Depends on what boss, in 1vs1 you just spam blast but in things like ht you also have to use acb crash and hammer
Paladin playstyle is pretty direct.. just marco ur buffs (booster+power guard+power stance) then probably Total crash + Threaten Thats pretty much it.. Dont think theres a combo macro like shads for paladins...
not sure if it was mentioned but i heard my pally friend talking about because he was shield build he couldnt get mw20 unless he sacrificed some achille or guardian. is that really true?
30 Monster Magnet 30 Power Stance 20 Holy Charge 30 Achilles 30 Guardian 28 Rush 30 Blast 10 ACB 30 Heaven's Hammer 5 Hero's Will = 243. That's no points in Maple Warrior. So your friend could give up Monster Magnet; sacrifice some Achilles or Guardian. Personally I would just party with someone with MW20.
Well I think its good that we have so many useful skills instead of a few good ones. Guess I'll just have to make some sacrifices then. Thanks.
I solve the problem by bringing along my bs with mw20 if no one else in the pt has it. Guardian is just too nice to give up
I was thinking giving up a little achille, my palla will already have 30k hp, and maybe some rush i guess.
Can anyone tell me the definitive answer for this? I was told I had to threaten every pack in LHC, something no one else had mentioned to me before. I did, but tbh I didn't notice much of a difference, I know it was mentioned here that it works on them, but does it make a real difference over the course of an hour? I feel it might be equal to just attacking. Do note that my threaten macro is booster>threaten, maybe I should change it to threaten>booster. Let me know your thoughts please and thank you.
Threaten is a 40 second debuff on enemy monster DEF, you have to cast every 40s, or on mobs that you start attacking. There is an orange spinning effect on the enemy monster if you want to confirm that the debuff is active.
The last patch nerfed ice charge, it only freezes for 2 seconds and you can no longer keep the shao clones frozen
Wasn't the main reason to freeze shao clones to look cool? Usually my pally shaos with melee which has that auto lock feature so it doesn't matter if the clones got in the way. Also I'd think it'd be easier to dodge the clones than shao himself, plus they do less damage as well. I think it would be worse if going with a ranged class however. Hopefully they can at least make it 20 seconds so it's not as drastic of a change.
Freezing is very useful when you duo with a ranged class like BM or NL. It's also useful outside of shao when farming some mobs or grinding (not very effective in neo Tokyo though since most mobs are ice resistant)
With the update just released, LHC Golems are now Holy weak. Holy is our strongest element as you all know. I am really really curious to see how well 5 paladins 1 bucc would do at Golems now. I can't think of any other place where ACB Holy is used, but at Golems, meta could be to bunch them up and acb holy + snatch ds. Edit:acb holy maybe at ht tail rush.
My 4th job skills so far: Achilles: 0 Guardian: 0 Maple Warrior: 0 Monster Magnet: 0 Rush: 1 HH: 1 ACB: 10 (max) Holy Charge: 20 (max) Blast: 30 (max) Stance: 30 (max) What do I focus on next? Max HH? Rush 20? Max Achilles? Edit: 2H Sword Paladin.
imo i would be doing a mix of hh and rush, since you are probably at the level where lhc levels you up a lot. also will depend on if your two handed or shield pally
It depends on what you like to do If you like to do area bosses/solo stuff go for mw to level 9/10 first. For Ht go for HH (good damage when many parts are alive) +Achilles (helps tanking 1/1 and with sed) first. For lhc go with rush and HH
Is this guide still mostly up to date? I know some skills and stuff have changed recently and I'm not sure if that's reflected here - information is scattered all around the forums.