You probably can earn more if he's able to tag those Apples - limited edition Apples by Zofran - Hardcore fans will pay millions for it
hi everyone. well, i've read this thread and a few other threads about this player, and i'm kinda surprised but i thought to reply about it here to avoid any confusion. nah, im not him. yes i noticed he had similar cash shop clothes to mine, but it seems like just a stupid coincidence to me. i didnt know he existed before i registered on the forums about 2 days ago. so no, im not him. but i hope you can avoid confusion about this issue from now on. and i dont participate on the forums much, i dont have much time for that. by the way, the only reason i originally created a forum account was to report about a horntail pendant bug with an egg i got from HT. i havent read the forums much before that.
which part of i am not him did you not understand? and i have met many players with a teddy bear set they wear. they could be him, why dont you go bother them too? i'm not him and this is my last reply about this. cya.
Literally acts like Zofran in every way Literally looks like Zofran in every detail Responded to this, bringing attention to the fact that you're clearly Zofran for no reason other than for the lols of it I totally believe you mate
hi everyone. i didnt think i would reply about this again, but it seems like things have been getting too extreme lately, specifically about the whole accusations issue and how it interferes / disrupts my gameplay when i play on this server. honestly, no, im really not zofran. i think the real one is hiding somewhere, maybe playing on a different server, or playing here under a very different identity, so he would not be caught. thats what i think the truth is. but, the reality is different - people keep talking to me like im him, even though i didnt know of his existence before i registered on the forums... and its not just funny anymore, its getting really annoying! i considered changing nx clothes and maybe even a character name change, so people would stop being confused and thinking im him, lol. but, i didnt do that because i think its not fair i'd have to do so just to avoid this. its supposed to stop, players are supposed to stop and realize its just stupid and they're chasing the wrong player. i can give a few examples of things that happened to me since i registered on the forums. before i did, i only played the game and read the forums as a guest, just for your knowledge. and for your knowledge also, NO ONE EVER CALLED ME ZOFRAN OR THOUGHT IM ZOFRAN BEFORE I JOINED THE FORUMS. - random whispers in the style of "hi zofran", "i know its you zofran whats up my man", "i found you zofran" and other similar comments like that. - random megaphones about me whenever i megaphone myself or whenever im mentioned, a whole conversation is being done about me in FM or in megaphones. - one time, a party refused to let me join because the party leader "thought i'm zofran". - random chat invitations and buddy requests from players i dont even know. - a random "hi zofran" when some players pass by me in game and in FM. - at some point ,i was trying to sell leech and random player megaphoned "dont buy from him, he's zofran a scammer" - and more. i just cant remember everything. i didnt care about this player back then and i dont care about him now. nothing had changed about this for me. but, the situation is really getting worse. i cant report these players because its not really falling under harassment just yet, but it might be if they continue and wont stop, and repeatedly do this. but even then - why do i have to report and see other players getting banned? i want peace. thats what i want. peace my friends. to this day, and forever, i would never admit being someone im not. simple as that. there are coincidences and they happen all the time. i post about this now here, because its really gone too far and ive been harassed and annoyed by quite a few players about this. i reply about this here hopefully that some of the players who bothered me about this in game also read the forums, and they participate / might read this message as well. i'd like to admit it's getting intriguing who this zofran player really is/was, but except the fact he was from Israel i dont really know where in Israel he lives and i cant find him for you. just think of him as some funny, trolling Israeli player who played here and was banned and thats it. why do you have to make a big deal out of this player? this whole big deal is whats causing the issues for me now, and me being annoyed by random players out of nowhere in game. you gotta end your search for this player here and now because im really losing my patience. im not him, and i never will be. thank you.
well, the fact of the matter is that nobody can prove teddymagic is this zofran guy. zofran was banned and maybe plays on royals or maybe plays on another server, but we cannot know. but if he is zofran, clearly he has a lot of fans (they post about zofran a lot and ask questions about where/who he is and what he is doing) so maybe its a good idea for him to admit it if it is true? but im not saying its true, bc like i said we cant really know for sure. all we really know for sure is both are israeli players who main bishop and wear the teddybear head, but like teddymagic said anyone can do that and actually a lot of players wears it. doesnt make any sense when you think about it.. if hes new on the forums then how could he be zofran anyway though? zofran is clearly most known from the forums.... i never saw this myself as i am also new to the forums like teddymagic and i wouldnt want people to call me zofran because of this.really it just doesnt add up. the whole thing is just pointless speculation, so can we please drop this topic of discussion now? well, whatever happens is up to the community to decide, but i think we should let teddy play the game in peace and post on the forums peacefully without accusations. i would agree that this is all a bit much and honestly kind of cringe so just give up trying lol. well, anyway i just want to also conclude with please dont call me zofran now for sticking up for teddymagic.. i do not even know either players really, but i see so many threads about it that i read some. i would never do anything wrong to other players in game and i just want to enjoy the forums/server like everyone else. its a long story and its kind of hard to keep up with so just keep having fun with it but dont drag me into the problem too is my main point.
Specifically because of the fact you don't know the original Zofran is why you don't see the similarities and why everyone is talking about this. He got banned from the forums, probably because he spammed so much and wouldn't stop making useless and unnecessary posts and polls (just like this "teddy" guy is doing), so if he ever wanted to come back, he needed to make a new forum account. And no, staff probably wouldn't be able to check if it's from the same IP because he might aswell be using a VPN if he's so invested into faking himself as a different (but very similar) person.
I was just kidding TeddyMagic was very rude while blowing up my thread about whether Royals could benefit from adding new classes, so I found it cathartic to stumble on all this Zofran stuff and realize that it's not just me.
lol, I'd be lying if I told you I'm surprised. You're definitely not alone on this and pretty much every person that had any form of contact with Zofran back in the day thinks it's him. He'll probably ask (again) why we don't accuse other Israelis wearing teddy bear heads, and it's because they're just not him, and he makes it pretty clear for us to see it's him
there are similarities between me and the zofran player who was here. i admit, thats true. because i noticed it myself. i have read his posts and everything. but, i insist that these similarities are just a coincidence. first of all, i like the teddy bear suit and i wear it for years. it has nothing to do with this zofran player. i also like wearing additional nx stuff with a teddy bear in it. like label ring and teddy bear weapon. but, this, and polls, and a somewhat similar writing style in posts - all these and more, are coincidences. simple as that! if you dont believe that, you dont have to. its okay. i understand you're butthurt and frustrated about the fact you cant find him, but maybe he just realized he shouldnt be known? he's probably playing for a long time and under a different identity, and he never dared to step in the forums again because he knows people easily start to realize / recognize its him again. if i was him, and im not, but if i was - i wouldnt even create a forum account and i would never do or act in ways that appear similar to my previous self, because that would expose me. i insist the similarities between me and zofran are just a series of coincidences, and nothing more.
The thing is, nobody ever mentioned the fact that he might be playing under a different identity or that he even "realized he shouldn't be known" yet you brought it up for some unknown reason? It is a little suspicious and I really think you're just digging up a hole for yourself because it's really not working out for you here lol. Truth is nobody is really looking for him. We just don't want him to come back OR have someone similar (very similar) to him around spamming our forums, as funny as it was back in the day (and it surely was entertaining watching you rage and make 3 polls about how I sacked you in LPQ), in the end it was just plain annoying. I hope this is ok and you don't mind it but if I may ask, what is your name?