All Your Character Names: none. Last thing you did: ~ Why do you think you got banned?: ~ Ban message when attempting to log in: This is an ID has been deleted or blocked from connection. Please check again. What GM banned you (optional): ~ Hey, been like almost 2 years gone and wanted to start a fresh account to have fun once more but seems like I have been banned? or maybe that's an IP issue thing would like to know o.o . It's a new account created few hours ago. Thanks for helping.
Hello Shen! Please restart your router and make sure your IP changes prior to attempting to log in, you might be attempting to connect from a previously banned IP assigned to you by your ISP. If all else fails, please list all of your old IGNs.
Hey, Thanks for the quick respond. I looking into it right now, Seems like when I reset my route Im getting the same IP address so I'm looking into the ISP maybe I can change the settings over there.
Please contact your ISP and request them to manually change your IP. Meanwhile, try to log in using a different connection such as your phone hotspot.
Ye, Looks like with a different connection I'm able to login. I will contact my ISP in the next few hours. Thanks.
Glad I could help! Since you don't appear to be banned on our end I will close this ticket. You can still comment here if you have any further questions despite the "Closed" thread prefix.
Looks like I have a different problem now :/, After creation of the new character when I click start it immediately close the game and gives me the "You have been disconnected from this login server. Please try again later." msg
I have tried few of options and still nothing seems to work :/ . Can you check maybe one of my previous characters have been banned? I remember 2 of them OnlyStr and AbitOfDex I had a bishop as well but I dont remember the name. found it it's named Efficiencys.
Started a PM to request your login ID. Please don't share this information on this ticket as the ban appeal subforum is public. Edit: Looks like you are banned for account sharing:
Thanks, Any possible some1 hacked my account? I have been away for almost 2 years now. Dont get me wrong I do not care of this account anyways as I wanted to start a new beggining but it's weird.
The owner of Annarchy, Efficiencys, and Fpoison claims to be your brother and admitted that you shared your account information with him.
A hacker from the same country I am, Claim that he has a brother just to try lift the ban. I'm happy he got banned though stealing my own account that's well deserve. What proof I can give to certify that I'm not his brother? Edit: I have some Transaction Id's back in the days that's before I quit probably before I begin hacked. If that's help I can give some Transaction ids if needed.
It's a question I can never answer.. because if I know it's possible I would have done something even if I dont play the game anymore, because that mean he had access to my email. Also Fpoison and Annarchy they are probably new characters that he created because they are not mine.
I have read it all over again, The guy know my name and my email. It's hard to give answers when I had no idea what's going on in the background. What I can show some facts that can be clear that I have no clue who's this guy is? Also just to clarify again I do not want this account back.
It looks like you are using Gmail, shouldn't they notify you if someone who isn't you attempts to log in to your email?