All Your Character Names: Cuaffio, Grandolly, GrandsBishop, GrandsDRK, GrandsCR Last thing you did: Logged on GrandsDRK and went to apq area, left my laptop logged in and went to the bathroom. Why do you think you got banned?: Internet cut out while in the restroom, mabye that had something to do with it? Ban message when attempting to log in: Your account has been blocked for using illegal programs or violating the game policy. You can login after APR/ 7/2022 3:35 pm What GM banned you (optional): doesn't say P.S. my other accounts, how I eventually found out I've been banned, said ~ This is an ID that has been deleted or blocked from connection
Let me be sure, Cuaffio fm mule, Grandolly NL main, Grandsbishop BS leech, GrandsDRK new main, GrandsCR mule. That is all the characters I own/know of or play! 100%
The last thing I remember doing was leaving him at the map before apq lobby with bahamut out on bottom right pannel
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