I've been doing some research on how much HP and MP each character class gets on leveling, but no one seems to know exactly. Most people agree on 20~24HP/level for nightlords and bowmasters/marksmen and on 10~14HP/level for mage classes. Can anyone confirm these numbers, and does anyone know the gains for other classes (brawlers, gunslingers, bandits, warriors)? As for MP/level the formula I see most is 15 + (0.1*total INT) +/- 1, but no one seems to specify for which classes this is. It can't be for all classes cause then 4int nightlords and warriors would gain the same MP, which is not the case (I think). For mage classes I've seen 22~24 + (2*maxMPIncreaseLevel + totalINT/10) which looks correct. Can anyone confirm this aswell? Thanks
I can confirm/deny some stuff here. The HP gain per level numbers are correct. Corsairs have the same formula as Bowmen, as do Brawlers. However, Brawlers have a skill that gives them extra HP per level. Bandits have the same amount, too, they share their formulae in general with Night Lords. The Mage MP/level formula is correct. Your assumption that 4 INT NLs and Warriors have the same MP is also correct, although I don't know any numbers. Wrong section, by the way.
Okay thanks a lot. I assume the hp/level for warriors is also the same as the others + their increase max hp skill?
The code for HP and MP increase, as well as most of the code for using AP resets has been posted by matt at http://royals.ms/forum/threads/double-hp-wash.1456/#post-5557 So Thieves, Bowmen, and Corsairs gain 20-24 HP per level and 10-12 MP plus (int/10). Brawlers gain that number plus the effect of their HP increase skill. Warriors gain 22-24 plus the effect of their HP increase skill, and 2-4 mp plus (int/10). Beginners and mages gain 8-12 HP per level. I can't recall off the top of my head what mages and beginners gain for MP, but I believe MP washing is bugged atm for mages (gives waaay more than it should) so if you wanted to max out your MP there it wouldn't cause you much trouble.