Since the Omok was released, i've returned to MapleRoyals to whoop y'all (jk). We can discuss strategies of Omok here or anything about it ^_^ p.s. I'll make a list of all whom have fallen to my skills: Spoiler TimK (GM) FreddieL (Troll, abuses victory after I won) Linyah Silvia Marksman Rough Schlama LilyLe Cheesecake Darkseid Aephus Jamn Compiaints CompLaints Platypie JongunKim bundleofwood Jabbalas sosrs Dons DiTT Tigerb EverCry Kanmuru Consigliere Slushi Dexis LilyLinoir AsapEddz FlyntFlossy Keefe DeanGrayson IntervisioN Powers
You beat me 3 or 4 times. I was on my nub char since it was on Vic island. I definitely need to play more, right now though I'm not at your level. ign sosrs. I'd play you more but I don't want to inflate your winstreak. I'd rather challenge you once I feel I'm a bit better Edit : @maggles, @Matt, @Christine, @vesa (idk your forum name), @whoever else played ems deme FU I HAVENT PLAYED OMOK IN 2 YEARS IT FEELS SO STRANGE
Can someone tell me how hard it is to get the Omok pieces here in Royals? I may consider get an account JUST to pl-- defeat people in Omok.
I had a i/l mage with max ice striek and tele, it took me a couple hours to get slime/mush, mush took longer.