Reloot = -6 points I discussed it, you've relooted a billion and two times, so it's only fair to do that this time.
Currently DL'ing Windows XP for compatibility, I shouldn't have DC issues next run. Speaking of, how packed is the saturday raid?
Did yesterdays run ever get finished? There was a lot of server lag and after that everyone kinda disappeared cause no GM was there to rewarp us.
Everyone that was part of the run on Saturday. Please do come online next Saturday 7 pm server time for the re-warp, this should give everyone enough time.
I noticed a gap in the melee party that I didn't see before. IGN: Mikasa Level: 175 Job: Hero Obtained HTP, Egg, Class Mastery, MW20? Need HTP reloots and MW20 Monday run
I'll be hosting another run on Friday at 8PM GMT. Hurry up and get signing! C: I'll also update the spreadsheet once I get home.