I just bought the chonky boy tubby tiger in hopes of him going zoom zoom but apparently I get an error whenever I try to get the kenta's advice quest for him. For example: With Baby Nero pet (Able to complete quest) With Tubby Tiger (Quest shows ongoing) Clicking on Kenta's advice quest with tiger active (Error message)
This is actually not true, or shouldn't be the case. I have multiple pets across multiple characters who are not Level 15 closeness (the lowest of mine is 5) and Kenta's Advice worked for all of them. It just occurred to me that you may have just meant Closeness and not Level, in which case yea you're correct. Sorry for the misinterpretation. Although would be nice for Kenta to display a dialogue saying so instead of a vague blue box!
Can confirm that quests are bugged for this pet right now, sorry about that. Will get them fixed soon.