不好意思,因為我英文很不好 時常用GOOGLE翻譯 所以可能造成些誤會,但在於我英文再爛 也不應該接受被騙或是霸凌吧.... 是事情是這樣 有一天我打炎跟著團 最後打死王了 我丟火眼的所以當初就說好我撿NX 而且在打之前我早就收起寵物撿寶 我撿了NX後 他們說CS 下意識我想說應該是說想買CS? 我就順口回了:我有!要買嗎? 當時背包裡有2張 最近才轉到的 我非常確定數量是2張 他們出炎壇後說我必須把CS給其中一個人 並把100M給我 我問他為什麼 他們說我撿到了CS卷 當下只回答 我沒有撿到 他們說我寵物撿到的 還說親眼看見 請問 我連撿寶都沒有裝上去 寵物怎麼撿? 當下我也是撿了NX而已 也告訴他們 我並沒有裝備撿寶在寵物身上 他們忽然改口跟我說 看到我自己撿的 之後幾天 我要打炎團徵人 他們都會在後面開廣說我是撿CS的小偷 請問 到底是誰搞不清楚? 我解釋了 卻說我小偷 而且讓我找不到人可以打團 我難道要把自己辛苦轉道的捲軸就這樣給人?
If they have no concrete evidence against you (for eg: screenshots or video) stealing the chaos scroll, nothing can be done, even if you did loot the chaos scroll. If you genuinely did not loot the chaos scroll and they do not have any evidence, just ignore them. However, if you did loot and stole the cs and if they do have evidence, appropriate actions will be taken against you. On the other hand, if they do not have evidence and you did loot the cs, then fuck you
OMG calm down. Don't be angry. I repeat what I've said. "On the other hand, if they do not have evidence and you did loot the cs, then fuck you". I said: Only if you did loot the aforesaid CS, then fuck you. Unless you did :/ In Malaysia, we have this Malay idiom we use on circumstances like this: "Siapa makan cili, dia terasa pedas" Furthermore, I repeat what you've replied me. Let me translate what you've just replied me. You replied me and I quote: "If I have evidence that the cs is originally mine and not looted during the zakum run, then fuck you". You said "If". Do you have evidence that the cs is originally yours? Whether you have the evidence or not, it is not important. The one who alleged you should provide evidence. One is presumed to be innocent until proven guilty. I do not appreciate such a reply from you. Additional advice for you brother:
抱歉因為我從來沒有這樣做過,所以我可能生氣炎與不是那麼好, 我的英文非常不好 每次都是用翻譯網頁 但我非常肯定 我絕對沒有這樣偷竊別人CS 如果我是小偷 卻上來告訴大家這件事 應該會很可笑 但是事情就是他們想欺騙我 所以我覺得這非常無恥
I totally understand your current situation. However, you do not have evidence that the cs is yours. Right now, no one will trust you and no one would trust them too. Unless one of you guys post evidence, nothing can be done (except for GMs’ involvement in which it would rarely happen). They can smega as much as they want, they can go on forum’s blacklist thread and write as much as they want but without concrete evidence, nothing can be done against you. For now, just let it be and move on. Mature human beings will only trust an allegation with concrete evidence. You can’t satisfy everyone!
我也是有一次七月底還八月初的時候打炎,那場我丟火眼,所以5k nx是我的,最後炎魔噴出兩張5k nx ,我撿了一張,不過另一張被夜使者撿走了,我跟隊友也都看到隊伍內的夜使者撿走,但是夜使者不承認,我也沒有錄影,沒有證據,我也只好認了,不過他說他很有錢,所以我要求他給我一顆火眼,結論:玩遊戲開心就好,錄影多少可以保障權益,不過大家都沒錄影就先撿先贏吧(誤)
游戲已加了以下的【通知】,玩家們就能知道誰拿了某些物品,例如 Chaos Scroll Zakum: Zakum Helmet, Chaos Scroll, all Skill Books, all Mastery Books, 100 NX Cash Card, 250 NX Cash Card, 1000 NX Cash Card, 5000 NX Cash Card, Zakum Chair, Scrolls for Rings for STR/DEX/INT/LUK 10%. Added a system which notifies players of who loots certain items in boss maps. https://royals.ms/forum/threads/update-74-17-09-2021.196118/