If you have been here for an arbitrary amount of time, you know exactly who this lovely clown is We had an incident recently with this member here: He scammed 4 people in game and made a whole scene about it afterwards. I realised this is Zofran quite quickly. Evidence: - Same country of origin - Both are bear in-game - Both are clowns - Both are banned lol - Both love polls Coincidence? I think not. Here are some memories of AngryBishop. Feel free to comment your own thoughts and memories about Zofran. Also R.I.P victims that never got refunded before Zofran's ban. Read the whole drama here: https://royals.ms/forum/threads/community-blacklist.166479/page-30 Spoiler: Memories I want to refund the victims but I don't want to put in the effort to find and refund them Zofran's meme Spoiler: The newest stuff Spoiler: Israeli poll https://royals.ms/forum/threads/israeli-players.196535/#post-1158165 Spoiler: Shiratsuyu's secret teddy bear suit crush https://royals.ms/forum/threads/shiratsuyus-secret-teddy-bear-suit-crush.196543/#post-1158899
LOOOOOOOOOOL I read about Zofran when I first joined here because I saw him being mentioned somewhere. I still have the chills that he surfaced again when I joined! This guy is gold. Thank you for keeping his memories alive!
I still remember his poll about how long it takes for guys to "get done" during sex, to keep it a bit family friendly.
Someone needs to make a Museum / Gallery about Zofran identities so that we can visit it from time to time @Kai please make 1
Rofl, that's exactly how AngryBishop reacted also. You are clearly Zofran "I'm confused why am being called Zofran. Who is this Zofran?"
https://royals.ms/forum/threads/staff-team-changes.180215/ Heres one, not sure if its simplified to your liking, but definitely a gem.