As some of you may know for the server I am going to be wz editing for the server. Well after some more looking around in my old HDD i have discovered my old v62 wz files, This means back in 2009 I have all of KMS GMS CMS TMS BMS HKMS JMS nx items and chairs in those files. Plus I have A LOT OF MAPS that you guys can explore. Which means custom content for everyone and new training places and possibilities to extend this servers lifetime.
If I'm not mistaken, skills are in a wz file as well. Since you are able to import maps and items from other versions, would it not be realistic to use wz editing to fix broken skills such as Speed Infusion, Taunt, Bullseye, and any other bugged ones?
I really have to stop reading this forum. It makes it so tempting to log on. New maps would really give people that old feeling of experiencing the game for the first time again.
This may possibly work David because I could transfer the skills from current GMS which obviously has the correct code in the XML files. But I fear that this could be server sided not wz files, Nonetheless ill make an attempt to try it.
Is it possible that we will also get weapons and stuff? i would love to see unwelcome guest or VIP items just for the awesome look...i think they were added soon after 0.62
I'd have to ask the GMs, I know for a fact though I did add some weapons that influence characters but not unwelcome guest or VIP items.
No. It doesn't work like that. This is packet related. Think of it like this. The WZ files are asking to apply a weapon speed increase. Yet the server doesn't know that Speed Infusion needs to apply a weapon speed increase.