Greetings! I just got back from a long, long hiatus and am trying to get into the flow of the game again, but my hands are definitely feeling the brunt of it. I was thinking about setting controller support locally so that I could play MapleRoyals more comfortably, but I'm aware of how something might be perceived as an unallowed third party tool, and ban me in the spot out of nowhere. Doing a quick search, I found an old Xpadder thread to set a controller up, but I need to make sure: As of today, is it allowed to do these kinds of set ups for MapleRoyals? And if so, is there any software that should be voided from being used just in case it's considered a breach of terms? Thank you in advance! You must also be able to respond to people through chat while playing or you could be banned for botting.
Definitely missed this post while searching for relevant topics, that's on me. I'll get to reading that, thank you for linking it!
I use reWASD. Just don't make custom 1:2 button functions/macros. Only use macros within the game in the skills tab. To elaborate here's an example. I play Corsair and every button on the controller is only one function. If I mapped that the "A" button is jump+recoil shot, this is illegal. But if you have an "ALT" function, meaning: pressing this key+another key does another single function, or pressing a key toggles a remap of the keys to a 2nd setup, this is fine as it retains a 1:1 button:action ratio. My example of this is that my Mount/Dismount ship is "RB" when RB is toggled, then my binds on the controller switch to "ship" mode = Right trigger: Cannons, the Left Trigger: torpedo, and so on. When i press RB again, I'm off the ship and it changes my right trigger to rapid-fire. Some skills are shared between the setups, some are not. but as long as you press one button and it only does one action within your custom controller binds, it's fine. An example of a legal macro is I have a secondary Mount ship function. In-game, I have the macro Octopus+Ship, and to use this macro I press RB+LB. LB and RB separately have different functions independently, but if I want to Mount ship and octopus at the same time using the in-game macro, I press those buttons in unison. Sorry if that's confusing. just trying to use examples of what you can actually do. just stick to the 1:1 rule and only use in-game macro.