*UPDATE* Cape went 22/2>23/1>20/0 Hi everyone! I figured this deserved its own selling thread so I created a new one. I just scrolled this cape yesterday: S/b 160b A/w 180b Scrolling history: >+3 >+5 >+5 Big thanks to @YolkedAF, @Aratakun, and others (you know who you are) that pushed me to cs more lol :O The following gears/downgrades are accepted: -145 DSB -18-20 Att FS/Sock -20-22 Att BWG/SCG -19-21 BFC -16+ Dex Earring -High stat BM Overall -WS/CS 500m -Offers TY! Would prefer to sell in 1-2 weeks, but if more time is needed to liquidate, lmk!
I appreciate the offer, but I'd like to upgrade all of my gear with this cape so a 1:1 trade would make that tough for me