does anybody find it odd that DK's crash nullifies every debuff but hero's crash only nullifies defence up?
I assume it was intentionally designed that way to have DK's crash (utility-wise) be stronger than hero's crash to compensate for DK needing to zerk, so imo not odd at all. However, AOE of the two crashes need to match though as hero's crash aoe is so much smaller than DK's crash, which makes no sense.
Maybe, but, perhaps the only job that actually cares about w.att up/m.att up is drk anyways, def up is the main thing u want to dispel, what it really doesnt make much sense is the action range(and pls, no nerf on drk/pallys, buff on heros)
it’s actually because the original change to crashes gave white knights cwa crash, crusaders cma crash, and dks got att/def up crashes. then crusaders got changed back to the vanilla crash when white knight went to total crash
Lets just say pink bean does get released. Hero & Paladin gets a new weapon set meanwhile drk continues to use sky ski. Wouldn’t that already be a decent buff to match the current insane stronk drk? Then again i still believe ACA needs to be able to undispellable.
then drk wld seem the weakest n ppl wld ask for drk buff again using the "why every other class get new weap except us?" as a reasonable argument.
Seems like the recent buff for drk (zerk & achillies) is quite generous. From my understanding. The Berserk buff was around 15wa upgrade or so in perfect conditions. I’d say if ski vs timeless weap hero with aca DPS being undispellable to be on par. It would be returned back to “balanced” no? Just my opinion. ACA is now undispellable. Would be all the adjustment needed for the warrior classes in the upcoming patches. —- I’m not sure about how weapon atk speed of a 139 ski vs a slow perf alchupiz (159 w/o leveling system, 169wa w/ leveling system) would fair. Is this a useless niche weapon like faltizan or no? Perhaps any pro drks can perhaps share with us the difference. [Fully buffed w/ apple in a bossing scenario please]
At this very moment, drk would deal more damage than herors against wall bosses but there will be varying results with obstacles. If heroes get to deal the same damage as drks even under drk-favorable environment, that's not balanced at all.
I don’t think its too balanced right now either. Drk that is, but thats a separate matter. On regards to my post of having not much fancy adjustments whatsoever introducing an undispellable aca w/o damage buff. Not reworking alchupiz into a superior sky ski, What do you think?
In my opinion there would never be "balance" as long as Drks, who objectively have the hardest gameplay because of zerk, are not on the top 3 Single target DPS dealers, while classes like Buccaneers which have literally god-mode and NL's which have an absurd amount of avoidability and on top of that have shadow shifter deal way more damage. In my opinion DPS of any class should be determined on that class's difficulty of Gameplay and this is definitely not the case in this game. Either buff Drks or nerf all the other classes.
100%. People don't take this into account. Every single time they test dmg vs krexel... like wtf. Since we are both corsair mains, I'm sure you can relate with me with this: While bossing the constant repositioning, mounting and dismounting, and time out of the ship makes me wonder if corsairs really have OP dmg or the night lord mobility and easy mechanics makes them the real op class. Tbh, I right now think that shadowers and buccaneers are the most op classes.
Imo, drk's are in a very good position right now, able to deal the highest multitarget damage among the warrior classes at the cost of running with <50% hp while providing a solid def crash and party buff HB. I'm against the idea of touching drk any further. I believe that hero should never be able to outdps or be on par with drks simply due to the contrast of gameplay between the two class, but qol improvements to hero would help lessen the imbalance between the two. The problem with pally getting new weapon is that if the pally is already well funded, it makes almost no difference for them to invest in a new weapon set. It shouldn't be calculated like that though, as the berserk buff if converted in terms of WA improvement is dependent on one's gear. (the weaker the gear = the lesser the wa conversion)
Thanks for that insight. I agree that drks should be very satisfied at where they are at now. I’m hoping if you can share with me your opinion on the reverse/timeless alchupiz as well. I feel this might be a discussion thats required and not too offtopic from class rebalancing since we are already provided with a road map to our upcoming content after autoban.
Tbh, it's hard to say at this point, unless we have official data from staff about the plans for reverse/timeless weapons, we can only speculate at this point on the comparison between the two spears which i don't really want to delve too much into since its all based on speculation. But if reverse/timeless spears' att speed would to remain as slow and i were to guess, i'd say ski would perform better on high att pots along with extremely godly wa gears only by a slight margin.
I'm just speculating, but that the day will most likely come where alchupiz will remain as slow weapon. Heros will be using a Timeless Nibleheim (21 STR 157wa unleveled. 31STR 167wa Brandish +1 MinMax-ed) against a Drk which is forced to continue with a Sky Ski (21STR 139wa) Would that be satisfactory in terms of rebalancing through future content? Will the gap between Drk & hero will be closed again? Imo, if there is any further balancing updates, it should be designed nicely to fit the mentioned roadmap, update 70 class rebalancing was kinda, underwhelming. Spoiler: Timeless Nibleheim LOL INB4 BRANDISH LVL+1 on a PALADIN This weapon set seems so much fun. PB hype.
You're right, it might get tricky when reverse weapons do come out, and hero might be able to outdps drks if alchupiz is rendered inferior to a ski in an endgame environment, but i'd say, leave the problems of the future to the future!
@Jooon @lxlx I'm glad ya'll brought that up. i have had discussions with some people about pink bean rebalance of weapons and how they can be implemented. in the post made a while ago. i made some really shitty photoshopped images of some examples of how weapons/gear should be reworked to fit royals. but yea, this thread is balance for the current classes and weapons. not so much future. maybe we should make a new thread for pink bean gear specifically or use I essentially want to buff/nerf them in ways so that most of the gear/weapons are relevant and actual endgame gear, while some of them are too powerful and need a slight nerf. This would be if the server retained pink bean being extremely difficult to complete, thus making weapons/gear very rewarding examples: rebalancing the current classes is hard enough to do, but just imagine when pink bean comes out. would it make current balance fixes still work? or change the entire meta? also, pink bean can be a way to balance such classes. my favorite of these edited weapons I made is the Kite shield. The weapon def and guardian upgrade makes shield mastery relevant and guardian much stronger, essentially making 1h paladin/hero a TANK BEAST. so then the "lets buff shield mastery" convo isn't needed if the shield you want is this kite instead of maple shield. lol yes I know I put WA on the level up for those thief shoes. I think it's awesome, and have other classes gear with similar buffs to make literally EVERY piece of equipment dropped from pink bean be valuable. I'm also thinking about giving the mage equips just absurd amounts of INT and buffing chain lightning/paralyze and element demons, so with these PB gearsets, mages can be considered attackers. FYI, mage attackers are good for paladins because: these demons will buff paladin fire/ice elemental damage. I wish there were mages in HT/zak then paladins would be even stronger. but uh, yeah, that's a huge nope. i have considered even "muling" archmages to ice/fire demon at bosses, but um. that's just toxic lol I couldn't bring myself to do it. just throwing these out there. If we wanna balance classes, but then pink bean comes out, more unbalance issues happen. it will be just a never-ending cycle for this server