As a main NL I don’t think we need undispellable Shadow Stars. We already dodge so many dispel attacks in Auf Haven for example due to our avoid and still good enough shifter. So no need to revert shifter too imo. I agree avenger shouldn’t be buffed as NL is the most reliable single target attacker (besides a sair in skilled hands). The downsight is and should be NLs weak multitarget ability.
I've mentioned this earlier, but Shadow Stars and Shadow Partner are the only dispellable buffs that cost a resource other than MP to use.
Please don't tell what to do? Maybe if you had read my whole post and/or other posts you could've seen that I said everyone can have their opinion and that's okay. I'm just being direct here and think that if you can't back up your opinion with an argument or are beating the bush about it then stay out of this topic. "I don't think we should" isn't an argument. "NL are too OP so they don't ever need any change for the better whatsoever" in my opinion is just super short sighted and is like the goto statement for people that always whine about NL's. It might be valid in some degree, but it's just getting old. Anyway I don't wanna litter this topic any further with things that aren't related. If there's anything you'd like to adress you can always pm me.
Shadow Partner undispellable Shadow Star undispellable Avenger damage buff Anymore ideas? @Cooler and @GunzGaming God i’m loving this thread!
Why does corsair's mobility skill 'Recoil Shot' do damage when NL's flash jump doesn't? I request for an AoE explosion effect that does 300% damage at max level to be implemented after landing from a flash jump.
Isn't one of the main points of this thread to address NL's weak AoE damage? I simply put forth an alternative solution to fix that.. Unless of course you only want to hear from people who agree with your very suggestion
No I do not only want to hear from people that agree with my suggestion. It's pretty obivous you're just being sarcastic and not actually wanting to put forward "an alternative solution". So if you're just here to troll and stir the pot, go do that somewhere else please? Thanks
i think there's alot of that going about since the beginning of this thread... on topic - i think shadow stars should be dispellable. imo it adds more depth to gameplay by giving NLs variables to consider. Like if it's worth casting shadow stars if DP is happening too frequently or if stars are running low and a series of DP is approaching, how would one deal with it. Stuff like these really adds to the gameplay experience, otherwise it's just gonna be a "hold down a button and watch nf on the side". Managing and keeping track of the quantity of stars to outlast a run is arguably a key aspect of NL's gameplay tbh and what sets apart the "good" NLs and the meme ones.
Thanks for your elaborate reply on the topic. I think you and some others make a fair point with regard to the experience. I can actually agree with that.
I think NLs should be able to cast sharp eyes, it's so unfair that they get nerfed as soon as se dies or gets dc
I remember @Tsue thread on improving archmages single dps... The community feedback then was that each classes have their roles and quite a few rejected the idea of AM single dps buff because archmages were good mobbers. If the community holds the same opinion as before, I don't think avenger should get a buff. Would be very happy if this passes so the conversation on buffing archmage single dps can be revived.
I don't think buffing avenger is a good idea either :x NLs are strong enough as it is, it wouldnt be fair if they became mobbing gods as well! This is unrelated but i wouldn't mind if alchemist nerf only affected potions (like apples etc)
Im not sure about haste/shadowPartner/booster, but im sure alchemist works with shadow star becuz back in maplesea i did calculate how much star and cider i have to use for leveling in 4 hours, something weird this server alchemist doesnt affect shadow star >< I timer haste/booster/shadowpartner/shadowstar in royals, non of them affect by alchemist. Im not sure it was intentional or something wrong becuz i did really calculate those shadowstar+cider for my nl real life fren back in maplesea,more than 5 ppl -.- Maybe i was wrong?hmmm
Haste to type long posts Alchemist for the copium Shadow partner to repeat same idea Avoid and flash jump for other peoples response shadow star useless pls buff