IGN: Kitteh Problem: Morphing Pet Necklace is no longer equipable Details: Broken equip after update In regards to https://royals.ms/forum/threads/unable-to-wear-pet-equip-hp.194334/, I was told I can come here to claim for a compensation I would like to request for an exact same stat to pet equip for my blue candle Green kid pumpkin, 0 slot, HP+140
Hi, as per Update #74 https://royals.ms/forum/threads/update-74-17-09-2021.196118/ Equip.: Fixed an issue with Morphing Pet Necklace that made Blue Candle unable to equip it. Could you confirm if your Blue Candle is able to equip the Morphing Pet Necklace properly now?
Thank you for the confirmation We will close this thread now, but feel free to update us if there are any issues with the said pet equip