Chinese player's laggy issue by sharing the VPN, then the other Chinese player violated Royals' rules on the same IP. I know that this is kind of difficult situation. However, the fact is that Chinese simply can't access many things, including Youtube, Facebook, Instagram and other things without using VPN, and all they want is to be able to connect the world, make friends and enjoy their internet time. Thank you for your consideration. BTW, he also suggested in order to avoid misban, maybe GMs could use MAC as the reference. (I don't know about this myself, just transferring the message for him)
The fact of the matter is, your friend needs to either use a new VPN (and risk being banned again) and provide us with his public facing IP through this VPN, or just use his actual connection to play which, unless he or someone in his house hacks, would ensure he doesn't get banned.
He's the only player on his own IP. He has to use VPN, because the lag is very serious. Without VPN, he will no longer able to play on our server. Why does using VPN to play get people banned?
VPNs are more public IPs that many people can use, so it's more likely to be associated with people who have been banned by using them than not.
I see. What would be your suggestion for him? I mean he really enjoys playing Royals, but he can't play at all with his own IP.
Could you just unban his account? Therefore he can at least play on his own IP at home and have a chance to finish the event quest.
We can unban him, but if he connects to that banned VPN again, his account will be rebanned. Let us know how he wants to proceed