We started the run at around 02:00 Server Time. At the end of the run the only thing that dropped was HT Egg. Team: LonePiper / PiPiCrab / PrEugen / QmournersQ / Swain / YeahLeBron Buyer: HollowJack
My bad, thought the bug wasn't confirmed yet - has been confirmed now Have shifted this back to Character Issues - pending for compensation/refund
I can refund you and your party the drops, but I'll need everyone to be online so I can issue the refund. Let me know when you guys are available!
Hey Becca we've decided to regroup again tomorrow at 02:00 Server Time. Let us know if this works for you
Dave thanks for the bump, but we alr received the refund, we made 2 thread about this issue and becca replied and closed mine.