Bless fellow Batoo, especially the first one that flew by when I relogged https://i./1MSz5dJ/Maple-Royals-15-03-2022-20-55-32.png
after 4 hours of solo HT w/o any mules it was dry f5 but atleast i got achived my goal of solo HT w/o any mules
https://i./2FjncKX/Legendary-Collector.png Finally my very first (and last ) Legendary Collector (You may refer to my diary for cards 350-400) Spoiler: Shout out to: Becca for her awesome Monster Book guide Fellow forum members who provided card hunting tips Fellow bossing parties I ran with and spared me the cards (Mu Lung Dojo, Krex, Zakum) chogoma for El Nath PQ to get me Taunt 2Strong2Die / FlameHit for the duo leech and 3 Krex Cards TickTockTick for skele leech and cards Fellow area bosses for boosting area drop rate Fellow quest NPCs for sending me everywhere while achieving Quest Virtuoso Drop rate x2 event during 28-31 January 2022 And lastly I myself for the patience and time taken
Best solo time i've ever had. 3 apples 3 gelts 30 stoppers 4 peppermints 5 previous solo dry. 6th run is the charm! zzz
Lvl 197 and 385/400. Hopefully going to be able to get 200, Quest Virtuoso and Legendary Collector on my Buccaneer within 4 months of it being an untouched lvl 1 mule.
Started MapleRoyals the evening of March 18, 2022 and reached 120 on my first character today (Bishop). Completed my goal of getting 120 by end of month (14 days). Level 110 to 120 was extremely brutal because I couldn't pay for leech. 3 hours of solo leveling at himes for 1 level. Barely made my goal by paying for a split skelegon leech today 10 minutes before time up. At least the first time I paid for leech was when it mattered most. Could barely afford it. Yes, I grinded himes for over 12-18 hours and I would not wish that experience on anyone, especially the Rangers in current MapleRoyals (patch #78) who have it just as bad as Priests do. I know it is not the fastest time out there, but it would not have been possible without the friends I made along the way.