Dragon Khanjar +7 str +6 luk +36 att S/b 8b A/w 10 (Bonus: it has yellow name tag ) (Bonus 2: 6 luk > 1 att, so it basically 37att, most of the khanjars have ~2 luk) Price reference, 1att lower than mine sold for 8b: https://royals.ms/forum/threads/s-35wa-7luk-dragon-khanjar.182590/#post-1080314 Accepts 80-85 dps/craven , 130-133 dagger, 32-33 khanjar , WS/CS(buyer will pay fees) and APRs ! Sold: Kanzir 18 luk 135 att S/b 8 A/w 10b (Kanzir SOLD for a/w to knoxz!)
Selling today for s/b! Last chance to offer! EDIT: I didn’t accept the buyers payment, hence the Dragon Khanjar is still available! No c/o