General General Feedback and Longevity of the Server

Discussion in 'Accepted' started by Johnny, Apr 29, 2021.

  1. Zhi Heng Tan

    Zhi Heng Tan Member

    Mar 10, 2021
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    Thanks for the post ex-gm! Surely sparked a lot of things up. Whether or not these feedback will be taken seriously is another story.

    First of all, we're humans aka animals that live in packs and the nature of us is to work with someone else and in a team. Without working together, we'll only be able to survive and hunt for food, not building houses and growing farms. That is just to advise that you need to work in a team to be successful. Working alone as a developer proves that you're 100% selfish and maybe a huge change of strong egoism. (I say that because I recently read a book named "Ego is the Enemy (by Ryan Holiday) and it teaches me a lot about being humble and how it can help you learn more aka increase your connection to become increase your chances of being successful.

    Okay, enough of nagging. I am a UX designer I study and work around the tech industry for quite some time now. Nevertheless, I got banned for major vote abuse 2 days ago. For me, major vote abuse = voting with 2 accounts more in 10 days which = 160k NX (UNUSED). Before I go further, I just wanted to say that the owner of this server probably doesn't care about growth or specifically the server's growth, otherwise he/she wouldn't have banned so many players without second third thought. So, my experience within Royals is that I made a lot of new friends and made me realize that there are many kind souls out there (comparing it to other games and the real world). Almost everyone within the community is super nice and helpful. Couldn't be more grateful to everyone who gave help, and not longer after a week, I started giving away to newbies as well as I have been lucky enough to meet nice players (which means I should do the same and give back.).

    I understand that it has been mentioned multiple times and multiple places that VOTE ABUSE results in a permanent ban. However, it is similar to signing up to a platform and ticking the "terms and conditions" box. I can tell you that 80% of the users won't read it. Although it might be different in this case and might not be comparable, did you realise the number players being banned for vote abuse? What does that mean?

    1. No warnings given at all
    The system can detect if a player is voting with multiple accounts after 3 weeks but can't provide a warning after 2 days. I'd say it is the nature of human beings to take advantage of things (at least from my perspective).

    2. Not giving any chance and permanent ban right away
    If you gave everyone a second chance which I think everyone deserves a second chance, I am extremely certain that they won't do it again because they'll get ban after 3 weeks anyways. (But if they really do it again obviously no mercy and THEY SHOULD BE PERMANENTLY BANNED)

    Furthermore, some solutions make take place in this.
    Since you have the count of NX of the players vote abusing:

    1. You can stop them from voting x amount of days based on x amount of NX they gotten and maybe x2 or x3 for punishment

    2. Like my case, I didn't spend any NX i abused, you can just take it all back and ban me for x amount of weeks or even use option 1 against me.

    3. I am pretty sure it's super easy to ban ip addresses and account names from voting.

    In short, I say all of these because I really hope that you can provide a better solution for this MAJOR PROBLEM and to provide old players (SUPER KIND SOULS) a better platform (more new players = very likely more fun platform). I also hope that you can grow better as an individual. I also say this because, people spend A LOT OF TIME playing this game and you just take it away from them in a blink of eye without thinking about their interaction with friends in the game and also all the time they spent. Well, all I am saying is for vote abusers and some hate/speech bans. I can go even further with hate / speech bans as super centralized platform and controlling players from saying things comfortably and stuff but I rather stop here.

    That's all from me, I had good time but not for long. Thanks y'all.
    xcalista, LimeOnyx and loiza like this.
  2. youdabang

    youdabang Well-Known Member

    Feb 19, 2020
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    oops.some ppl broke the same rule like me
    they got 14days ban
    in my thread it became permanent:D
    it's really fair:love:
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2021
  3. Auxerre

    Auxerre Member

    Jan 23, 2019
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    I think it might be worth considering altering the bans in some way, maybe offering redeemable people second chances for things that dont necessarily harm the community as much as other things may do, such as some of speech violations. I cant really imagine how it'd open up a Pandoras box of offenders finding loopholes in the system for in-game gain in the same way as other offenses, and it might even help with players weaponising the speech violations to get people they simply just dislike banned, which seems to have been some sort of issue in the past that causes even more rifts in the community.
  4. Mickazoo

    Mickazoo Donator

    Feb 27, 2021
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    Ulu Estate II
    I mean I partially agree with you, so I will address each point.
    "However, it is similar to signing up to a platform and ticking the "terms and conditions" box. I can tell you that 80% of the users won't read it." This just isn't an excuse, you vote abused knowing it's against the rules, come on. I do agree some people probably really did not understand/know the rules but do not use this as an excuse because it is not.

    Regarding your "no chance" point, look for a specific seller ban appeal somewhere on the first page and tell me that "I am extremely certain that they won't do it again" stands. I am sure there are many more like these.

    Regarding your "i didn't use" point. So? You would have eventually if you weren't caught. Again, it's like stealing money and saying there should be no consequences because you haven't used the money, yet.

    Also you calling it a "MAJOR PROBLEM" is very ironic to me while you being part of the "MAJOR PROBLEM". But okey.

    "people spend A LOT OF TIME playing this game and you just take it away from them in a blink of eye without thinking about their interaction with friends in the game and also all the time they spent." I mean, you haven't cared enough about the interaction with others/time you spent/how the thing you've done effects your friends in game yet you expect the staff to do so.

    Now, after I replied to these points of yours I would have to agree regarding second chances. What kind of a second chance? New account(maybe? idk, this is something that needs to be thought about). I don't think a second chance should be given to all situations(hackers, rwt should go byebye) but Vote Abuse? I do not thing just taking the NX back is a solution. We should pay for our mistakes, start fresh might be a good middle ground. You vote abused, you need to pay somehow. I guess there are more situations where second chances could be given but don't make it sound like anyone was unfair to you.

    tldr; I do agree that bans should maybe get revamped somehow so people are given another chance incase they had a slip but like everything in life there should be consequences to players actions. (taking NX from a vote abuser account =/= consequence)

    edit; read your ban appeal now
    "voting with 2 accounts more in 10 days which" -- In your ban appeal Tim said it was sometimes 3 accounts and you didn't even argue he's wrong, so, for some reason I have a feeling it was more then 10 days of voting. If you want to get a point through I feel like you should at least be transparent...

    edit2; I want to emphasize this is not directed solely to you but to the problem at hand. I have used you as an example just as a reply to your points which you talked about yourself in.
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2021
    Saledor likes this.
  5. Zhi Heng Tan

    Zhi Heng Tan Member

    Mar 10, 2021
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    Well, thanks for your time reading and replying. Few things I want to clarify tho.

    1. Yes, it is 100% wrong to know the rules and also vote abuse. But imo you should receive a punishment (e.g. in real life u go to jail for stealing and not death sentence).

    2. I don't understand what you mean by "seller" but I assume "rwt", correct me if Im wrong. I personally think that rwts need to be permanently banned as greed with REAL MONEY will eventually come back to you but I am not 100% on this. On the other hand, I do think that majority of vote abusers won't do it again. Cuz they know that the system is strict and tracks them well, so why they do it? Or at least MAJORITY of them won't do it. For example, last week I received a $1000 fine for tapping on my phone while driving and u know what...I learnt my lesson and never do it again. Why would you want to get another $1000 fine or in this case, permanent ban if the cameras and polices are so efficient?

    3. The reason why I mention "I didn't use my points was because the staff can take it back from me and ban me for a period of time. Similar example: I stole 5k worth of gold and I get caught, but I return it all and go to jail for 10 years. rather than a death sentence.

    4. I think it's a MAJOR PROBLEM because...just look at the ban appeal. How many people begging for a second chance? For me they are super genuine and they might change just permanent ban them if they don't. I personally think that they is a very very high chance they become a better player than abuse vote again. And might even warn new comers because they done that.

    5. Thanks for agreeing. Yes players vote abused. But they did spent their time to train the character at least for the most of them (idk for those who bought leech) but for me I spent a good amount of time leveling. I think I should at least be naked or partially naked (remove inventory and stuff) as a punishment. Or even ban for like a good amount of time vs perma ban. I I was given a chance to replay from the start, I probably wouldn't but that's just me.

    Regarding my ban appeal, I am 100% transparent. I voted on 3 accounts but only 2 were illegal. In my post I did mentioned "illegal NX" which are for those 2 accounts. and even made my calculation. I am not sure if it's 10 days (when I was typing my reply) but probably be around 7-14 days.

    Let me know what you think. I'd be happy to hear from you
    Skoyi and loiza like this.
  6. Mickazoo

    Mickazoo Donator

    Feb 27, 2021
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    Ulu Estate II
    By "seller" I mean a thread open by someone with a similar name, you can read that ban appeal, sorry if I weren't clear. It addresses the point you made in your first reply where you said people won't vote abuse again.

    People will beg when they do not get a chance to get back what they have lost because of their actions. Again, I do think people should be given another chance, I am just not sure what the right "chance" is.

    Regarding the time you spent training, you missed an addition I added to my original reply so I will copy it here:
    The way I see it, voting on 3 different accounts makes all votes illegitimate but this is merely my opinion.

    Again, do I believe people should be given another chance if what they did is vote abuse for the first time? 100% yes. What's the second chance look like? I have no idea, this is a different discussion.
    Zhi Heng Tan likes this.
  7. Graces

    Graces Donator

    Nov 23, 2014
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    Zakum's altar
    THIS. I came back from a 3-4 Yeats break and I totally feel you. I don't know what auf heaven is nor the other new bosses or where to find them, dont feel nostalgic at all (at least to me). Skill books used to be expensive, we actually had reasons to dialy boss instead of just apq to make some mesos, now I sincerely dont have any reasons to boss aside from looting the nx or help guildies to get a helm since I can't even level up (people seem to hate high lvl bishops now)
    Duo leech - seriously, who started this?
    FM buttom removed - they had to, FM mules were broken, but lounge sucks.
    No smegas dropped from regular mobs - nvm still got around 200 from back then lol.
    This game is dying by overdose and the main drug on it is the HP. Having to wash a character to actually be able to play most content push new players to RWT and hackers equally. I have been on this server since 2015 or so and never played anything but my bishop and some fun "mules" that mean to be main attackers but realised washing was a need for them and lost the motivation to keep playing those characters so i just main my bishop as it doesn't need anything to fully play it (yet now people don't buy leech from high level players tho RIP 165 lol) washed a character with the ~2m nx I saved over the years I wasn't playing and keep voting yet had to invest around 10b to get it to 18k hp and buy some decent gear... Making that NL made me sincerely think about quitting or just make another mage because it does sucks to be pushed to leech from 1 to 135 quitting all the fun content it should be on the very first levels at victoria/orbis/ludi/omega sector.

    Having to wash is the mainly reason for the server dying and people leaving it. Hackers, RWTS and vote abusers aren't the cause but a consequence.
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2021
  8. Donn1e

    Donn1e Donator

    Jan 12, 2020
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    I agree with almost everything that was said by players on this thread, you touched on pretty much everything that is wrong with this server at the moment.
    For the server to succeed it needs to:
    1) be inviting for new players
    2) have balanced endgame content for players to actually stay

    Right now, more than half of my closest friends decided to quit, including some of the most hardworking players on the server, and I honestly can't blame them.
    It's a struggle, the combination of many things such as hacking/RWT and lack of new players created such a fragile market, it's hard to make any meso at all at the moment.
    I LOSE MESO on bossing, that should never be a thing.
    For over a year, I was perfectly fine with making slow meso by just bossing but now I'm forced to sell leech to achieve my goals, there's simply no other way.

    Being a Petri seller, I can safely say that my buyers are RWTers more often than not, new players with an insane amount of meso,
    but they would ask you basic questions like "is NL good?" while having 60+ CGS, perfect claw and 30k potential HP.

    This is the sad reality of Royals for a player that used to be a dedicated bosser.
    Many people I know are still here just to wait for the next update and let it decide their future in this server - if it's more of the same stuff, it's over.
    I still stay because I care for the server, but would the average player stay? and if the answer is yes, for how long?
    Taehyunn, Kloss, Bhris and 22 others like this.
  9. JacobSCA

    JacobSCA Donator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I'ma just give my opinions on the server's longevity.

    Royals is stuck with an annoying problem, where prebb Maple is honestly a very boring game when it comes down to it. Gameplay-wise most classes play the exactly same way of "hold one button down while your pet heals you for all damage" with slight variations on that formula. The thing is, original maple was first and foremost a game to connect with and experience with other people, the good memories people have of this game aren't about them grinding solo for hours on end, it's about what they did with the people they met along the way.

    Royal's current problem is that the game has been overoptimized so much that the core sense of community in the game doesn't exist anymore because it's not optimal. There's no reason to take someone you don't know on boss runs because they might mess up or loot something they shouldn't. No reason to party with other players to grind and talk, because leeching is superior in every way. More and more people treat maple as a game to win rather than what it really is, a glorified chat room with added features, and as more people treat it that way, it loses what makes the game actually special. Without interaction from others, the game is just leech leech leech, hold down one button for hours on end, maybe you interact with your closed group of friends in the guild/alliance, if you can even get into one that's active. Royals has lost the social aspect of the game, that's what's killing it. People need to understand that as time goes on, prebb maple's design becomes increasingly archaic and less appealing, less and less people will want to join and play for the sake of playing the game.

    People really need to wake up and realize that this is the core problem of Royals, and that almost every other issue feeds into this. HP washing being required to "play the game", Mules taking over the meta, these are just things that have stemmed from an overoptimization of a game that was never intended to be optimized, and because everyone is so focused on the overoptimization they can't see that the real problem is that everyone focuses on the gameplay too much, and each other too little.

    The fix to this is to reward interacting with actual people, make parties worthwhile instead of solo training or leeching everywhere, add more stuff to do with other people, not content that focuses on gearing up and increasing your stats. Maple's strength has always been how well the game enabled someone who just started to find and experience the game with others at the same time, and that's what Royals should try to focus on as well if they truly want to emulate the nostalgic experience.
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2021
    Kouha, Fii, ShamanKing and 16 others like this.
  10. Zhi Heng Tan

    Zhi Heng Tan Member

    Mar 10, 2021
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    I personally think that it was quite unfair for you. You could have just returned everything u took from your "colleague" and maybe recieve a ban as punishment and continur playing. How can they justify that with the time (1year) u spent playing lol. 太无情了。。
    youdabang likes this.
  11. Zhi Heng Tan

    Zhi Heng Tan Member

    Mar 10, 2021
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    Honestly with 1000 ish average players active everyday (it is a fact) and so many bad feedback still... Is really a problem. Plus haven't even mention that most people have at least 2-3 mules online.
  12. Saledor

    Saledor Donator

    Mar 15, 2021
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    I started this server on 8th March 2021.
    Im not a fan of muling because I enjoy just playing a single character and maining it with all my mesos but im not against the idea of muling.

    Your points hit me with the feels because that was exactly what happened to me during my time in Royals. I got lucky with my first 8 gacha tickets and got a chaos scroll and proceeded to buy leech when my leech partner asked if I was washed. Being a new player on this server I had no idea what washing was and he kindly explained to me the basics. I felt demoralised af because I spent hours training my char to lvl 70+ through grinding at hhg1, kerning pq, cpq1, cpq2, third job advancement and when I thought I could finally progress further by buying a few hours of leech, I was told to restart and restart with a bishop instead of my favourite nostalgic class, Archer.

    So in essence, in order to play a char on Royals that is able to participate in end game content, one has to make 3 Characters.
    1) The first char that you fked up because you only realise what hp washing is at lvl 70-100.
    2) The bishop you make to sell leech until you can fund your new main
    3) The char you intend to play with the funds you earned on ur bishop to hp wash

    Honestly I feel this whole idea is absurd. And because of who I am as a person, I decided to challenge this meta and continue with the "fked" character I had.

    I have just finished taking the bar exam and I have quite a lot of time on my hands till the results are released. As such, I have progressed to lvl 170 bowmaster and master collector status(soon, 225/250) in less than 2 months playing on this server. I even washed what excess mp i had (79 APRs).

    Result? I have 8.6k hp. Mind you this is with all possible gears that add hp i.e. ellin's ring, ellin's earring, belt, MoN etc. Imagine the hours I spent doing ellin pre and ellin pq to get the accessory that gives 150hp and still end up with 8.6k after using 71 APRs.

    I am 3.4k hp from not getting 1 hit by Shao. Sure you can talk about getting hb but honestly do people want to rely on finding drks everyday to do a boss? Just seems ridiculous to me.

    I even made a thread about buffing Archer's hp or just making it slightly less painful for us but apparently the replies I got were people who did hp quest for months and are salty if such a change was implemented.

    I really appreciate the truth you pointed out in your statements and I relate to the sentiments you have.

    Its just disappointing that even with such obvious indicators of areas that need to be reworked or even looked at, nothing will be done.
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2021
    Hwaiting, BertEast, Honoria and 2 others like this.
  13. Graces

    Graces Donator

    Nov 23, 2014
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    Zakum's altar
    It's sad how some players see this games as a WIN and competitive aspect like for real... Today I washed out my NL mule (yeah, my main still a bishop, that 18k hp washed and godly NL still and will be forever a mule to me lol) and bought a run to get TT 10 asked the seller party if they didn't have any problems for me attacking zak since I was bored and really excited to play my NL but they were kinda rude because they didn't want to share any exp with buyers even though I was lvl 125 no tt and not on apples, i was truly bored and just wanted to throw some starts for the first time on 124 levels of leeching lol.

    You totally got it with this game being a big chat room with special features more than what people are making it now, it used to be fun to grind and hang out with friends, something I can think about is to make party bonus exp maps like von leon castle to encourage people to party up and grind instead of just leeching to 135 and bossing.
  14. JacobSCA

    JacobSCA Donator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Von leon type party play exp boosts would be a nice start, but there'd be so much more work that'd need to go into it. The HP washing/leech culture would have to somehow be broken to the point of playing and actively contributing in a party(meaning you can't 200 base int a character) could be on par with leeching, as well as make it where you're not at a detriment because you didn't HP wash and instead tried to play with other people. And that's only scratching the surface for training alone, the amount of work and things that'd probably need either adjustments for all other aspects of the game that are over optimized and exclusive seems staggering, being both extremely difficult in implementation and resolve to make the decisions to implement. I honestly think Royals is a bit too far gone to get back on track, but if people start recognizing that interacting with other players is the heart of the game, then maybe the server can get to a healthier and more fun place.
    christie97 and Al3x like this.
  15. Joong

    Joong Developer

    Aug 9, 2013
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    Usual disclaimer not to take this as an official statement, I only speak for myself..

    I am as eager to see our casual and hardcore players happy as anyone else, and I believe the same can be said about everyone on Staff. I really don’t think there is a *desire* to punish hardworking players, although some changes that have been made can seem that way. I think the issue for such changes is a perceived conflict of interests between different types of players.

    There is a justified perception that the server is unwelcoming to new players, for a whole slew of reasons, both related to the gameplay progression itself, but also due to the social atmosphere that may be exclusionary

    New players may be turned off for various reasons; not feeling that the game lives up to their expectations of ”nostalgia” or ”oldschool”, whether that be due to the HP washing, the leeching, the high droprates, the market prices, the vote to win, or anything else. Another reason might be that they perceive the barrier-to-entry to be too high. Can we appeal to both player groups? Given the state of the server after 7.5 years with regards to the market and the power levels, maybe not(?)

    At the same time, there is often talk of extending the game’s life via these means of grinding, muling and HP washing. How can this be joined with the desire to attract new players who want to climb the barrier-to-entry without becoming demoralised? Additionally, if we do take steps to help new players into the game without having to plan or prepare for months before they can ”start playing” (assuming they don’t like the mage-fund meta) — for example by helping them gain more HP without needing to wash, or by giving them access to BIS event items (to name two examples) — are we comfortable with the overall increase in HP values or power levels that might entail? How can we ensure that endgame players don’t feel punished or have their efforts diminished, whilst making sure that new players are given a reasonable chance to catch up?

    Some steps have been taken to encourage party play in non-boss scenarios, as you all know; are they not enough? Is mobbing alone not rewarding enough unless you are a mage? Is it an area worth exploring?

    Bossing players rely on new players to extract value from boss drops, but new players don’t feel enticed to dive into the game. We need to ensure that bossing players find the gameplay they pursue rewarding, but not at the expense of newcomers. I won’t really provide any ideas of my own on this matter, other than very high-level ones. I am happy to take concrete ideas for how we can make the server and game more attractive for new players; which in turn should hopefully also benefit the endgame players. Which brings me onto the next issue I see...

    In general I believe there is an issue with extracting data about what people of all kinds in this server want, and enjoy. There’s also a problem with discerning which proposals will be QoL improvements to certain player groups, but may contribute to the aforementioned high barriers to entry for newcomers. Vocal groups are easy, and forum posts and debates are a good start, but it’s also easy to see that there is a disparity in the feedbacks or points raised by different users. Some hold HP washing as the bane of the server, others point to nerfs made to various parts of the game. Surely the truth lies somewhere inbetween the various camps, and I think we need to find a better way to survey all kinds of users

    I’m happy to see dialogues involving everyone, and expressions of mutual goals and hopes for a more social, friendly, and welcoming (in all respects) game ahead
    icedem0n, Honoria, Jinium and 17 others like this.
  16. Raynian

    Raynian Well-Known Member

    Oct 5, 2015
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    Gaining HP for killing bosses is one of the simplest, cleanest, and most effective ways to fix the problems with HP washing without raising overall power level (damage). It provides a very obvious progression system - you hit 135? Cool, you have enough HP to survive Zak, but not HT...but by killing Zak 10 times, you'll get an extra +500 HP. Then you can move on to scarga, those will give you an extra 500 HP each, so now you're at +1500 HP, and you might be able to do HT at that point. Most other servers have this system in place, without the ability to freely HP wash using APRs. This means that each class can be tailored to having specific HP at specific points, and while it's too late to implement that kind of restriction on Royals (nor should it be, IMO), I think because of the easy nature of maplestory, with 2 second invincibility frames and spammable full heals, it hardly matters. You either get killed in one hit or you don't. As someone who has an archer with 20k hp/20k mp, a 30k warrior, and an eventual 30k bucc, I would not feel bad at all if washing was fixed. Any veteran who acts salty because "I had to wash, not fair!" will often gloss over all the advantages playing in the past brought -- better farming, a healthier boss economy (500m VIP HTPS), events and more.

    This is bringing up something different, but I'd like to see megaphones brought back as a rare drop, maybe only from (party) bosses. They were changed years ago to be a meso sink, and while they sort of fill this role, there have been other more recent and more effective meso sinks added, like increased pot costs, and 90% of all smegas are just marketplace smegas, leech smegas, or recruiting smegas. There's almost no social smegas anymore, it makes the server feel dull and lifeless.

    And while this isn't the class balance thread, it's a general feedback thread, so I think bringing up mages would be nice. I'm glad trio duku got gutted because it was stupid, but now mages are back to being left in their 150s/early 160s for maximum leech efficiency. The duku maps should be buffed back a little but keep the spawns on the mid platforms so you can't trio client them. I actually feel like I/L mages COULD have a use in horntail in specific party compositions, but unfortunately it requires using the UFO to hypercast. It was nerfed last year when I brought it up, under concerns it was bug abuse and would break the game, so I'm unsure if the admins would now be accepting of the strategy after the nerf to it. Would it be okay to greenlight the use of hypercasting/mountcasting to see if mages could ever find a use as an attacker in Zak/HT? I strongly believe mages could rival even NLs in total damage, so long as you made a party work around them.
  17. Wonderstruck

    Wonderstruck Donator

    Apr 10, 2020
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    I really think some sort of pvp would be fun like monster carnival but create random parties like balloon or egg pq so ppl legitly try to win. I know its kinda like a big dick contest. Can balance a little by reducing damage percentage based.
  18. Whalien

    Whalien Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2016
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    As somebody who has been playing Royals for just as long as Johnny, I've seen this server go uphill and downhill several times. Prior to new source coming out, the player count was pretty stable and it's pretty clear that the average population is higher now compared to what it was before. However, I do agree that there is a lack of player retention, whatnot with RWT occurring and the lack of incentives in beginning a new character unless you've got the money for it. Being a guild master, it is often disheartening to see newcomers who come and go (more often leave than stay), especially when there is no real way to be able to progress through the game without having to rely on leeching or the requirement to HP wash. As of right now, the current options to gain HP are more easily accessible for those who have greater funding or for those who are higher leveled (e.g. Search for the Elixir of Life Guide) in order to have better survivability while bossing. By the time unwashed players are ready to do HT and have met the minimum HP requirements to survive, they're already lv 180 (or some other ridiculously high lvl). If they want to go on to do other content like Toad, Auf Haven or even Shaolin or even some dumb Showa Town boss like Anego, they obviously can't unless they spam the s#it out of the daily HP quest or have someone there to HB them. Even with HB, they probably still wouldn't even survive unless they've barely reached the minimum HP threshold with HB on top...... Moreover, it is also extremely expensive to wash ranged classes (i.e., NL, BM/MM, sair) especially when starting out. I know some newcomers who are always extra keen to get a Zakum Helmet starting at lvl 50 in order to be able to HP wash ASAP so that they are not punished by the whole "oh crap, I'm level 100! I think it's too late to start washing now. Time to make a bishop to fund my new character!!". Besides this, they probably still wouldn't have enough HP at this low level to survive Zakum either, thus still requiring HB or the use of HP equips to survive. I think we've come full circle.

    In addition to these points, I do believe some of the meso sink options that Royals has attempted to implement haven't done much in terms of deflation for the economy (feel free to rebut me on this!). For example, the introduction of the Billion Meso Coin (BMC; refer to Update #48). Through this, the only times mesos actually exits the economy is when tax is applied to the person who is trading over the BMC, or through other means such as buying pots, smegas, scrolls (and actually using them), non-BMC related transactions, etc. If we're trading large sums of BMC at a time, I don't believe we'd actually want a massive tax applied onto us where we'd lose 300mil at a time if we're trying to trade 10 BMC. Therefore, people may be more inclined to utilise WS/CS as an equivalent for the item of interest. And as @Sen said,

    In reality, the mesos are only circulating AROUND the economy rather than in and out (as said here) and are only lost to tax and other points as said above. BMCs are only ever convenient when we don't want to carry multiple stacks of WS/CS at a time in our inventory or when we're making multiple purchases from FM. There is also a point about chair gachapon too, but I will not go into discussion about chair gachapon as it can be read about here.

    What most people don't know, especially those who didn't play in old source, is that autoban was actually a thing back then. Of course, it wasn't fully perfect (e.g. people would get banned for fast attack or for dealing too much damage by accident while lagging), but it did its job in banning hackers and the sort. Even if legitimate players got banned by accident for reasons like fast attack or high damage, it's evident that the GMs can see this (refer to this ban appeal) and are quick to revert the ban. I think the main idea of having hackers banned would be super beneficial, and I don't exactly understand why this isn't being prioritised as high as it should be while controversial matters like "Shifter Nerf, Potion Price Increase, Star recharge costs" and "Total Crash Implementation/adjustment" as stated by @Johnny are being implemented much sooner despite the negative feedback that has sprung consequently.

    These are just my thoughts and opinions, but I would love to know more on what you guys think!

    Also, edit: I don't mean to discredit any of the changes made, especially ones that have been super helpful, but I would like to take time to appreciate the effort gone into removing the need to GFX for Zakum and HT and improving client resolution, as well as the little things like the ease of access when repotting and being able to purchase things 1k stack at a time. Thank you! :love:
    Last edited: May 4, 2021
    Starlightyx, Hoebo, lxlx and 11 others like this.
  19. Auxerre

    Auxerre Member

    Jan 23, 2019
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    I think multiple people have summed up at least what I would percieve to be the biggest issues, one being HP-Washing and one being the lack of socialising, because the entry points for socialising have been replaced by leeching, mules etc, aswell as the beautifully phrased 3 characters you make, meaning the one you start off with, only to find out its hopeless due to HP-washing, and if you're unlucky and find this out extra late in the gameplay and dont quit, well, here you go making your bishop to fund your final main.

    These to me sound like the core issues, because these actively push away the new influx of players that are necessary to keep the active old players happy whether it comes to selling items, gears, services, engaging with, meeting new people, making new friends.

    There seems to have been alot of minor changes, but I think that's putting a band-aid on a deep cut, eventually it simply wont hold and the issue is still at large and no matter what's being done someone will be unhappy, so what it may come down to is who this community should prioritise? Personally, as someone who just finished washing my Hero I cant imagine that i'd feel punished by changes being made so someone else could be introduced to the game without a giant hurdle instantly slamming them in the face as soon as they take their first steps.

    Since you cant really predict the outcome, it becomes tricky - no matter what scenario I think about, whether it be incentivizing players to actually do PQs with rewards or what not there's always going to be questions raised about what it can do to affect the game negatively. So ultimately, is it worth implementing changes or is that too risky?
  20. Xem0boyx

    Xem0boyx Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2017
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    Just have 1 qns y dedicate a cash item team? That team should be disband n focus the man power on other stuff e.g ban appeals/support/or checking on suspicious characters instead of just sitting around in henesys on some chairs, and also yes each of u intern n gm have ur ownlife etc, but wads the point of putting it in ur “resume” u hope to fix this n that/ will spend helping the server for the better while in the end its a 360 degree flip

    we players did not say they cant take breaks we all know ppl get burnt out, but i do believe most of the players actually see wad some of them are doing not gonna really say out, n personally imo as a reference i made a ban appeal in regards to that data leak that result in me getting hack, provided everything..1 month later to tell me that i have to re-submit it in another private thread in which no one has even view it yet or any reply

    i do not know how much workload on each of the team is, but i do feel that there is certain “department” that is quite redundant waste of manpower n should be allocated to another on to ease off another staff workload..if u all are talking or viewing it as a corporate style, doesnt even make sense for some issues at all

    once agn thx for reading the ranting maybe indont put it in nice ways but just some thoughts
    nomeaning, Al3x, Aestel and 1 other person like this.

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