Hi everyone New to Mapleroyal and looking to relief some of those old memories way back in the days. Anyone kind enough to give away pots and warrior equip please?!
Hey Ploppy, I do have some maple equipment for warrior that I'm willing to pass it over to you. Lemme PM you in game~ Edit : I think you can PM me when you're online~ I may need to AFK for sometime now.
add me in-game! blaze420 probably got many decent warrior equips for most level range on mules that I can give away uwu
Thanks Metronome! Added you but can’t seems to meet you in game yet. Let me know your active timing! Am a lvl 25 warrior planning to go dexless, but in a deep struggle with poor accuracy, kept missing! How do people do this?! Anyone have any unwanted poorly scrolled dex or accuracy items, please send them my way! It will certainly help a lot.
your accuracy will come from your equips such as helmet, maple weapons, shoes, etc. I think the best option by now is fish spear + accuracy bandana. You can also buy cheap accuracy pills in ludibrium. I'm not online often during week tho but i will try to help you out when I get the chance :3
Unfortunately, unless you're playing Axe Hero, I have nothing to offer but advice. Which is these: 1.) Never be afraid to look for off-meta items. I have found exceptionally powerful spears, PA, 2HBWs and 1hAxes for less than 100m for being random items that the meta dictates are not good. NEVER be afraid to blow some nx/mesos on Owls to see if you find something good. NEVER be afraid to look for random high-level weapons. You never know what you will find for how much. I've found perfect +7 %10/$30 scrolled weapons for under 300M just because they weren't maple/top tier weapons. Finding decent tops/bottoms/OA for cheap is also pretty common if you look for lower levels that are not 50 (people buy LV 50 warrior gear for CPQ leeching, so they fetch a decent price). Good, cheap swords are a lot more difficult to come by since they are the common choice, but that doesn't mean you can't use the weird swords to build yourself up to the good ones. I'll use an amazingly scrolled slow-speed Executioner over an ok fast-speed Stonetooth any day of the week. 2.) Never be afraid of random, additional LUK Many people overlook the fact that LUK gives a small amount of ACC. I don't know the exact numbers but I estimate that 1 LUK = 0.3 - 0.4 ACC, which is not terrible. I personally know a fellow warrior who has thrown away 19/16/x/22 ZHelm with high ACC just because it had too much LUK. I consider that a sin. That being said, you OBVIOUSLY never, ever, ever want to level or scroll for LUK. However, if your random all-stat item has a lot of LUK please respect it. LUK also has the underestimated benefit if reducing EXP when you die, which simultaneously is borderline irrelevant because you're the tankiest class in the game, but on the other hand you are the class that has the hardest time gathering casual EXP. Don't be that guy who throws away HTP/MoN because it has too much LUK. But if it had nothing good BUT LUK? Yeet that bitch into non-existence. If you have good enough DEX/ACC, you can disregard this entirely. 3.) Pre-Big-Bang warrior grinding always has and always will fucking suck, and you have very little ways to farm money by yourself. Accept it. Self-Explanatory. 4.) Follow Dancing With Balrog's advice: "Fight stronger opponents." (Within the realm of reason... Or don't. Fuck it) My equips are decent enough to allow me to solo-grind Gobys at 73 and Ulu2 at 80-85. It's much harder to do this without either going high-DEX or buying lots of DEX/ACC gear, but never be afraid to throw down money on Energizers and Maple Pops to grind stronger mobs for good exp. Even if you're under their level and get less EXP, you can always make it work as long as you can hit at least 60% of the time. Would recommend this on maps you will likely end up buying leech from for more than 4 levels that don't require TOO much mobility, i.e. Goby's, Wolf Spiders, Ulu2, Petri and Skele. That way you can get most of the monster cards, and buy leech and fully benefit from the last card(s). Because, quite frankly, let's be real; as a warrior you're probably gonna be buying leech in this server anyway. 5.) Non-Conventional End Game ATT gear is DECEPTIVELY cheap. Abuse this. 10 ATT White Work Gloves will run you around 50-60m, 12 ATT Green Mittens for less than 100m, and 18 ATT shields are around 150m. Take advantage of this. If you want to be a 1h warrior then BLOW THAT MONEY ON THAT MAPLE SHIELD. A 8/16 Shield and good scrolled 1h will outclass a well scrolled 2h Weapon. Also don't afraid to buy good generic DEX equips. I'd rather spent 200m on a +18 DEX Yellow Snowshoe than a 200m +1 ATT Facestomper, and I'm willing to bet you would too. 6.) Early equips should be DEX focused so you can worry about leveling STR. Kerning City and Showa are your best friend. Highly recommend spending your first few levels in Perion doing Dances with Balrog's quests (the ones that appear over your character's head in a light bulb after getting 1st job advancement). After doing those, it's a good idea to go to Kerning City. Why? Because you can grind Bubblings! They drop Fish Spears which give Accuracy, and are probably the 2nd best 1st job warrior weapon besides Pumpkin Spear. Not only this, but by level 20 you can use Showa Bathrobes are S-tier for warriors because of +10 speed. grindingspending a few mil buying 2-3 sets of 100% Overall for DEX scrolls from Kerning City (https://bbb.hidden-street.net/map/mini-map/warning-street-the-swamp-of-despair-ii). Easiest +8 Accuracy of your life. You'll get the most ACC from ZHelm and good Maple equips, which should be your main focus as a warrior. Only exception is if you're a 1hSword user, in which case 7.) The moment you are able to do LHC and Krex, do it. Same with any grind/party/boss map. TAKE ANY OPPORTUNITY FOR GOOD EXP!!! Doesn't matter your class. If you can do the solo LHC quests, and find a LHC party, do it. Warriors are Top Tier in LHC grinding, so take advantage of it. Technically applies to Krex more, but think of it like this: Krex is your true benchmark, LHC is your hope. Grinding sucks almost immediately after 30, as opposed to other classes, so if you can find a good place at all levels you can find AND tolerate, TAKE IT. This is kinda difficult to gauge immediately but you get used to it after a while. Still solo grinding Ulu2/HH myself, and despite how much as I hate it it's the best places I got as a 98 warrior. 8.) Vote. Save. Profit. As much as I hate to technically shill, voting is your most consistent form of money making as a warrior before the "Bossing Stage (usually LV 135-145+)." Even this, you're either gonna have to blow massive time on GPQ for Gelts or hella money on Apples to boss. You're kinda fucked either way unless you have a mage mule to farm money. Many people will tell you to save NX for gacha tickets and burn them there, but I am a firm believer of the APR selling life. The reason is as followed: Gacha is literal binary; the common money spots are Mushroom Shrine Zipangu and NLC. However, the money items are Chaos Scrolls and White Scrolls. Both ~500m items. If you wanna make money truly, you have to know the prices of scrolls and rando equips that are not these 2 specific scrolls. I never have and never will wanna do this, and I bet you don't care too. Apr is a consistent 18-27m per vote (depending on APR price, anywhere from 9-11m). Nowhere near as much, obviously, but as least it's constant and consistent. I'm 350 gacha tickets in without anything more than a 25m scroll profit, so I know what it's like. That being said, you never know you're lucky until you test your luck, so pick your poison. You already picked cyanide warrior so take this advice as you will.
Scroll a green bandana for ACC not for DEX. They're cheap and usually thrown away. 30% and 70% is your best bet, i've never seen a 60% in fm. More importantly, which warrior and gender are you choosing?