I am not sure if this has been brought up before but I would like to suggest the papulatus card's effect not expire after leaving "deep inside theclocktower". Reason being most people would kill pap, nearest town to the bank to get another pap crack and then kill pap again. The bonus drop rate disappears once you leave the clocktower so your 2nd run would not get the effects of the card. Perhaps a Staff could enlighten me on whether this is intended? If its not, I would like to see the card effect not expiring after leaving the clocktower. I also tried bringing my own pap crack from the bank for the first run and then climbing up to the npc to get another crack but the card effect is lost as well. It disappears once I leave the map with the gate to papulatus. In essence, the pap card's drop rate effect serves no purpose. I didnt really do much testing so please correct me if im mistaken.
Yes you are correct, however you cab still use the effect without leaving the clocktower map if you have mule or 3rd person giving you another crack without you leaving the clocktower map
so if I dont have any mules and I enjoy just playing one char at a time I get penalised or rather excluded from having the benefits I earn from killing the boss? Okay thank you for your input I appreciate it.
Does it expire if you reach the map with the NPC that gives you the Crack of Dimension by climbing up from Papulatus to there?
Then to the very least it shouldn't expire at the NPC map ("Path of Time") because if it doesn't then one can do the following steps in order to enjoy the card effect on the 2nd run: 1. Get a Crack of Dimension from FM or another char. 2. Kill Papulatus and hope for a card. 3. Climb up to the clown NPC and get additional CoD. 4. Kill 2nd Papulatus and enjoy the drop rate increase assuming a card was dropped. Not to mention that according to the Ludibrium map the "Path of Time" map is part of the "Lowest Floor of the Clocktower" section of the Clocktower which leads to Papulatus eventually. If, in addition, the card effect wouldn't expire upon reaching the town one can even use the black cab to get the second CoD. However it should expire when reaching any part of the clocktower that isn't part of the "Lowest Floor of the Clocktower" since the Timer's card effect is designated for the that part of the clocktower.
The card effect disappears once you leave the map which has the gate to papulatus. Meaning you wont even enjoy the drop rate effects in hunting for cards from gatekeeper. I remember testing this a while back but I honestly cant remember if it did work or not. But I do know that I tried climbing back up to the npc that gives the pap crack and then going back down for the card's effect but it disappeared when I went back down. Why? Because Im a cheapskate fool who wants every right I earn and be given my dues. So if I killed papulatus and papulatus deemed me as worthy of getting extra drop rate, I want my extra drop rate kek.
It shouldn’t expire after leaving the map with paps gate. If it does, then it’s likely glitched. It works for all the lower ludi map with exception of the map with npc giving the crack piece (and effect disappears). You probably also heard people using pap card for drop rate to farm jr Lucida cards with the boss summon bags. I would assume nexons original intention for for it to be a party boss so 2 pieces are brought into the runs? But we’re too strong now . I support buff not expiring in the map that gives the piece.
In Update 78, Papulatus' card effect has been changed: The Papulatus Card buff now includes Ludibrium and the entire Ludbrium Clocktower in the map restriction.