I am playing a shadower now and meso explosion is 1 of the skill I use daily now for bossing. Not sure if this is the correct place to ask, but I want to check if it is allowed to bind keys of my keyboard to a mouse left click? e.g. binding keyboard keypad num 1 and num 2 both to a single left mouse click action, then I can perform mouse click action by tapping the 2 keys on keyboard.
Not allowed Edit: Think I mis-read, so you want num 1 and num 2 to be left mouse click at the same time? You may refer to this announcement https://royals.ms/forum/threads/clarification-of-third-party-hard-and-software-benefits.136768/
Think I mis-read, so you want num 1 and num 2 to be left mouse click at the same time? yes I saw this in the rules: You're allowed to rebind keys in a 1:1 action matter with third party software as there is no direct benefit in doing that over using the default keys. We also allow the use of controllers and remapping software for example, as long as the player can reply while playing to not be mistaken for a bot. I just want to double confirm, cause bind numpad 1 to 1 mouse left click AND bind numpad 2 to 1 mouse left click is equal to a 2:1, cause now 2 button link to 1 action and I can spam click the numpad 1 and 2 buttons at the same time which is faster than just spam clicking one mouse left click, is this allowed?