I was unaware of this, but this is not uncommon practice. Many threads made by previous Staff members have been moved to currently active members to ensure control over their contents. However, you highlight a great issue, which is that there remain many threads owned by non-Staff members. I'll see if we can address this potential hazard. I can only guess that past and present Staff members know that their contributions are precious and valued by Staff and players alike.
Disclaimer: Not sure if this is already currently in practise. If it is, please just ignore my post. Thanks -When a report abuse thread is made, I believe that their title should be structured in a way that is easier for the current/future staff to navigate, so that they don't have to open every single hyperlink to check. (ign of the person they are reporting - offence committed). i.e Aestel - Hate speech. -I feel that this will help with the efficiency & delegation of reports. For e.g (just an example), maybe staff(including but not limited to forum mods) can handle simple & obvious reports like hacking/hate speech/harassment. This will free up more time for other staffs with the ability to investigate more severe offences like rwt/vote abuse/ account sharing etc.
Really dude? You can't just talk about and expose the Owner and his girl like that and expect to keep your legacy work. Stop trying to dismantle staff trust. Know your place. /s To speak frankly, I don't think Matt or, especially Tim is ever going to respond about the 48 hr reporting rule after the numerous comments made on it. Tim already said he'd leave admin if that rule didn't pass, I don't think he's going to accept a rollback of it or criticism of it. If they did care, they'd lay down their ego and undo the rule and actually have an open discussion with the community about it (which they haven't). With Matt's previous comments in the past thread and Tim's reluctance to comment, I don't think they want to do that. With that said, on the new Feedback sub-forums for organization, I think it's a good idea so far. However, I want to stress.. It is a tragedy that there was a loss of multiple Staff members with end-game experience. And it's very silly to have read the revelations that the other Staff members are inactive and/or haven't even reached HT/Auf and have had a huge hand on gameplay decisions. It's also puzzling to know that opinions from Staff members who had experience were put down. Seriously, if I was on Staff team and knew Josh had 8 lv200s characters, I'd ask for an AMA on his gameplay thoughts but that's just me.... To Staff members who are reading this and Staff members who know that some other Staff members didn't see this, please tell them this... Participate in discussions. Don't get defensive. Ask questions. Be interested in what your fellow players have to say. Analyze the discussions/feedback.
I would also like to update at here regarding the 48 hour reporting rule We have discussed as a team, including Tim, on how to combat the petty reports as the proposed 48 hours does spawn some problems High chance the Staff will be making an official announcement again regarding the revised/new reporting format after further discussions, however please note that the 48 hours reporting rule isn't final and can be subjected to change
@Josh and this https://royals.ms/forum/threads/ban-appeal.180497/ https://royals.ms/forum/threads/ban-appeal.180446/ is what ‘RWT bans’ have turned into since you left Staff.
Yea, and the true RWTers slip through the cracks unnoticed for months. When the old GMs were around they were much more proactive in catching. Eg. When I found a carousel page, I just dmed one of the GMs for example (because I was forum banned for hate speech and I couldn't report abuse), investigation was done and the RWTer was banned on the same day.
Today I wanted to touch on the prevalence of burnout among Staff. Whilst this is a term thrown around numerous times by many, perhaps not as many individuals recognise the contributing factors to burnout in the workplace. I acknowledge that the role of MapleRoyals Staff is voluntary rather than a true occupational context per se, however I can only hope that those of you remaining on Staff feel at least some sense of responsibility attached to the role. Burnout will officially be defined as a condition in ICD-11, as follows[1]: Work factors which are associated with more burnout include[2]: - low job control - job demands - low co-worker support - low supervisor support - low workplace support - high workload - low reward - job insecurity Work factors associated with less burnout: - workplace justice Clearly it's not surprising that the MapleRoyals staff environment meets many of these factors which have been shown in multiple validated studies as contributing factors to burnout. It's also not surprising that we see a perpetual cycle of staff becoming exhausted from their duties, subsequently become more cynical, and both the amount and efficiency of their work is reduced. It is a universal phenomenon shared by many and is increasingly seen in multiple workplace environments. I'm showing this specifically to Staff because some may not recognise that they are, in fact, burning out. In the last few weeks-months there have been many instances where burnout is very obvious to the community - particularly highlighted by the volume of false bans as well as the lack of willingness for Staff to engage with the community both on the forums as well as in game. There are many self-assessment tools of burnout available on Google, albeit not all these are validated. Nevertheless I would encourage current and remaining members of Staff to engage in self-assessment, and if this is suggestive of burnout, they should seriously consider stepping back and stepping away. Not just for the betterment of the server, but also for their own mental and physical health. Please consider this with sincerity. It's my very firm opinion that if you feel mentally exhausted to actually interact with the community you serve for, then it's time you reconsider your priorities. [1]. https://icd.who.int/browse11/l-m/en#/http://id.who.int/icd/entity/129180281 [2]. Aronsson et al. (2017). A systematic review including meta-analysis of work environment and burnout symptoms.
as the saying goes, "bumping this thread for further visibility" granted it's the holiday season, but still little to no ownership with regards to these issues has been taken by the Staff who are involved. more than two weeks later and we still have yet to see any further observable or tangible commitment being made after the sudden spate of Staff activity in the few days that followed, despite concrete suggestions being put forth by the community the thread tags and sub-sections in this Feedback forum are great, but one truly wonders how this thread will be categorised eventually: "Denied" or "Not Possible"?
I don't usually get myself involved with these. But at this point, me as a regular player, I'm wondering if the owner himself actually cares about the server's wellbeing, or just doesn't give a crap about it. It's been years since I've seen any improvement and these issues that could've been fixed easily piling up, is starting to get on my nerves.
source: https://royals.ms/forum/threads/gm-blog-january-2021.182966/page-2#post-1072282 thought it'd a good time to "bump this thread again for further visibility", since this is clearly getting ignored forgotten, along with many other things it seems maybe it's the face-sitting again, but only God knows how anyone can carry themselves in such a pathetic and disdainful manner
Wouldn't this be a great place for you @Matt to enlighten the community on what "significant contribution" from a GM looks like? On the topic of increasing transparency between Staff and the community, I think it'd be really helpful for us to be able to gauge what the explicit roles and expectations of a full GM/GM intern should be. Similar to any job you apply to online, the job description usually contains details regarding the nature of the job, the tasks you'd be responsible for, the time commitment expected, etc. How can someone really know if they're the right fit for the job if they have no idea what the expectations are for the job they're applying to?
I apologise for not being more clear as to my definition of a 'significant contribution', and it's obvious that I should have been more clear as to what that entails, as I was not at all implying that there were no 'contributions' made. As an intern, a significant contribution is what I would call necessary to be promoted to GM. This of course includes showing the ability to carry out the in-game duties of a GM Intern, but also being capable of following the staff guidelines and improving when any mistakes may have been made, contributing to staff discussions in a polite and un-biased manner, and generally being a positive addition to the game and staff team. We are currently in the process of reworking and creating additional staff roles, and will be creating a thread which will better outline the expected duties of each role.
Sorry to be blunt but you really think your girlfriend qualifies in this category after the profoundly more active proportion of your staff roster quit because of her?
Yes, and as far as I'm aware, one staff member left because they thought something was going on when nothing was going on at all. Other staff members had given different reasons for leaving.
You are sadly unaware and in constant denial. The fact that this is the first time in 46 days you've directly responded to a comment of mine that you can finally rebut based on personal opinion speaks for itself. Becca hasn't even spoken out once about this matter. Maintaining silence doesn't mean people will forget - it's been almost 3 years, haven't you learnt anything?
And you are also entitled to your opinion. I am just going based off the information I have and reasonings that have been given to me. I don't see why Becca is required to 'speak out' about internal staff matters caused by rumours that were dealt with over 3 months ago. Nor am I required to directly respond to any of your comments about these matters. There are more important things that need to get done than discussing issues of the past, like publishing the new terms and conditions, reworking the hiring process, and preparing and testing the next update which we are making sure takes into account many requested feedback points - which the Staff team has been hard at work at.
One of those important things should also be to remove staff members who are clearly not suited for the job. Back in the intern days every single intern worked harder than Becca, who was absent for personal reasons(which is absolutely okay. If you have real life issues to deal with, it should be more important than some private server of a video game). However, promoting her in the first place like her fellow interns was wrong. You can defend her as much as you want and I respect that, but you can't just ignore everything that happened and move on. Building the trust between the community and the staff should be one of the main focuses of GMs or any staff members, and if you fail to do that, you shouldn't be a GM. Look at Tim for example. Dude straight up made a mistake. He wrote a proper apology, admitted his mistakes and tried to make things right. THIS is how you move on from the past.
Could you give a brief explanation about why promoting her is wrong? From the above, I only noticed you wrote that she was absent for personal reasons, I not sure does that mean she was absent for a prolonged period of time and did not fulfill her Staff duties, hence her promotion from intern to full-time GM is wrong Does the 'everything that happened' refers to her being absent for personal reasons only? Would like to clarify this point
Exactly. If you put a lot of work on interns due to an absent member I would expect either a senior to step in and help or a new intern to be recruited(in addition, or as a replacement for the missing intern). At the very least promoting them in different times/delaying the promotion of the missing intern. Edit: made a tl;dr instead of my very long 3 am rant.