It would have to be a trusted third party to hold the money. This way people could even wager match HT runs 1v1. However, I see meso wagers as a huge can of worms with regard to RWT. You would get RWT sandbagging HT runs for meso exchange, it's not great. I would say keep the wagers and rewards to cosmetic only.
Yes i fully agree w/ you. There are some suggestions to combat this, like only allowing one of each class per team. I disagree with auf haven being the better boss for an event like this, because some classes are really weak against auf to a point of being useless resulting in less party composition flexibility, and the winner would more than likely be which team has the stronger NLs I have thought of that too but the point of making the prize pool untradeable cosmetics is so that the rich don't get richer . The point of an event like this is just a subtle way of rewarding the really hardworking and dedicated players. Staff help would be needed to marshal the run, for warp/rewarp purposes in the event of DC, and for the prize pool as well.. I truly believe people would take an event like this more seriously too if it is an official event hosted by the staff team.
It would be really nice too if this can be streamed as well so we all can see how it goes, probably in some private platform where nexon can't shut it down? Also, the "jump quest pre HT" sounds fair too, some parties may have great attacker but if one of them sucks at JQ it could be decisive and keep it competitive despite of the funding.
I think is a good idea but how do we ensure not the same group of people win the rewards over and over agian? It is predictable of who wins as players become clear of the party composition. Once the party composition is settled, the only differentiation is fundings.
The thing is, are the rewards that lucrative that people would mind the same group of people winning over and over again? It is a tournament afterall and strongest participants/teams usually win in any given tournaments anyway. Let's take chess for example, they aren't gonna change the formatting of chess tournaments or add in new elements just so that world champion magnus carlsen has a lesser chance of winning, it contradicts the idea of a tournament. I don't know about you guys but personally, i wouldn't mind losing to the same people over and over just as long as i can participate in an event like this with my friends and have fun together by competing against others and see how we fare. If people wanna stack just to win prizes with no monetary value, to me, that's fine and doesn't affect me or the economy. I just think it's an event that many players would find joy in following or taking part in.
Keep trying and getting better everytime so you can win it lol. If the same group of people keep winning that means that you have to get stronger and that's the entire point of a competitive tournament, kicking as many asses as you can and having fun while doing it.
Some rotation between bosses such as auf / ht / zak (others?) could be nice? Would extend freshness too I don't know how much I like the idea of banning multiples of a class type. I get the idea is to avoid 5 nls and an se, but I main the same class as some of my friends and wouldn't be able to participate with them. Furthermore, I feel like highlander rules could actually cause homogeneity as parties just converge to similar mixes? Maybe there is some good balance between no restrictions and only one-ofs. If your goal is to avoid nls being too dominant, how would banning atk pots work? I haven't done the math on relative dps with no atk pots, but should be closer. This might be unfeasible to implement / enforce though.
I am all for the idea of having no restrictions, imo just let people set up their party how they want just as long as it abides by the format of 6 players per team with no mules, that would be ideal, but if anyone has a better format, they are highly welcome to suggest it! I don't think there should be a ban on atk pots, attack pots are available to anyone so it should be on people's preparation list if they do intend to take part in such an event. If the concern is that NLs benefit more from atk potions than any other class, players could always recruit NL for their own team to benefit from said effect.
Maybe you should have different weight classes? What I mean by that is if your party consists of 3 or more thieves they are in a different bracket versus the teams with majority other classes. Also, R> All Sair Ht team... lets show these nublords whatsup
As an avid Horntail Slayer, I've always wished for a 'Horntail Speedrun Rankings' thread, similar to the Official Damage Range Thread. I was inspired after watching videos of the formidable Wiggle, What, and Fryslan guilds doing a similar challenge. As such, I propose we create a thread dedicated to such a challenge. Unlike the Official Damage Range Thread, it is hard to express this challenge as a single 'timing', given the countless permutations (trio, quad, mule, muleless, duo attack, etc.) However, I thought of a possible way to standardize the challenge, that is: 1) All submissions should be attempted as a single party, meaning no more than 6 characters should be registered for the run. 2) Despite the 6 characters limit, the rankings are categorized based on the number of players (solo, duo, trio, quartet, quintet, sextet). 3) No restrictions on consumables. 4) Borrowing of items are allowed as long as the original owner is part of the party. This general standardization would negate arguments such as "the Bishop is attacking", "one of the players is hitting on two characters", or "the Crash mule is using Heaven's Hammer". Hopefully, this would create a new form of healthy competition between players, and encourage veterans who have quitted due to the lack of new content to return and claim a spot in this new ranking thread. Besides, Horntail isn't just about the attack range of the attackers, but it also involves creativity and knowledge about the boss! With enough support from players to populate and participate in this challenge, perhaps my dream of a 'Horntail Speedrun Rankings' thread could be turned into reality!
Multi attacking / muling is the end game of MapleRoyals. Period. Even though many argues a 2D mushroom game shouldn’t have the “skill factor” in it. I do recall OP having a youtube video of his multiclienting drk + NL with several mules which was pretty entertaining to watch, definitely more enjoyable than a single clienting NL in a Horntail run. 6 players, unlimited multi attacker & mules. Able to reach a stage to easily obtain gear loans, hunting for narc attack pots & swiss cheese. But out of everything, how seemlessly can a player attack with 4-5 client with the risk of not wasting the atk pots & embarrassing the gearset. Seriously its more enjoyable to watch a the stream where platform control & repositioning skills which will be far more important than WA gears with a constant competition in participating players & teams. Limitation of 6 person, no other limitation. - I truly do feel this will be what its called entertainment & challenge. There will be lots & lots of room for creativity & class combinations to be played with. Alt tabbing being the past and using all sorts of controllers be it driving pedals with joytokey or heck a nintendo switch to maximise your player dps. Star player combinations that can control x4 sairs simultaneously and a supportive player that times x6 smokescreens mules, TL and bishop. The opportunity for newer generations, perhaps some dude joins during 2021 with insane apm to be able to easily out perform veterans with 70cgs. I know, i know, this will definitely not be a popular opinion, but spectacting or being a player thats pushing his/her maximum limit is by far more entertaining, and hey we here are at a starting point of something really new, to last for a long time to come.
This idea is fine, it'll just be hard to find more than a few teams of players to compete in this way. I'm more partial to @nicky 's 6 character max idea. You could still complete in the solo/duo player bracket.
I think it's a good idea I specifically support @nicky 's idea of making it submission-based, like the other forum events. Then all participants can just record their run with ~mapowner at the end of their run and submit accordingly. This way least monitoring is required from the staff, and is more feasible since there might be up to 100 teams joining (or lesser?). Moreover, the staff wouldn't need to help making matches since it's difficult to decide who to vs who, and the winners from each match won't have to keep re-running and spending att pots over and over again up till the 'Finals'. Also, I understand that people might be unmotivated to even try running after they see submissions from top parties (Wiggle, Rogue, or Fryslan etc) as they are firm that they will never surpass these parties. Therefore, I suggest that rewards (untradeable nx/chairs, e.g. azula katana, winter red) can be given to the top 4 - top 10 submissions, or parties who can achieve remarkable running time of below 25 minutes (or even 20 minutes and below?!). So more players would be encouraged to submit their runs and at least they stand a chance to win something from participating.
I also agree that nicky's model is probably the more viable option. I actually always wanted to host an official sponsored Omok Tournament. But if you guys remember the community-led ones we've had a couple of years ago, they're always borderline disasters because there are so many no-shows. With the amount of people involved in bossing expeditions, I'm afraid that this would become much more of a headache. It would certainly help for it to be an official sponsored event, but overall I'm still concerned that a system that requires multiple Staff members to actively host a tournament-style event is a little unrealistic. And the more rules and restrictions we try to implement, the more unrealistic this event becomes--because enforcement ultimately comes down to Staff, and enforcement mechanisms are not always reasonably available (e.g. if we want to ban attack potions like someone suggested, what are we going to do, have each player in the expedition submit a full video of their run for us to review?). But a submission system could really streamline much of the process. The other thought I had is that even if the rewards are wholly cosmetic and untradeable, I do unfortunately still think that for Staff to host an event that essentially exclusively caters to a small fraction of elite players would lead to resentment by much of the community and could even be considered to be in poor taste. I think a potential alternative can involve an event similar to Coconut Harvest, where players are grouped into two random teams and the first to defeat the boss wins. And the exclusive cosmetic prize could be given to each player who whites the boss--this would also allow for much greater unpredictability of potential "winners." This would also allow for greater control by Staff to shake things up a bit, such as occasionally changing the map layout. Another option would be to implement a medal system as Kethoe suggested for players who defeat the boss under a certain amount of time, like they do in a lot of Gacha games to cater to elite P2W players (not saying that any of y'all are P2W, obviously https://i.TemuTemuTemuTemuTemuTemu/QHmKyvL/eyes.png).
Firstly i wanna thank you and everyone else who has made their feedback to this thread. I understand that your reply are your own and in no way a representation of staffs thoughts on the matter. Although with that being said, you are ultimately still a member of staff so its hard for me to not take that into account. I really do appreciate the detailed response. I get where you're coming from, but really, is the idea of such an event happening once every few months that unrealistic? Sure, there might be an overwhelming amount of potential participants for an event like this, but eligibility to join such as [only level 200 characters are allowed] could be added to lessen the herd. A day or two of staff's time, some coordination and planning is basically all that is required to host such an event, is that really too difficult of a task? Honestly, if i had the means to generate untradeable winner prizes, even i could host such an event myself without needing staff's help. The reasoning behind why untradeable prizes are needed is so that players would participate for the sole purpose of competing, and not profits. This way, players are more willing to participate with their friends rather than to form the ultimate team. The idea i had in mind is that this is supposed to be a live event sort of thing, not a submission based one. The point of it being a live event is so that there's always the upset factor caused by human error. Mistakes that happen during a live event would have a heavy penalty (DCs, deaths, etc etc), and might even cause the team to lose. There's also the excitement factor knowing that you're competing live against another team, and since it's a live tournament, its only natural there will be live audience and supporters, so i guess more fun and entertainment for the ppl . That's the whole point of an event, isn't it? There's really no point of a submission based event for this as players could always cherry pick their best runs and everyone knows who would win in that fashion . I believe this is a matter of perspective on the perceived playerbase that this event is catered to. The way i see it, its an event that friends and guilds can take part in together and have fun doing so regardless if they can win or not. Saying that it's an event that is only exclusive to a small fraction of elite players isn't really a fair statement as it is generally open to anyone just as long as they are eligible to participate. Would players get salty if they are not eligible to participate? Perhaps, but like any other tournaments in any field, i'd like to think of it as a goal to motivate aspiring participants to strive towards. If the concern is about winning chances, what about the other GM events that only players with certain skillset/knowledge are able to win? For e.g, some players are terrible at JQ, and would never have a chance at winning a JQ event, some are good and as a result, we've seen the same names winning JQ events multiple times, and to top it off, they don't just win, they win stuff that's valued highly in the market, is it fair to the fraction of players that are bad at JQ? What about the time where a certain tree won a forum event just because it was about a mapleroyals inside joke referencing to someone on the forums (zofran), was it fair to the other participants who were new and didn't know much about royals? I don't mean to be offensive, but i do hope you see the hypocrisy when you make a statement like that. My point is, not every event should be catered to everyone, especially when its supposed to be a tournament. Besides, there are already plenty of events that are being held regularly for the mass population I'm not sure i follow why you'd think that there would be resentment from much of the community for an event like this. It is not a profitable scheme that the really elite players can take advantage of, its just something for eligible players to enjoy or work towards if they are not eligible. Think of it as unlocking the dragon mount when players hit level 200, players unlock the eligibility to participate when they reach 200. I'm more inclined to believe that the selling point of an event like this is because people are able to participate and team up with their friends. Personally, i wouldn't want to participate just to team up with people i don't know, but that's just me.
Wouldn't it screw certain time zones if it was starting at a set time / only a couple times per year? Or do you mean like 1 full day or something?
Registration format that requires participants to state their team's preferred timezone could be used to match teams of similar timezone against one another for the early stages of the tournament. And yeah, my idea is that the tournament is to be done over a span of a full day or two, but it could take longer depending on the amount of teams.