svr dead cause the only class you can play is bishop unless you want to spend 123456 billion mesos to hp wash any other class. /thread I forgot 1 thing that assist in the anti fun of the server. Multiclient.
The only reason players are still playing this game is because of the "hard work" they put into making their characters. Just let them play this game and let them keep farming ulu 1 *I give it few months until this server will have constant 500 players LOL
Too many people play the game mega casually and go weeks or months without playing at times just accumulating hundreds of thousands of NX to just blow on gach every time they return. The amount of effort in a 2 minute vote vs the effort required to actually play the game and make character progress within it are just diametrically apposed to one another. There should be a reward for actively playing, an incentive like daily log in bonuses that stack the more times you log in. Make it requie a minimum amount of time you have to be on, or some sort of quest that has you kill 200 of something thats your level or below and that checks you off as having been "on" idk. The rewards could be like small things like nx coupons then by weeks end its 5 untradeable ap resets forcing people to do it on characters they actually play. Make it to a month and maybe you get 5 RP to your account and 10 gach tickets. like I said IDK specifics on the system, just spit balling ideas. We're not a stupid community, we got lots of smart and clever members in it we could think of something.
I like it if this was added alongside client limitation. Maplestory is a community based game... multi clients ruin the community aspect of it. Alongside being gated by playing 99% of classes due to a BULLSHIT hp washing mechanic the end product is anti fun.
Royals desperately needs to address HP washing. It's embarrassing that they went with slightly buffing Ruel's quest than implementing a better means of gaining HP. Ruel's quest is a shame in its own right. It's purposely located in the most remote part of the Maple World. It suffers from a senseless RNG, of which it does NOT need.
Instead of deleting my post that wasn't advertising another server, you could edit it to remove the quote I mentioned. Guys seriously if you wan't ppl to stop mentioning other servers all you have to do is (carefully listen) to some of the better ideas some users have already suggested in this and other threads to improve the gameplay so other ppl don't have to compare this server with one another. "Oh royal suxxx, yeah right? Well too bad Oh, fooMS is better come join us now" That was a pretty bullshit move tbh. That said. You could improve the HP quest with other suggestions that has already been stated. Not gonna quote them but I do recall: 1. Place the NPC to start the HP Quest in a more centric area, or make it easier to access so we waste less time travelling from place to place. 2. Remove the RNG factor. It's either one thing or the other. Why it's even needed? 3. If you're not gonna change the difficulty for collecting the ETC required for the HP Quests, then you may increase the reward from the HP Quest to stimulate more players into doing it. Or even better, increase the amount of HP gained per quest to reduce the need for HP Washing as I seem and many people also see, it's a flawed mechanic and needs to be removed or reworked into something better to stimulate more players into joining instead of them leaving because of the ridiculous amount of time you would need to spend in order to see a reasonable gain. With the current HP values you gain from the HP Quest. It doesn't seem like you guys care about fixing a flawed mechanism in the game that shouldn't be even there in the first place. A more reasonable amount? 50 to 100HP. Not everybody has the time to play all day. So why make it even harder than it needs to be? Artificial barriers of difficulty just prevents or discourages new and noob players who join the server with the sole purpose of having fun instead of going into the competitive aspects of the game.
remove limit or increase the number of times of hp quest u can do per day. hardworking people should get rewarded
I wouldn't mind seeing this as well. Maybe a max of 2 clients at once. The idea one person can multi client and solo cwkpq with their own clients and characters is insanity. Same with horntail. We shoot ourselves in our own foot by creating an environment where people can play a multi-player game as if its a single player.
It's all fine and well to give undisclosed HP gain plans a SoonTM but what are the plans? Will these plans even take the players' feedback into account? It seems the adjustments to Ruel's quest was heavily dominated by what Staff decided. I'd like to see transparency and a healthy ratio of player-staff opinions in the matter of alternative HP gains.
Would you like to elaborate on why you perceive the adjustments to Reuel’s quests to be a sign of the Staff not listening to player opinions? In particular, what player opinion/feedback related to HP Washing/HP gains do you feel we are not picking up on?
I think the confusion is lack of transparency on the actual process of how stuff is done (something even lacking when I was Staff, you know as well as I do a LOT is discussed outside of the main channels) and the other side is purely optics but there are recent cases of completely tone-deaf game changes (the avoid nerf) and there is a lot of stuff that's completely unrelated to game updates which seem to get an incredible amount of time and dedication so it feels unbalanced (in terms of priority). A short list being lack of action against rule breakers in Staff, Staff going nuclear over a bit of info in a profile of a former Staff, and reworking parts of the forum to prevent hurt feelings of some Staff. If half the energy that was spent there was put into other stuff people might not be so restless. Also, people talk. Some of you guys (Staff) are very chatty with friends about stuff you guys won't put into blog posts or discuss on the forums, and shocker people don't keep secrets lol and when people hear about it it just makes everyone wonder why it's not being discussed more openly. I love this game and this server, but even I am becoming disenfranchised, how do you imagine new players who have few connections here are feeling? Obligatory this isn't aimed at you Joel
Damn. Sure nailed that one on the head Evan. Well said. I want to add. As a bystander of the drama and rollercoaster ride this server has been, it is very obvious that the longevity of this server mostly relies on those who profit financially from its existence rather than the actual players. Legit casual players that vote here and there, play for fun, and enjoy the game without putting RWT items into the pool have VERY little impact on the server. Then they feel neglected when things happen that directly make them feel ignored, or punished for their play styles. This server started with a bunch of friends just wanting to have some fun/nostalgia and it boomed. Its design was not suitable for the free-to-play casual. Hacking, botting, rwt, vote abuse, gm scandal, and other abuses thrived off of this server for years. It is what it is. This server is a cash cow. Most private servers for any game are. For admins and the Rule breakers. Donations or TemuTemuTemuTemuTemuTemuTemuTemuTemuTemuTemu. Its all about the money. How the actual fuck it's still #1 on gtop is insane, unbelievable even. There is a large amount of players moving to other servers, it feels impactful, but voting stats stay consistent? Could have some variables im not aware of, but its sus as hell. Especially when vote abusers openly admit doing it and continue to do so. Yea, nobody is gonna admit to this shit, or just try to say i dont know what im talking about, but its common sense. One example; Why make hp gains easier if voting influences washing and mesos/real life income. Vote more = wash more. More votes. More new players. More donations. More players spending money. more abusers seeking to make money too. Why fix something that is paying the bills. Cant be honest about it because then you're the bad guy, but its damn nice having money flow in for the amount of effort a private server is. So much rumor, drama, dishonesty, and he said she said crap about this server is widespread. It echoes through discords, communities, and even other servers. Its never gonna stop, unfortunately. Fixing auf haven, or washing, or any other little shit just keeps the hook on the mouth of players for a little while longer. I was hooked for years, eventually you pull the line too hard and we break free.
Speaking of players opinion, I'd like to ask something I'm curious here. Why is there a 9.5k hp cap by Level 175 for the HP Quest before it becomes available once a day? What consensus was done in feedback discussion is to conclude those are optimal numbers for bossing, as far as ranged classes goes, they still get wrecked by most endgame bosses. They still rely on HB and we know for a fact most runs (HT, Shao, Toad, I think Auf Haven too?) which requires solid attackers with high enough HP to be able to tank without HB doesn't always bring DKs because its simply better to team with whatever class thats available at the time instead of waiting for a DK/HB each which won't be available all the time. And truth be told, even if they were able to bring an HB mule to assist the unwashed players, it's not really optimal as these runs are organized with the minimum amount of attackers/members needed to take down the Boss quick enough and still get sizable exp gain. I may be wrong but I believe a more optimal value should be 10k base hp so unwashed rangeds are able to tank Toad with HB (10k+HB=16k hp) More importantly, why is there a daily cap to the HP Quest when that treshold is reached? I honestly feel like that value is too low and being able to only do once a day is rather another arbitrary timeout layer to delay your HP Growth as not only people who resort to traditional wash aren't limited by this. In contrast, leech sellers are only limited by the number of buyers, or lack thereof at a given timeframe and I think it is not the same as limiting the alternative quest to X times per day. Theoretically I should be able to make 450m/day with some hours spent selling leech (talk about 4-6 hrs on average, I'm online even more than that and willing to sell leech as long as I get enough money to afford my stuff), but reality is that some leeching places like CPQ are dead at some hours of the day and so are the other leeching places such as skeles (I heard from a friend who sells Skele leech he also gets dead hours where no buyer comes around). These are two kind of timeouts: 1. The HP Quest has a 24 hr cooldown after the 9.5k hp by Level 175. In the meantime you can sell leech or fund yourself with another moneymaking method like farming Apples, Summon farming, etc. APQ is only limited by 4 times a day, but you can bypass this limit by creating lots of APQ mules to stash in your apples. Those alternative methods either have a larger treshold or have means to bypass them (i.e. bossing with your other characters), just throwing more examples. 2. The sell leech method only gets paused/delayed by the buyer availability. If you already did the daily HP Quest, and you are stuck on your preferred leech selling place because of the already above stated, the progression is halted. This naturally happens as players go and leave depending on time zones. But when you get online at the time there are only 1.1k players online, these numbers doesn't really help to captivate the buyers you need to sell constantly along the day. Conclusion: The HP Quest should have no daily limit. Much like selling leech has no "theoretical limit", or other in-game actions like grinding for solo exp or collecting Etc. drops from mobs don't have a limit. I think this limit is arbitrary and only demotivates those who actually want to grind on the HP Quest. It could also use a slight buff like changing the NPC to a more accesible place and eliminate the RNG involved in the quest, which also isn't really needed. Increasing the HP you gain per quest wouldn't be a bad idea too. Again, just posting it rn, I hope I don't have to edit this later to fix something as I'm also playing while typing this.
The confusion is most definitely an issue and it is something we have been trying to advocate for since last year. Effort is already being made in that direction via the GM Blogs, and whenever Joong / Admins can provide any other information about certain things. We have already taken the feedback given due to the avoid nerf and we already addressed that we will be moving forward in a different, more positive direction instead of doing something like that for the near future. The only thing discussed “outside of the main channels” would be whatever both Admins discuss in their Admin-only chat. So I am a bit unsure where you were getting the “A LOT” part from. Everything has been open discussion in Staff, and everything has been discussed openly in their appropriate sections. We have always required members to vote on everything we do, and everything we implement. If they choose to not vote, or to not speak up and voice their concerns then they unfortunately do not get counted as we have given plenty of time in the past for some of these votes to be noticed, and multiple pings to get attention within Staff to cast their votes. (I’m talking over a month of pinging people every few days to get their opinions and votes. We shouldn’t be spending that long just to get people’s opinions so we can move forward and get content out at the times they are scheduled to be out.) You would be surprised how little some things require effort and time. I’d say the time consuming part would be getting everyone’s opinion first before implementing anything in. Not everything can be done in under an hour, but there are some things that I see get constantly memed in the community that take less than 30 minutes to look into. “Why are they working on new content instead of autoban?” As an example. (I’m not suggesting that adding in new content takes 30 minutes guys, lol.) This answer has been mentioned a plethora of times, but I will gladly answer it again for those who may have accidentally overlooked the previous answers, or have simply forgotten about it! Autoban is currently and unfortunately only being developed by our Dev, whereas with new content everyone else on Staff can participate in, (testing, suggestions, etc.) and it only requires the Admins to import files for testing and fixing issues and bugs that occur. Another honorable mention would be the meme Tim shared last year about me mentioning adding in a chat filter, and Gert said something about weebs. That literally took 10-15minutes at most to come up with a list of “bad words” that isn’t even added in yet. People took that information and immediately assumed we were all solely focusing on things that didn’t require a bunch of attention when in reality it was only 15 minutes of my own time, and it hasn’t really been discussed since then. I’m curious to know who the ‘rule breakers’ are in Staff, because from what I have seen action was taken against the Staff rule breakers, considering an ex Staff member was permanently banned for breaking rules and GM abuse at the end of last year, and recently there was another permanent ban issued on another ex Staff member as well.
Hey thanks for being transparent but I wanted to highlight one thing from your reply. I guess this is more for clarification on my end but isn't staff not suppose to leak bans' unless it's publicly known from a ban appeal for the sake of the said players privacy? It just feels wrong to see staff publicly shaming one person, especially from the owner himself despite all the good he has brought to the server over the years. I personally think it is wrong and this information should just be confidential between staff members unless he actually appeals for it.
I want to address your concerns however it's difficult to respond to this properly since your post lacks clarification about what you are talking about. Lack of transparency on the actual process of how what is done? If you are talking about game changes, everything gets discussed within staff, and in almost all cases the other staff members are pinged and invited to give their opinions on a suggested change or implementation. Things that get discussed in channels not accessible for GM's are either admin or development related (coding, scripting and wz editing), as they should be. The examples you gave for things taking up an 'incredible amount of time and dedication' unrelated to game updates have literally not taken much time at all. My replies to a drama thread about misleading profile information, 10 minutes at most, and disabling the 'post areas' tab in profiles simply required clicking a button. As for lack of action against rule breakers in staff; an unsubstantiated claim like that makes it difficult to know what you are talking about. However we do keep an eye on GM logs and have in the past removed staff members that have been caught abusing their role within staff. However, if you have more information about a staff member breaking a certain rule, then of course I would like to know more about that. You mention about staff apparently discussing with friends about things not put into blog posts or discussed on the forum, can you give any examples? We have tried to be as transparent as possible within our blog posts and feedback threads. So could you at least provide an example of something not being discussed openly which should be? I'm honestly pretty disgusted and insulted with the conclusion you've arrived at in your post. Whether or not the server generates 'profit' after expenses does not influence my motivation of keeping the server running, and the majority of my free time goes into working on the server, developing, scripting and implementing game content to players to enjoy. I'll say it again, though of course I don't expect you to believe me, but any additional income does get reinvested into the server whether that be for advertising, development, infrastructure, software etc. So claiming that the running of the server requires effort not comparable to the amount of money profited is personally disparaging. If the server was designed to profit, then we are doing a pretty poor job, as there are many lucrative cash grab decisions that could be considered, for example, loot box cosmetics or borderline pay2win items. Yes, a user reported a staff member with zero evidence to back up the claim they were making, we spent time to investigate it anyway, and nothing was found. *shrug*