hello. my friend's character lv-50, hp-17xx. he want buy helmet so much. he try to die first and using res to get it. but system send him back to town. is anyway he can get that? or just wait the lv to do hp quest.
I take it your friend is a thief/archer class? There's still hope! They will need to get some HP gear and have a DK accompany them for HB. Depending on how fast the party can kill zak they can time the death and tl rez as long as it's timed correctly.
Just some notes: Death timer is 10 minutes. So you have 10 minutes from the time of death to res before you are thrown out of the boss map. This is very easily achievable by any party with TL (if your Zakum sellers are taking more than ~20 minutes I'd be shocked.) Hyper body is +60% of your max HP (equips affect this), and the usual target HP that is floated around for surviving Zakum as a buyer is 3.2k if I remember correctly. You can achieve this with 2000 HP and hyper body, although you may want to pad that slightly.
I also have hp gear for lvl 50 that adds around 600hp or so if you wanna borrow them. They add more if u have hb. But I have a work meeting in an hour that lasts 2hours so I would only be available to loan them to you in 3hours from now if you need them