IGN:Akire Problem:Oversized Beret (White) disappear Details:today my friend svenx show me the item and i ask him about bring to me to see how looks on me, BUT! when i try give him back dont allow me trade him, so i relog, and still the problem, so i think go to shop store and go up in cash inventory to give to him with another character, when i loggin with my character mulaSE on shop the item was not there, now he's mad and want the item please help me, my intecion is not thief and dont wanna lose a frienship just for an accident.
Please provide an estimated timing (UTC) of the NX item went missing Also please inform your friend that NX items sometimes will bug/disappear upon trading, but the Admin will provide a refund of the item once confirmed the situation
Have forwarded your situation to the Admins to verify The earliest possible of refunding the item upon confirmation would be the next server check
Sorry for the wait, the item has been deleted from your cash inventory. A GM will need to refund you a new one in game, please reply here when you are next in game to help us be able to find you to issue the refund. 1005476 - Oversized Beret (White)