~Silver Mane Mount Quest Set / Etcs.~ Price: 69m/set Status: IN STOCK Hours active: 1:00pm PST - 5:00pm PST This set includes: x600 Rexton Leathers x400 Skull Shoulder Pads x400 Wooden Shoulder Pads These etc. are needed to complete Kenta's "Silver Mane" quest in order to unlock the silver mane mount. The following is a guide for the mount quest (credits to the original author): https://royals.ms/forum/threads/new-source-mount-guide.91620/ If you would like to buy any of the specific etc. individually, since you may have some already, the prices are as follows (may change depending on market): Rexton Leather = 90k each Skull Shoulder Pad = 80k each Wooden Shoulder Pad = 5k each Feel free to leave a message/IGN here to request a set or etc. or whisper DripBrew in-game. I have a coffeemaid shop set up under the IGN ShadowBrew at FM 1-8 Door with the etc. listed at the above prices while I am away, so you can check there if I do not reply to a whisper. Happy Mapling~
I’ll trade 1200 sets for those 21 att Jordans. Hehehe which character should I PM when I’m back from work?
I can pass it later when I’m off from work tonight ~around 3.5 hours after reset, or anytime over the weekend!
Silver Mane set: now sponsored by Gucci Mane Get to your Gucci Silver Mane set today! **fur coat not included