Hi, im a 178 NL, just got back after a few months break and i wanted some advice on what equipments to improve. I have 5.6k range with MW20, but i have MW10 right now. not sure if i need to get MW20 since there is always one in the party and i have it on my bishop. Here is what i have so far: Stats with MW10 (i have to use MW10 since i have 139 dex): Gear: Thanks in advance!
You should be doing the event quests in Perion to get the Circle of Ancient Thought ring. If you can get a 5+ luk one, that's a bit of a boost, and it could replace your Zombie Army Ring. You can offset the DEX loss by working on your next Dojo belts. You could also reloot Scarlion/Targa or Zakum helms to get one with better LUK. Otherwise, I defer to more knowledgeable NL players as far as distributing your 6b into Claw, Glove/Cape/Shoe.
You can start buying a better claw (you can find an 80-81 attack one at 4-4.5b) that will boost your range close to 6k, try to get 10-12 att on your cape, probly another 1.4-1.5b after selling your current one, 8 att shoe (your current one + 1b) and try to get a better helm (19-21 luk) that's pretty much it, you got a pretty decent skirt/top to go for a while, try to get a decent mon to replace you HTP as well, but i won't bother too much on improving other than your claw and cape right now, leave mw20 alone.
I'd definitely go for a better claw. 82atk for around 5.5b. ez 6atk. next big upgrade could be 12atk cape (around 3.5b nowadays?). I wouldn't change your gloves since 16atk are pretty much 2b (1.5b more than 15atk). You could also try scrolling your krex ring with 60%s which can lead to a 4stats upgrade. Replace the zombie ring by the new circle one as most people suggested. Here you go
Actually, red cravens are cheaper right now, you can find an 82 one at 4.5b in game, I even found an 83/14 one at 5.7b
Thanks you! i just bought a 10 att PAC to replace my 8 att cape. i have 1 crystal ilbi and the rest are ilbis. Yeah gloves are expensive, ill keep that for the future upgrades. Scrolling the krex ring is scary but heck, why not thanks! I couldnt find any cheap RC, i just agreed on purchasing 15/80 RC for 4b
I wouldn't... I got 3 offers for 4.4-4.6b 82/12 82/13 last week smegaing for 2 days, try pming shadowness she had one 82/13 at 4.5b, not sure if already sold it but you can ask.
I wouldn't change the rc for now tbh, I would probably aim to upgrade the cape and shoe , cape for like 13~14att , and fs to 10att fs , after that maybe aim to change the rc,,, anyway that what I did back in the day, I also had 76att rc for long time,,, but that's just my opinion
Depending on which bosses you run, you might want to get additional sets of cIlbis. You can get them for ~150m, and each set lasts 10 minutes with Shadow Stars. Zak and Krex runs are typically under 30 minutes, so 2 additional sets for a total of 3 sets would be a good place. To me, 300m for the consistent increase of 2 atk is a no brainer. If you are looking to do longer bosses such at HT, Toad, or BGA, consider getting additional sets. Among these HT is probably the longest and 9-10 sets should be sufficient.
also i know there's 60% face accessory scrolls out there. Maybe try it on your shiny nose? It's untradable anyway so nothing to lose i guess :3 i passed 3 60% in a row on mine so it's 8dex instead of 5 now.
i was about to say it, face avoid 60% is cheap now days, can try scroll the face to 8 dex, if you get some extra dex you can work on luk earrings (specially the ellin one since it give 2 dex too?
ooo thats nice! i have 27 base dex right now, can i get it lower than 25? if not i guess i can replace my 10 dex earrings with 10 luk earrings.
min. dex is 25 tho! but yeah working on your earrings right after to get a better dex/luk ratio (maybe EP earrings or ellin's?) is a great idea!