Well, it's that time for me. I'm quitting and leaving royals behind, joining a new server. I felt bored and finished my equipment had no fulfillment. Disconnection was quite a havoc. Guess this ends it. It's been nearly a year since I started. A unique nostalgic server... and I have everyone to thank for it. ---------------Yeah I won't really say many peoples name, it's like 2am; Thanks for the wonderful experiences to my bl and aliance I'd like to thank, 17step for supporting me in hosting a horntail and ended up co hosting together. Luckylook for the times we bossed and had times in queens. Illuminate for being mike and teaching me how to overprice my scrolls, I earned so much mesos from that! Bishoff for pushing me to level faster as a bm, cause he was always ahead of me. Silachan for GM support as well as bossing together, making clarity, and the trust of making me a jr. Himeragi for teaching me to watch more anime somehow, i dont even know. I never watched strike the blood Vaseline for being a blow master buddy with me. Shot for being my super price checker attendee, and bossing with meh. Nefarious for hosting boss runs, having a good time, chilling, and friendship rings. Tommie for anego runs Kaizoku for scroll list guide aand queens momentsssssssss. Intensity for quitting and being nathan. I learned how to quit too thank you Mangu for showing me how I'm allowed to eat mango cause bad for my skin. Faintly remembers taste, ily <3 Tricky for marrying me when I yoloed asked her. Only met her in guild for like 2seconds and proposed. ily Valerie <3 And all my other bossing buddies, egonics, bruuh, ............... filler.......... Cabooty for being my vancouver buddy, hope we meet up. Nuclearcow for being such a radioactive cow Ayeaye for our first zak duo with gen 20 dropping REMEMBER THAT TIME I WENT TO WASHROOM and u soloed for like 15minutes Mecheez for being the best menno blamer ever. <3 Thanks for understanding that my char can only wear girl clothing Masscome for being the youngest of the young, I didn't feel so young anymore. AHHH IM SO TIRED I KNOW IM MISSING PEOPLE T_T idk maybe jp or something I can't think of words to say to him, wth does flick a flick mean. Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler
</3 Gonna miss ya, Rich. Thanks for everything- it was awesome hanging out with you all the time, and learning how to anego and bigfoot and what not. Even the one time you refused to SE me, and then a month later begged for haste all the time. f3 Keep in touch over skype <3
Now I must catch up to your level and take your place Good luck with everything, Richboy~ Eat well and sleep well! P.s. Thank you for your bow~
I knew if I searched enough I'd find a screenshot. Best of luck to you in the future! It's always tough to see people quit no matter how well I knew them. I almost can't Stand it
I dunno Rich. Without you and Mike, I dont think HT would've ever been something I thought I was capable of doing. You and your goddamn bird. I hate that bird. So much. Kiddin tho. I miss you already, and I'm sad you left. Especially sad you left to go play elsewhere, but hey. I understand, everyone moves on at some point. Thanks for helping me make Clarity, for helping me through all that you did. I was nub in so many ways and I've learned a lot, from you and from others. Thanks for all the stoppers and gizers and the fun times. <3 I'll keep you updated on the fateful day I finally pass that damn TT30.
I don't understand my shout out, but I'm grateful to have gotten one from you, Rich. :') I remember first meeting you and hardly talking to you, but we slowly became friends. When I was inactive, you were one of the few who would check up on me. ^^ Thanks for everything, and I'm glad to have met you. I'll get you to Skype, one day... <3
Awwww Rich (( Haven't seen you in game in a while, but have fun with whatever you decide to play/do! Make sure to visit us all plstykthxbai