Lets discuss

Discussion in 'Closed' started by 2ScoopRice, Feb 15, 2021.

  1. ananaskungen

    ananaskungen Donator

    Jul 16, 2017
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    I have been a staff member in many other games and achieved management roles within these other games and something that really stood out and this also implies on this server was and I'm gonna quote this from TnC: "As a general statement for terms under the Minor Infractions title, please be aware that Staff retains the right to decide on a case-by-case basis what infracts the rule and what does not. A similar case in the past does not necessarily qualify a current case to be treated in a similar manner, as every case is different and the nature of inappropriate actions is constantly changing. To be safe from potential bans under minor infractions, the most general suggestion we have is to act as though you are in a real life public situation with your superiors around you. If you are respectful to the individuals around you, it will severely reduce any likelihood of facing minor infraction consequences."

    Meaning, staff members have the right to decide what is appropriate and what isn't appropriate for that situation and if they feel that he should get unbanned then that's the final say. However, I believe you're taking this to extreme extense, this guy is only an intern, the person litterally just started a week ago. Criticism is a common thing and improvement is also a thing. The lack of experience is common and everyone has to start somewhere. Everyone doesn't have years of experience. I think the view would be very different if an "Administrator" or someone with years of experience would've had dealth with the case because they know the right outcome from previous bans and years of dealing with that type of cases. However, I think the situation was handled propertly and thats how a staff case should be handled in my opinion, you review you go through the evidence and decide out of common sense, whats the right outcome for this person and if the decision is to unban him then that's the decision. I don't see anything wrong at all with this. The staff members are known to be very strict and very very very very rarely give people a second chance. It can happened there is absolutely nothing wrong, it just happens so rarely here.

    And also my tip for future interns would be to just double check with higher ups before posting something to the public, just to confirm and double check if everything is in order before posting it.
    Kenny, Diphenhydramine, Sen and 2 others like this.
  2. Sen

    Sen Donator

    Jul 14, 2016
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    Yes, actually. Remember when making obvious jokes about RWT was an immediate permaban? Good times.

    I'm generally not a fan of using the discretion clause to justify Staff oversight, but I do find it ironic that people are out here accusing Staff of not knowing the T&C without clearly having done a read-through themselves.
    ananaskungen, Johnny and Shnang like this.
  3. Jooon

    Jooon Donator

    Mar 5, 2015
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    Charu, Jesseh and Zusti like this.
  4. 2ScoopRice

    2ScoopRice Donator

    Jul 15, 2016
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    Let's not open a can of worms with the whole second chances debate. To keep it short, they get to walk free from the incident without a scratch on their record.

    No, I did not make the effort to directly reach out to the staff member for the problem. I see this as a situation where staff can be more transparent with how things are run (if they can reveal such tactics to us, understandable if not)—namely bans and their appeals. I have seen and sent a few reports where evidence was clear, sometimes literally stated from the person committing the infraction, but it is not dealt with in a timely manner, or worse, they walk free (just like this case here) without any strikes.

    -clap- No, this is not sarcastic. I do thank those who take their time and help to make this community better.
    We are only human after all, mistakes will be made. But the wording here is what drove me to make this post.

    "I'm going to unban you now since you didn't know this was against the rules (I suggest you read the terms an conditions) and the person filing the complaint was willing to let it go (it seems you came to an understanding afterwards)"
    "Upon addition review and feedback from staff, the ban was excessive based on the evidence"

    I would stand to argue that more than 90% of new players who come to this game haphazardly click accept to the TnC without a second thought as to what the rules of the server actually are. I'm sure there will be no problem trying to find another ban appeal where it goes something like, "Not knowing the TnC is not an excuse to ________. Your appeal is denied." Seeing someone walk free because of raises a big red flag.
    I stand by with that staff should be well aware of the rules and there is little to no excuse for not knowing it, especially since you (staff) are the ones enforcing it. If the evidence was lacking, poor judgment to ban in the first place. But, hey we are human and mistakes are made, apologies can be accepted.

    Sorry to single you out @Incentv! <3
    But you are the case that tipped me over the edge (along with the only public one). I am singling you out in your particular case, and applaud you for admitting your wrongs! However, there are private reports that have been across some gms (even retired ones) that warrant a very questionable response. For example, one where someone admitted to keying their skills and going afk but responded with needing more evidence or going on a watch list.
    5. Robotic Play - This act will be defined as the failure of a player to respond to a member of Staff when prompted and visibly at the controls of their character, as evidenced by actions such as movement or use of skills. In the situation where a player is prompting another player, a response is not strictly mandatory; however, a player report in which a player is being prompted numerous times without a response over a long period of time may be considered sufficient evidence for consequences under this rule at the discretion of Staff. As such, we strongly suggest to all players to respond to any prompts in order to avoid being portrayed in a manner which may not be true. The use of third-party key macros which cause one input action to register multiple outputs, or leaving weights on your keyboard, or any other method which allows your character to function without your presence or interaction will be considered grounds for consequences under this rule.
    Believable Claim - The act of making any claim or joke to have broken any other rule listed above that we deem believable, including posing, impersonating, or otherwise claiming to be a player who has broken a rule. Punishment: Identical to actually breaking the rule.
    Or another example I implore you to take a look at, one of my cases where I have found what I believe was a macro-botter but was overlooked because "he wasn't doing it when I was watching him" even though there was video proof. Sadly, the evidence was uploaded to streamable some time ago and is no longer available. It's not hard to look back at your computer and scroll up in chat to know someone was there to report you. Of course, they would be on their toes after seeing that.
    Chris4Real likes this.
  5. Relmy

    Relmy Donator

    Aug 1, 2018
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    Personally i would like to state(despite i might go a little off topic) first that this thread shows 2 "waves" that annoy me greatly, just because i experience them in my daily life too, and i would like to adress them to clarify a few things.

    1st.- Theres some kind of mindset of "Im learning, dont judge me", i mean, how am i suposed to learn if people dont point my mistakes?, in these cases there were either wrong decitions, or words choosed poorly, and it was inevitable to either make a thread like this or, talk about it like gossip teenagers, and if i was the intern making these mistakes, i would preffer this thread a million times, so despite i have not asked scoop his toughts about what should be done, i have not seen in this threads things like "he/they have to step out" "he/they should be removed from their positions" , in wich case coments like "buddy, theyre new give them some time" are correct, but no,mistakes have to be pointed from second 1, otherwise theres no real learning.
    P.D..- If someone is thinking to say "staff should be the ones pointing their mistakes", well since it passed some time and that reply wasnt edited, is easy to guess that no staff member pointed it out, and as users we have the right to respectfully demand for a clarification. TLDR.- Lets not be softies, we need critics to actually learn.

    2nd.-People from all around the world seems to think "Dont judge what you have, thats ungrateful" , erm ,no, im happy to have a job, and grateful about it, but i wont fool myself, i dont like it and i want a better position. I was always gratefull for not being homeless, but i never fooled myself, i did not like the way i was living, till i changed it.

    So my personal statement is: Thanks to the current and future GM interns for take time to help, this server that we care about so much, were really grateful about that(at least i am) but sadly, despite youre not getting a real compensation, you have putted yourself in everyones eyes, so certain responsabilities have to be taken, and in this case, you have made a mistake(at least from my eyes) and we need to speak it out loud.

    to finish i would also like to say:
    Man..i was expecting you to say something like :"yes, im sorry ,BUT....." i am really glad you didnt, this shows a real learning attitude, wich is something quite rare these days, and something to recognize, my best wishes to you..
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2021
  6. Rhynhardt

    Rhynhardt Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2019
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    Lmfao what. Buddy coincidently you're in the same boat as they are like what(not knowing the TOS), the ban offenses you're complaining about have multiple infraction potential. That's why I find this thread so unnecessary, and just because they shortened the disciplinary action doesn't mean that it's "not on record". You're literally complaining about a maximum 3 day ban that lasted for 2 days, if they do it again they obviously didn't learn their lesson and would suffer a 1 week ban, 30 day, then perma.
    ananaskungen likes this.
  7. Wayne Low

    Wayne Low Active Member

    Jul 27, 2018
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    Honestly, If I am the one reading what you have typed especially "I actually don't care about this report already because its been a long time ago", I thought you have no interest to know what will happen to the offender anymore

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