IGN: Coronzon Problem: Accidentally leveled my HS mule while leeching Details: I mainly sell ulu2 leech and today, while selling ulu1 leech for the first time, it didn't occur to me to send my Level 81 HS mule to lounge so it wouldn't get any EXP from Berserkies which are Level 85. Since I only swapped to it's client for a split second to HS, I didn't notice it's EXP going up and it ended up leveling. Had I noticed it even 5 minutes before the hour was over, I would have killed it over and over until it was at 00.00% and would've started sending him to lounge once HS was cast. If possible, I would want my HS mule (Coronzon, Level 82 Priest) to be de-leveled from 82 to 81 with every gain that implies (HP/MP/SP/AP) being taken. Thanks in advance
This is likely not going to happen and, fortunately, you can sell Ulu2 with an HS mule up to lvl 84, so you won't have to remake or anything.
To be honest, I'm only asking because I think de-leveling a character is easy to be done (once upon I time I was a GM in another pserver and we could do that simply by a command). But if it's hard to be done, then I don't think I have the right to waste a GM time by such a trivial matter. I guess I would have to call it a day then