Hello Corsair Veterans! I was wondering, how useful is ice splitter & flamethrower? Do people actually use it for mobbing? It looks like it's a lot less "mobile" to use, like there's a 0.5s post delay after the skill is used (kinda like an animation lock). I understand it can be used on our ships, but invisible cannot. Will this skill be used to mob on when we're on our ship? Could I ice splitter then torpedo? I feel like maxing Octopus and Gaviota. Would elemental boost be useless then? Thank you for your time!
It sounds like you are currently somewhere between 3rd and 4th job. Flame + ice skills are pretty useful for aoe mobbing during 3rd job. Other than those 2, there's no aoe skill to grind efficiently prior to 4th job. Hence it's recommended to actually level them if you are actively grinding on that char. If you are washing heavily with leech, flame thrower kinda loses its purpose. Battleship's heavy nuke dps overwhelms every skill from previous jobs. However, ice splitter remains useful thanks to the freezing ability. Veteran Corsairs use it frequently for mob control in places like Zakum. As you get close to lvl 200, you will most likely master gaviota and octopus for dps maximization. Flame thrower and ice splitter mostly remain unmastered if not untouched in the case of flame thrower during leech story. Elemental boost is not that useful but there will be left over sp to invest in it.
I actually like Flamethrower due to 2 reasons: 1) close range activation rather than gun-whacking 2) Damage over Time (DoT) effect on mobs I have both Ice Splitter and Flamethrower for the extra utility
It depends on where are you training. For me, I use ice splitter and flamethrower macro as utility, to freeze mobs, not for dps.
Well during boss runs, it HAS to break before you can get a new one. The only way to recover battleship HP is by relogging, but it does not reset battleship CD if it already broke.